Zhonggong Entertainment

The drama calendar of "Let the workshop move" was released, and more actions need to be unlocked!

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-26 15:25

Don't let your muscles sleep too long. It's time to wake up!

"Healthy Morning Eight" has been updated!

Lift your head and stretch your neck, "paddle" your shoulders, shake your hands, stand on your toes, and keep your wrists and ankles flexible.

The Publicity and Education Department of the All China Federation of Trade Unions recently launched the "Let's Move in the Workplace" - a short video of employee fitness for employees to use in the workplace, including seven series of shoulder and neck relaxation, fitness shaping, whole body stretching, running and fat burning.

The staff fitness short video is about 30 seconds each, which is simple and easy to do without equipment. The five demonstration activities brought in this issue are [sitting shoulder outward rotation], [neck backward confrontation], [sitting upper back stretching], [ankle encirclement], and [knee warm-up]. Come and learn together with the video!

11  Shoulder supination in sitting position

The muscles ache and feel uncomfortable after sitting for a long time, Follow the video, Effectively relieve shoulder and neck discomfort.

12  Neck backward confrontation

Cervical spondylosis used to be common in middle-aged and elderly people, In recent years, there has been a tendency to be younger, Especially one of the troubles of "office people".

This movement learning, It only takes 10 minutes every day, Health and cervical protection!

13  Sitting upper back stretching

The welfare of people who often tap the keyboard and swipe their mobile phones is coming~

Back stretching can relieve fatigue on the back of fingers, Help us better Relax muscles and restore vitality.

14  Ankle surround

Long rest and inactivity, It will cause ankle joint adhesion, muscle atrophy A series of complications such as strength decline, Don't let your sprained feet become a habit, Please protect your ankle like this.

15  Knee warm-up

Knee pain and joint injury always occur What should I do? How to relieve pain? A simple way Protect your knee anywhere, anytime.

Favourite powder welfare is coming~

Save this "drama" calendar of sports, Catch up and move

(Publicity and Education Department of All China Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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