Zhonggong Entertainment

2024 Green Travel Public Welfare Design Competition Scheme

Source: China Communications News
2024-05-24 19:17

Original title: 2024 Green Travel Public Welfare Design Competition Scheme

In order to further promote the priority development of urban public transport, improve the urban green travel service system, improve aging accessible travel services, and create a good atmosphere for public transport and green travel, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration of Public Affairs, the All China Federation of Trade Unions, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and other departments, Green travel publicity month and public transport travel publicity week activities have been carried out continuously for many years. As one of the important contents of all previous green travel publicity months and public transport travel publicity weeks, China Communications Daily and other organizations held a green travel public service design contest at the same time.

From now on, China Communications Daily, together with relevant guidance and support units, launched the 2024 Green Travel Public Welfare Design Contest to collect and select excellent publicity posters for the public and comprehensively demonstrate green travel culture, awareness and effectiveness. The award-winning works will be recommended by the Ministry of Transport and other departments to be popularized and used everywhere, and the public will be widely mobilized to actively participate in green travel activities.

1、 Organization

Guiding units: Department of Transport Services of the Ministry of Transport, Department of Energy Conservation Management of Public Institutions of the State Administration of Organ Affairs, China Seamen's Construction Trade Union, Central Social Liaison Department of the Communist Youth League

Sponsor: China Communications Daily

Supporters: Beijing Bus, Beijing Metro, Guangzhou Bus, Guangzhou Metro, Wuhan Metro, Shenzhen East Bus, Qingdao Zhenqing Bus, Gaode Map, Didi Qingju, Hello, Meituan Bicycle.

2、 Theme

The content of the work should focus on the concept of public transport priority for green travel, adhere to the publicity characteristics of public welfare, and promote the positive energy of green travel around the spirit of documents such as the Outline of Building a Transport Power and Several Opinions on Promoting the Healthy and Sustainable Development of Urban Public Transport. The encouraged design direction specifically includes:

1. Develop new energy buses

Promote the application of new energy urban bus, bus station charging and changing infrastructure construction, etc.

2. Continuously improve aging and barrier free travel services

Build a model line for respecting and loving the elderly, promote the application of low floor and low entrance urban buses and trolley buses, and optimize aging accessible services.

3. Caring for drivers and passengers

Publicize "the most beautiful bus drivers" and "the most beautiful subway people", and promote measures to care for employees such as staff lounge and love station.

4. Smart services enhance the attractiveness of public transportation

Customized public transportation, such as commuting, school commuting, medical treatment, demand responsive public transportation, "one yard pass", etc.

5. Promote public transport priority

Ensure bus priority and realize continuous network of bus lanes. Improve the quality and efficiency of public transport services, promote the integration of public transport and subway, develop micro cycle public transport, "public transport+tourism" and other services.

6. Encourage and advocate "135" green travel mode

Green travel modes such as walking within 1km, cycling within 3km, and public transportation around 5km are advocated. Strengthen the connection between slow traffic and public transport.

7. Everyone is responsible for safe driving

"One less day a week", safe driving, civilized driving, etc.

8. Green travel "new youth"

Guide teenagers to actively participate in the "Beautiful China · Youth Action", lead green travel fashion, and establish energy conservation and environmental awareness.

3、 Competition process

In late May, the competition was launched;

On July 15, the collection of works is closed;

July 18-24, online display;

Organize expert review meeting in early August;

In mid August, excellent works were distributed to all regions;

In mid September, excellent works were released at the launch ceremony of Green Travel Publicity Month and Public Transport Travel Publicity Week.

4、 Entry mode

(1) Entry requirements

The competition is open to the whole society, and any individual or team can apply.

Encourage local transportation authorities, trade unions, Youth League committees, public institutions, enterprises, schools, etc. to recommend excellent works for the competition. Transport colleges, government agencies, design units, scientific research units, colleges and universities, public transport enterprises, hospitals, etc. are encouraged to participate in the competition in the name of teams.

(2) Registration and evaluation requirements

Each contestant (team) fills in the application form (Annex 1), works originality statement (Annex 2) and sends an email to the organizing committee's mailbox together with the works lscx@zgjtb.com The subject format of the mail is "2024 Green Travel Public Welfare Publicity Competition". Each piece (set) of work shall be accompanied by an application form and a statement of originality of the work. The deadline for submission is July 15.

After the collection of works and the preliminary evaluation, online publicity will be conducted. During the publicity of works, public supervision will be accepted and complaints about the originality of poster design will be accepted.

The sponsor will also organize representatives of the management department, professional designers, media communication experts, representatives of the public transport industry, etc. to review the entries from the theme, composition, color, creativity, effect and other aspects.

(3) Copyright requirements

1. The entries must be original, and the entries should have independent and complete copyright. The entries must not be used commercially or authorized by others.

2. The contestants shall ensure that the submitted works do not infringe any rights of a third party, including (but not limited to) copyright, reputation right, portrait right, privacy right and trademark right. In case of any dispute caused by the above contents, all legal liabilities shall be borne by the participants, and the organizer will reserve the right to cancel the qualification and recover the award.

3. If more than one person cooperates, it is required to obtain the consent of all partners and indicate the names of all partners.

4. The sponsor has the right to use the award-winning works in non-profit activities, and the author has the right of authorship.

5. When submitting the work, the contestant shall submit the statement of originality of the work (Annex 2).

6. The author of the award-winning works shall sign the copyright authorization letter (Annex 3) to authorize the relevant departments and enterprises in the transportation industry to release and use the relevant works in public places, websites, screens, etc.

5、 Award setting

(1) Grade Award

One first prize, 5000 yuan (before tax), certificate issued;

Two second prizes, 2000 yuan each (before tax), and certificates;

Three third prizes, 1000 yuan (before tax) for each prize, with certificates issued;

(2) Participation Award

1. Competition participation award. Distribute certificates, badges and other souvenirs to individuals and groups who have entered the competition.

2. Individuals, teams and units actively participating in this activity will recommend superior departments to participate in the "2024 Green Travel Publicity Month and Public Transport Travel Publicity Week".

3. To actively promote the "bus talent" of this activity, issue souvenirs such as certificate and badge of green travel public service talent.

6、 Relevant statements

1. Each participant or public institution owns intellectual property rights to their design results, which shall be protected by relevant national laws and regulations.

2. The organizer of the event shall enjoy all property copyrights of the design achievements that have won the excellent works award. If you sign up for the competition, you will be deemed to agree to this agreement.

3. The award-winning result of the evaluation committee shall be regarded as the final decision, and no appeal from any way shall be accepted.

4. All participants are deemed to agree to the rules of this competition.

5. The final interpretation right of the event belongs to the sponsor.

6. Tel: 010-65293981.

Annex 1 Application Form for 2024 Green Travel Public Welfare Design Contest.docx

Annex 2 Statement of Originality of Works in 2024 Green Travel Public Welfare Design Competition (template). docx

Annex 3 Copyright Authorization for Outstanding Works of 2024 Green Travel Public Welfare Design Competition (Template). docx

Annex 4 Green Travel Publicity Month and Public Transport Travel Publicity Week LOGO.rar

Editor in charge: Chi Yuyang

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