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Ten thousand employees from the Yangtze River Delta and cooperation areas came to Shanghai for treatment and recuperation

24 starting groups from 5 provinces "set out for happiness"

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-26 07:38

Original title: Ten thousand employees from the Yangtze River Delta and cooperation areas came to Shanghai for treatment, recuperation and exchange (introduction)

24 starting groups from 5 provinces "set out for happiness" (theme)

CAMCE( Worker's Daily - China Industrial Network Reporter Pei Longxiang) On May 21, the exchange activity of "set out for happiness" for thousands of workers from the Yangtze River Delta and cooperation areas to come to Shanghai for treatment and recuperation was officially launched at the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai. Twenty four health care teams from 23 cities (cities) in 5 provinces (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian and Guangdong) and nearly 1000 employees gathered in Shanghai to start the "journey of happiness".

It is reported that this recuperation exchange activity focuses on model workers, front-line team leaders, excellent technical workers, new employment workers and other worker groups. The event was jointly organized by the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions in collaboration with the trade unions in the Yangtze River Delta and the provinces in the region, supported by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Shanghai Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Shanghai Municipal Cooperation Office and other departments, taking the 2024 international consumption season and the fifth Shanghai "May 5th Shopping Festival" as an opportunity, relying on the matrix of Shanghai staff health care bases, and carrying the "Happiness Express" brand activity of the Shanghai Federation, We will expand health care exchange activities and jointly build a "happy ecosystem" for mutual enjoyment.

At the launch ceremony, the trade unions of the 16 districts in Shanghai introduced the food, beauty and characteristic culture of each district with the theme of modern city, humanistic city, charming city and ecological city, and sent the most sincere invitation to introduce the colorful Shanghai to the staff in Shanghai; Shanghai Disneyland Resort provides stage performances for staff coming to Shanghai, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

It is worth mentioning that the trade unions of the 16 districts and related industries in Shanghai have carefully designed different theme activity routes for the staff teams coming to Shanghai for treatment and recuperation based on their respective regional and industrial characteristics.

Since 2023, when the first session of the Yangtze River Delta and collaboration area staff health and recuperation exchange activity was launched, the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions has jointly built innovative health and recuperation positions, enjoyed exclusive health and recuperation routes, and sent each other to the health and recuperation teams. A total of 28000 staff have participated in the activity, which has greatly boosted the regional cultural, commercial, travel and consumption costs, and has been well received by all parties.

The Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions said that it would continue to amplify the brand effect of staff health and recuperation exchange activities in the Yangtze River Delta and cooperation regions, promote the formation of a normalized mechanism, give full play to the positive role of trade union organizations at all levels in promoting the upgrading of cultural, business and travel consumption, and constantly strengthen the exchange and interaction of staff in all regions, Boost the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta and the cooperative regions.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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