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Tianjin Jinnan District: "Smart Trade Union" provides more accurate and efficient services

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-24 10:53

CAMERnet News "The introduction of the trade union, the activity center, the service map, assistance, opinion collection, legal aid... we have all the things that our employees need, and the mobile phone will solve the problem at one point!" Recently, the WeChat applet of "Jinnan District Smart Trade Union" was officially launched, and the employees of Tianjin Haier Washing Machine Co., Ltd. gathered around to discuss the service content of the applet.

Tianjin Jinnan District Federation of Trade Unions attaches great importance to the digital and intelligent construction of the trade union system, conducts in-depth research among front-line workers at the grass-roots level, understands the needs of workers, solidly promotes the construction of the "smart trade union" project in Jinnan District, and strives to make trade union services more accurate, timely and efficient through digital and intelligent means. In the process of construction, the District Federation of Trade Unions closely conforms to the reality of the trade union, integrates resources, and relies on the data lake cloud resource environment of Jinnan District to develop the "Jinnan District Smart Trade Union" WeChat applet and background management system, which includes basic modules such as trade union news, smart post, transition management, event registration, member services, and strives to pass the "smart trade union" Build and promote the optimization of labor union work process and mode innovation, and improve the service quality and overall efficiency of labor union organizations. In order to ensure that the construction of the "Smart Trade Union" project in Jinnan District has achieved practical results, the District Federation of Trade Unions insisted on highlighting demand orientation and problem orientation, held a joint meeting with the District Network Information Office, the District Big Data Center and other departments to jointly study, judge and promote, and invited grassroots trade union cadres and staff representatives to hold a forum to solicit opinions and suggestions.

In terms of promoting the "offline+online" three-dimensional service model of the trade union post, Jinnan District Federation of Trade Unions learned from the experience of the construction of the "24-hour smart post" in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, focused on how to further enrich the service content and form of the post, and traveled around the district's large supermarkets, transportation hubs, office buildings and other crowd gathering areas to seek opinions and suggestions from staff representatives, Efforts will be made to promote the transformation of the trade union post station from "whether it is good or not" to "whether it is good or not", to help the trade union post station "select the right", "promote innovation" and "promote vitality" by using digital and intelligent means, and to provide 24-hour "mother family" warm protection for workers in new employment patterns in more regions.

The construction of the "Smart Trade Union" project in Jinnan District adheres to the principle of "digital based", connecting the people, organizations and information resources scattered in the physical space of the trade union, forming a "business flow" and "information flow" on the network, and meeting the practical needs of the grass-roots trade unions for their own digital and intellectual work. For example, by setting up online special areas such as "trade union organization change and mid session adjustment" and "event registration", trade union cadres can run away less and "one click" online. At the same time, as a supplier of trade union services and content directly for employees, the grassroots trade union can also obtain real information feedback and summarize it to the District Federation of Trade Unions to further revise and improve the "smart trade union" project, forming a data closed-loop of "connecting to the end, real-time feedback".

(Wu Shuping, reporter of Tianjin Workers' Daily)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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