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Jizhou District, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province explores the "new farmer+industry" model to drive one industry to enrich a group of people

Source: People's Daily
2024-05-24 12:50

Original title: Jizhou District, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province explores the "new farmer+industry" model (introduction)

Drive one industry to enrich a group of people (theme)

People's Daily reporter Zhu Lei

Early in the morning, Rao Jianhui, a farmer, and his family were busy in Qingkeyuan Vegetable Base, Zhangshan Town, Jizhou District, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province. Two hours later, more than 1000 jin of cabbages were collected, washed, packed and sent to the vegetable wholesale market. "I planted 10 mu of vegetables here, and the annual income can reach 150000 yuan."

"Farmers here only need to worry about production and nothing else. We are all responsible for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure and vegetable sales. Farmers account for the majority of profits." said Yin Haiyun, the head of the base.

Qingkeyuan Vegetable Base covers an area of more than 60 mu. It was founded by Yin Haiyun, Yin Haiyun and other new farmers in Qinghu Village, Zhangshan Town. It has adopted the mode of "company+base+farmers", developed more than 200 fruit and vegetable greenhouses and planted more than 30 kinds of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

"How to make use of new farmers to develop rural characteristic industries is a problem I have been thinking about." Huang Binlong, secretary of the village party branch, has been engaged in vegetable trafficking business in Beijing for more than 20 years. Under his leadership, Qinghu Village introduced new farmers, established Qingkeyuan Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Hanqi Science and Technology Agricultural Development Professional Cooperative, and transferred more than 1200 mu of land to drive farmers to develop the vegetable industry. The average annual income of farmers is 2000 yuan, and the village collective income is 200000 yuan.

At present, Zhangshan Town has established a group of vegetable bases for new farmers to return home and start their own businesses, and 384 vegetable greenhouses have been built. Zhangshan Town introduces new farmers to expand the vegetable industry, which is a microcosm of Jizhou District's exploration of the "new farmers+industry" model to boost the revitalization of rural industries. You Wenliang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jizhou District Committee and head of the Organization Department, introduced that Jizhou District has explored the establishment of a "three return and three belt" mechanism with the content of "attracting talents to return, projects to return, funds to return, and achieving governance excellence, industry prosperity, and the masses to bring wealth", constantly strengthening work measures, and boosting the overall revitalization of the countryside. Up to now, with the main line of the activity of "providing one piece of information, introducing one project, driving one industry and enriching a group of people", 18 projects have been attracted and more than 1 billion yuan of entrepreneurial capital has been brought back.

You Wenliang said that this year, Jizhou District will continue to implement the cultivation plan of "new farmers", carry out the action of "returning wild geese to their nests", give play to the driving force of new farmers, focus on standardization, scale and brand development, accelerate the construction of a modern agricultural industry development system, cultivate 59 large-scale industrial bases, and achieve the goal of enriching people's industrial planting area of 130000 mu in the whole district.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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