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China Unicom+| Further Deepen the Reform Comprehensively and the General Secretary Raises Two More Directions

Source: CCTV Network
2024-05-24 16:39

Original title: China Unicom+| To further deepen the reform in an all-round way, the General Secretary proposed two more orientations

Reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for contemporary China to catch up with the times by leaps and bounds, and a key move to determine the success or failure of Chinese style modernization.

On May 23, during his visit to Shandong, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium of enterprises and experts, stressing that to further deepen the reform comprehensively, we should anchor the general goal of improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, closely promote Chinese style modernization, adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, and rush to problems Focus on the problem and change it.

The goal is the guide of action, and the problem is the direction of breakthrough. Adhering to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation is an important working method that our Party has always adhered to in various reform practices. The General Secretary mentioned these two orientations again, which has far-reaching implications.

First, let's look at goal orientation.

Goal orientation is based on the premise of meeting the goal, reverses resource allocation, time allocation, and links strategies, tactics, methods and means.

On November 15, 2012, the first day of his election as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping said when meeting with Chinese and foreign journalists, "The people's aspiration for a better life is our goal." In his speech that day, the General Secretary mentioned "the people" 19 times. At that time, some critics thought that "China's New Deal has taken shape".

In order to achieve this simple and ambitious goal, the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform held its first meeting in early 2014. At the meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to grasp the overall situation, assess the situation, make overall plans, implement scientifically, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties, and unswervingly move towards the goal of comprehensively deepening reform.

Four years later, according to the Plan for Deepening the Reform of Party and State Institutions, the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform was changed to the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform.

From the Central Deep Reform Commission to the Central Deep Reform Commission, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over more than 70 meetings in the past 10 years, anchored goals, strengthened the top-level design of reform, and launched a series of reform measures, which effectively improved the people's sense of happiness, gain, and security.

As a blueprint for further deepening reform, the preparation of the 14th Five Year Plan is closely related to the production and life of the people. During the drafting of the "14th Five Year Plan", General Secretary Xi Jinping personally presided over seven symposiums to listen to voices from all sides.

In order to make the people live a better life, the General Secretary often sits around with the people during the local investigation and survey to check the truth, listen to the voice of the people and make good plans. Under his guidance and promotion, China has implemented a series of reform plans to weave a livelihood security network from all aspects of clothing, food, housing, education, medical care, old-age care and so on.

△ In recent years, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, from exploring the establishment of the national basic elderly care service list system, to building a "Chinese style" elderly care service system coordinated by home and community institutions, to rationalizing the elderly care service supervision mechanism, a number of "practical" and "hard" reforms in the elderly care service field have been implemented and achieved results. The picture shows the elderly learning to play musical instruments in Yaoyang Elderly Care Service Center, Hanshan District, Handan City, Hebei Province.

At this forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping also made it clear that to focus on reform and promote development is, in the final analysis, to make people live a better life. This once again demonstrates that everything in comprehensively deepening reform is to achieve the goal of a better life for the people.

Each specific deployment points to the target:

Pursue the long-term - plan and promote reform from the overall, fundamental and long-term interests of the people, and follow the Party's mass line in the new era.

Find breakthrough - focus on finding the driving force and breakthrough point of reform from employment, income increase, enrollment, medical treatment, housing, services, childcare and old-age care, life and property safety and other urgent needs of the people.

Clear path - introduce more reform measures that are urgent for people's livelihood and popular support, and do more practical things that benefit people's livelihood, warm people's hearts, and conform to public opinion.

Focusing on practical results - so that the reform can give the people more sense of gain, happiness and security.

Look again at problem orientation.

With the deepening of reform practice in various fields, some deep-seated system and mechanism problems and barriers of interest consolidation are increasingly emerging, and the reform has entered a critical period and a deepwater area.

Problem orientation takes finding problems as the premise and solving problems as the purpose. Its core meaning is to deeply understand the essence of problems based on practical situations.

In the view of General Secretary Xi Jinping, "every era has its own problems. As long as we scientifically understand, accurately grasp and correctly solve these problems, we can push our society forward".

Adhering to the problem orientation has greatly enhanced the initiative and pertinence of comprehensively deepening the reform, and ensured the direction and effectiveness of the reform to the greatest extent.

Reviewing the process of comprehensively deepening reform in China, General Secretary Xi Jinping took deepening the supply side structural reform as the main line to promote the continuous optimization of the layout and structure of the state-owned economy. This has laid a solid foundation for China's high-quality economic development.

Faced with the reality that China once had 832 poverty-stricken counties, 128000 poverty-stricken villages and nearly 100 million poverty-stricken people, the General Secretary took targeted poverty alleviation as the strategy and led the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to win an eight year battle against poverty. This will provide stable happiness for hundreds of millions of poor people.

With regard to the problems existing in the scientific and technological system, rural land system, ecological civilization system and other aspects, the General Secretary went deep into the front-line research at the grass-roots level again and again, deployed and promoted a series of reform measures, overcame many problems that have not been solved for a long time with reform ideas and methods, and accomplished many long-term important events.

△ In recent years, China has comprehensively deepened reform and opening up, implemented the strategy of upgrading pilot free trade zones, and the construction of 22 pilot free trade zones and Hainan Free Trade Port has flourished. The picture shows Yangpu Economic Development Zone, a key park of Hainan Free Trade Port, photographed on December 29, 2023.

At present, China has embarked on a new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization. In the face of the new situation and new tasks, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out at this forum that we should go to the problem and focus on the problem reform, resolutely remove the ideas and institutional drawbacks that hinder the promotion of Chinese style modernization, and strive to solve the deep-seated institutional obstacles and structural contradictions.

In terms of specific areas, the General Secretary pointed out that:

To promote the reform of the economic system - we should proceed from the practical needs, start from the most urgent things, and deepen theoretical innovation and promote institutional innovation in solving practical problems.

Reform in other fields - we should focus on the overall and strategic issues to plan reform measures and achieve a clear outline.

If the reform is broken and established, we should get twice the result with half the effort if we get the law, and not get half the result with half the effort if we get the law, or even produce negative effects. Goal oriented and problem oriented have different tasks and priorities. In the process of further deepening reform, new breakthroughs can be made only through coordination and mutual benefit.

Prepared by Director | Luo Hongbing and Wei Quhu

Supervisor | Wang Jingdong

Chief Editor | Li Xuan

Edit | Li Dan

Vision | Chen Teng

Proofread | Cai Chunlin, Sun Jie, Song Chunyan, Lou Hao, Li Yingzhuo

Produced | CCTV

Editor in charge: Chi Yuyang

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