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Stimulate new momentum Fujian adds "number" running -- written at the opening of the 7th Digital China Construction Summit

Source: Fujian Daily
2024-05-24 11:55

Original title: Stimulating new momentum Fujian added "number" run (theme)

——Written on the occasion of the opening of the 7th Digital China Construction Summit (subtitle)

Reporter Lin Wei

In the era of interconnection of all things, a "number" arouses thousands of waves.

From the beginning of the 21st century, "you can see the data of the whole province at the click of the mouse", the nationwide digital construction has kicked off in Fujian; By 2023, Fujian provincial government websites will rank first in the country for two consecutive years. The added value of the province's digital economy will exceed 2.9 trillion yuan, contributing more than 53% to GDP. Fujian is moving towards the future at full speed with the empowerment of data elements.

"Releasing the value of data elements and developing new quality productivity" is the theme of this Digital China Construction Summit. As a new factor of production that accelerates the formation of new quality productivity, data is different from land and other traditional factors of production in its biggest characteristic - "number multiplied by everything", and has the multiplier effect of amplification, superposition and multiplication. Whether it is a traditional industry that needs digital transformation or a strategic emerging industry based on data, data and industry promote and stimulate each other, bursting out new momentum for high-quality development of China's economy.

Another grand gathering of wisdom. Fujian, the birthplace of digital China's construction practice, is radiating the vitality of promoting the development and utilization of public data resources, maintaining the national leadership of digital government, and enabling economic and social development.

Development and utilization, exploration and competition

A series of questions, such as how to define property rights of data elements, how to gather and develop data resources, and how to achieve compliance and efficiency in data circulation, are new topics that must be answered when developing and utilizing public data resources and releasing the value of data elements.

From "0" to "1", Fujian took the lead in answering questions.

In 2020, our province will be listed as a national pilot province for the development and utilization of public data resources, and it will be the first time in the country to creatively propose a hierarchical development model for public data resources; In 2021, promote the promulgation of the Regulations on the Development of Fujian Big Data, and establish Fujian Big Data Company for innovative management and operation; In 2022, the Administrative Measures for the Open Development of Public Data Resources in Fujian Province (Trial) will be formulated to launch the public data resource development service platform; In 2023, we will focus on promoting the construction of public data application scenarios, and take the lead in promoting the efficient and sustainable direct supply of public data for social security... We have contributed "Fujian experience" to the national data infrastructure construction.

In the past year alone, our province has formulated and implemented policy documents such as the Plan for the Construction of Fujian Integrated Public Data System and the Plan for the Implementation of the Marketization Reform of Data Elements in Fujian Province to vigorously promote the construction of the province's integrated public data system, optimize and improve the three basic platforms of public data aggregation and sharing, unified opening, and development services in the province, Build Fujian big data trading platform. It has taken the lead in comprehensively, systematically and completely promoting the development and utilization of public data resources in China.

In today's Fujian, data is available - the provincial and municipal public data aggregation and sharing platform is connected to 2009 systems, and the total amount of aggregated data has exceeded 160 billion, realizing "all should be collected" and "all should be connected". On this basis, carry out data entry collection and optimize basic databases such as "one enterprise, one file" and "one person, one file".

Data flow is dynamic - a circulation infrastructure system supporting departmental data sharing, open development of public data and data circulation transactions has been established to meet the demand for data circulation interaction within the government, between the government and social subjects, and between social subjects and social subjects. 23000 open public data directories and 120 million downloads have been provided to the society in total 3290 development public data directories and 3.72 million data services.

Real data use - continue to deepen the scientific decision-making, government services, precise governance, industrial development and other scenarios of data enabling, and a number of data element enabling applications have emerged in financial, textile, steel and other industries. At present, there are more than 670 data sharing application scenarios in government departments, and nearly 100 public data development service applications.

Digital government, keeping ahead

In recent days, the number of visitors registered to visit the Digital China Construction Summit through the Fujian Zhengtong App has continued to rise.

In order to let more people understand and participate in the digital event, Fujian Political Communication has recently launched the theme of Digital China Construction Summit. People just click the "Digital China Construction Summit" topic in the popular services on the home page of the app, select "Visit Registration", fill in personal information and submit it.

One touch, one network, one station. In January this year, Fujian's political links were renewed and upgraded, and the level of standardization, standardization and facilitation of government services was further improved. Up to now, there are 62.3 million registered users, nearly 450000 active users per workday, and more than 800 high-frequency events. Medical insurance, social insurance, provident fund and other matters closely related to the people have become the top three services, accounting for more than 64.5% of the total number of users.

Easy to use, easy to use and versatile, Fujian Zhengtong is a microcosm of our province's leading position in the field of digital government affairs for many years.

In 2023, Fujian Province's provincial digital government service capability was evaluated as "excellent" by the China Software Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The provincial integrated government service capability evaluation ranked first in the country for many consecutive years, and more than 99% of the province's affairs were online.

The experience and practice of "one network is easy to handle, and the whole city is accessible" in Fuzhou's government service, and the experience and practice of "digital government doorplates" in Quanzhou reach the people's' doorstep ', and facilitate the government service "have been published by the General Office of the State Council and promoted nationwide; Xiamen government website performance evaluation ranked first in sub provincial cities for two consecutive years; Pingtan took the lead in realizing the "full online registration" of Taiwan funded enterprises, and pioneered the "free application and instant access" of individual income tax subsidies for Taiwan residents

The leading digital government not only provides real convenience for people and enterprises, but also provides big data support for government scientific decision-making.

Fujian's economic and social operation and high-quality development monitoring and performance management platform, which will be launched in 2022, is the first in the country to integrate the province's macro-economy and performance management. It has gathered more than 1.55 million pieces of key data from more than 300 digital source units at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and about 300 million pieces of original public data involving high-frequency power, tax, transportation, business entities, etc. At present, the platform has established nearly 5000 monitoring indicators. Through a scientific and top-down indicator system, it has built a normalized analysis and judgment mechanism, taking the lead in achieving weekly economic operation monitoring and analysis at the provincial level.

Data enabling for the future

Facing the future, how can mobile data empower more industries? Strengthening infrastructure construction has been put in a prominent position by Fujian.

In 2023, Fujian formulated and implemented a three-year action plan for new infrastructure construction in the province. A blueprint that focuses on optimizing the layout of digital infrastructure in the province is becoming a real picture day by day.

At present, our province has built more than 100000 5G base stations, and is the first to complete full coverage 30 kilometers from the coastline. Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Sanming, Longyan and other six cities have reached gigabit cities. Five identification resolution nodes have been built in the province, and the number of identification registrations has reached 740 million, an increase of 60% over the end of 2022. Fuzhou AI Computing Center was listed in the first batch of national new generation AI public computing power open innovation platform (preparatory), and Ningde Sanduao is building the first 5G smart ocean demonstration zone in China.

The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission believes that the pioneering exploration of innovative hierarchical development and utilization of data resources, the country's leading digital government service level and the strong promotion of digital infrastructure construction have collectively gathered the surging power to enable the future economic and social development of our province.

In recent years, the development of digital economy in our province has delivered a brilliant report card: the scale of industrial clusters of integrated circuit and optoelectronics, computer and network communication equipment has exceeded 200 billion yuan, the output value of five digital industry clusters, including Mawei Internet of Things and Wuping New Display, has exceeded 100 billion yuan, the transaction volume of 10 provincial key digital platforms has exceeded 10 billion yuan, Fuzhou Xiamen was included in the list of the first batch of pilot cities for digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, and Ningde Times, Yamaha, Kebang Nylon, and Sunshine Zhongke were shortlisted for the national industrial Internet pilot demonstration.

Data empowerment and digital society construction also run forward.

At present, Fujian has basically achieved the full coverage application of mutual recognition of examination and test results of public hospitals above the second level and image sharing. The mutual recognition of examination and test results has achieved "millisecond level sharing". The cumulative number of mutual recognition of examination and test items is about 441 million. Telemedicine has achieved 100% full coverage of primary medical and health institutions; The province has built an integrated ecological environment Internet of Things perception "one network", iteratively upgraded the ecological cloud platform, carried out monitoring and early warning of changes in ecological functions of national key ecological functional areas and counties, and accelerated the construction of ecological digitalization; The construction of digital urban and rural areas is thriving, the construction of urban operation management platform is steadily advancing, and 10 digital agriculture innovation application bases and more than 500 agricultural Internet of Things application bases have been built... Data elements are giving new impetus to a broader social field and richer application scenarios, and the digital services for people's production and life are also increasingly enriched and improved.

Facing the future, people are calling for a better life that releases the value of data elements.

Editor in charge: Wang Yan

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