Zhonggong Entertainment

Note that these seemingly relaxing movements are actually stealing your health

Source: CCTV life circle
2024-05-24 13:23

Original title: Notice that these seemingly relaxing actions are actually stealing your health

In our life

There are many inconspicuous habits

It seems to be relaxing

But it's stealing your health

such as Turn off the lights and play with your mobile phone, cross your legs

Go to bed after lunch

What can I do to relax at the same time

Is it also good for our health?

Let's see it together ↓


Turn off lights and play with mobile phones

From visual fatigue to glaucoma

Many people play with their mobile phones for a while before going to bed or after waking up in the morning In a dark environment with no lights on This seemingly relaxed behavior is actually hurting your health.

After the lights are turned off, the brightness of the mobile phone screen is more dazzling, and the eyes are easy to feel tired, Increased risk of myopia

In addition, if you look at your mobile phone lying on your side in dim light for a long time, because the distance between your eyes and the screen is not equal, the refractive state is different It leads to different degrees of myopia in both eyes. If you play with your mobile phone in a dark environment, the pupil will enlarge for a long time, and the liquid circulation in the eye will be blocked. Acute angle closure glaucoma may be found Glaucoma can cause blindness.

Can't help playing with mobile phones before going to bed and when waking up

Pay attention to these three points

Choose the right environment: Whether you play with your mobile phone before bed or in the morning, you should turn on the light, Avoid darkness You can use a light with lower brightness and lower the brightness of your phone to make it soft and unobtrusive. The phone can set a font with appropriate size and unobtrusive background color. Don't lie on your side looking at your phone: Otherwise, it will hurt both eyes and cervical vertebra. answer Keep sitting and look at the phone from a horizontal angle , leaving your eyes in a relaxed state. The distance of the mobile phone is generally about 50cm. Try to control the use time of mobile phones: Playing with your mobile phone for too long before going to bed will not only hurt your eyes, but also affect the secretion of melatonin, thus affecting your sleep. stay After using the mobile phone for 20 minutes, you need to rest your eyes You can also try to increase the blink frequency to promote tear secretion.


Go to bed after lunch

Affect digestion

Many people feel sleepy after lunch and want to take a nap to have a good rest, but this habit is actually bad for their health.

After lunch, there is more food in the stomach, gastrointestinal peristalsis is strengthened, and blood circulation is accelerated. If you take a nap immediately at this time, it is easy to slow down the peristalsis of the intestines and stomach, and the food can not be fully digested and absorbed, affecting digestion.

It's healthier to take a nap

Take a nap half an hour after dinner And don't eat too much for lunch to avoid stomach discomfort caused by indigestion. The best nap time is 20-30 minutes , help to slow down the heart rate and protect the heart. The nap time should not be too late, Don't take a nap after 15:00 To avoid affecting sleep at night.


Cross your legs

Very unfriendly to bone health

Many people like to cross their legs when sitting. They think it is more comfortable to sit like this, and it can also relieve the tense muscles in the soles of their feet. but If you cross your legs for a long time, it may harm your bone health

When people cross their legs, they tend to bend and hunch over, resulting in uneven pressure distribution in the lumbar spine, thoracic spine and spine, May damage the health of the lumbar spine and spine.

The hip joint and knee joint, which are twisted for a long time, will increase the pressure on the internal structure of the joint, Injury to hip and knee joints. For middle-aged and elderly people whose cartilage structure has been degraded to varying degrees Increased risk of osteoarthritis.

When you cross your legs, the venous return of the legs is blocked, and the venous pressure increases Increased risk of varicose veins in the lower extremities.

Can't help but remember these three points when crossing your legs

Not more than 15 minutes: The time to cross your legs each time should not be too long, preferably not more than 15 minutes. Regular activities: Many people have already formed the habit of crossing their legs, so it is suggested that when crossing their legs, they should pay attention to the alternation of their legs, try not to lean to one side for a long time, and then get up and move for a while. Relax tense muscles: Many people are used to crossing their legs because their muscles are out of balance, and their body "needs" to support the imbalance by crossing their legs. Therefore, these tense muscles need to be relaxed to restore body balance. In our daily life, we can Through massage and kneading Relax the tense muscles.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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