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Several policies release positive signals that China's economy continues to recover and ushers in multiple benefits

Source: CCTV Network
2024-05-24 10:55

Original title: A number of policies release positive signals that China's economy continues to recover, ushering in multiple benefits

CCTV news: On May 20, the Ministry of Commerce of China released the announcement of the working mechanism of the List of Unreliable Entities on taking measures against the List of Unreliable Entities of three American enterprises, including General Atomic Aviation Systems. Some media asked whether China's re use of the "List of Unreliable Entities" means that China's attitude towards foreign investment has changed? At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Commerce held on May 23, the spokesman responded to this.  


The spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce said that the Chinese government is unswervingly promoting high-level opening up, firmly safeguarding the multilateral trading system, and firmly safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of various market operators. China has always prudently dealt with the list of unreliable entities, only targeting a few foreign entities that endanger China's national security, and honest and law-abiding foreign entities need not worry at all.


He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the Chinese government, as always, welcomes enterprises from all over the world to invest and start businesses in China, and is committed to providing a stable, fair and predictable business environment for law-abiding foreign-funded enterprises to operate in China.

National Development and Reform Commission: 22 measures will be taken to reduce the cost of real economy enterprises

On May 23, the reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments jointly issued a notice on key work of cost reduction recently. China will take 22 measures from seven aspects to reduce the cost of enterprises in the real economy.


We should improve the targeted effectiveness of preferential tax policies, optimize preferential tax policies, and strengthen the supervision of enterprise related charges. Focusing on government departments and subordinate units, industry associations, financial institutions, natural gas pipeline networks and water supply enterprises and other fields, investigate and deal with illegal charges of intermediary services for administrative approval, illegal charges of industry associations relying on administrative power, failure of financial institutions to implement fee relief policies, failure of natural gas pipeline networks and water supply enterprises to implement government pricing and other acts in accordance with the law.

We should improve the quality and efficiency of financial services for the real economy, create a good monetary and financial environment, promote the steady decline of loan interest rates, guide the precise "drip irrigation" of financial resources, continue to optimize financial services, and reduce the exchange rate hedging costs of small and medium-sized enterprises.

In terms of reducing institutional transaction costs, the notice requires that institutional transaction costs should be continuously reduced by creating a fair competitive market environment, strengthening intellectual property protection, and standardizing bidding and government procurement systems.


In terms of easing the pressure on labor costs of enterprises, we should continue to reduce some social insurance rates in stages. Continue to implement the policy of phased reduction of unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance rates, and extend the implementation period to the end of 2025. At the same time, we should support enterprises to stabilize and expand their positions, and strengthen the joint construction and sharing of public training bases.

In addition, we should reduce the cost of raw materials for enterprises' land use, promote the improvement of logistics quality, efficiency and cost reduction, support the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, guide enterprises to improve production and operation efficiency, and effectively reduce the cost of enterprises in the real economy through these practical measures.

In the first quarter, China's international cruise transport passengers exceeded 190000

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) introduced on May 22 that in the first quarter of this year, China's international cruise travel volume of domestic and foreign passengers exceeded 190000 person times, and China's cruise tourism market showed a rapid recovery and growth trend. It is reported that in recent years, China has introduced a number of policies and measures to promote the development of the cruise economy, and China's cruise industry has gradually recovered and continued to improve. The first domestic large cruise ship "Ida Mordor" has successfully operated more than 30 voyages, and the second large cruise ship entered the stage of final assembly in April. Cruise tourism has recovered rapidly, and new routes such as Southeast Asia have been developed on the basis of traditional routes such as inland rivers, coastal areas, Japan and South Korea. The recovery of inbound cruise routes has been accelerated. Since this year, 21 international cruise ships have been operating at ports in China.

The 20-year ultra long term special treasury bonds will be issued on the 24th

According to the issuance arrangement of ultra long term special treasury bonds announced by the Ministry of Finance, this morning (May 24), the 20-year ultra long term special treasury bonds will be officially launched, which are fixed rate interest bearing bonds, with a total issuance amount of 40 billion yuan, and will be issued through bidding through the government bond issuance system of the Beijing Stock Exchange of the Ministry of Finance. The coupon rate was determined after the competitive bidding of the underwriting group this morning. The interest of this treasury bond will be calculated from tomorrow, and the interest will be paid semi annually on May 25 and November 25 of each year. The principal and the last interest will be paid on May 25, 2044. According to the notice of the Ministry of Finance, this issue of treasury bonds will be distributed until May 27 after the bidding ends, and will be listed for trading from May 29.

The 6th Western China International Trade and Investment Fair opened in Chongqing

The 6th Western China International Trade and Investment Fair opened in Chongqing on the 23rd. With the theme of "New West, New Manufacturing and New Service", the Fair will attract 1748 enterprises from 40 countries and regions as well as 27 provinces (districts and cities) in China to participate in the Fair, and will hold 12 special activities such as investment promotion, new products and achievements release, and special signing.

More than 40 foreign mayors went to Chongqing Commercial City for green development

On May 22, 2024 Chongqing International Sister City Cooperation Conference opened. At the "Urban Green Development" theme exchange meeting, more than 40 mayors from 31 countries around the world focused on green development for exchange and sharing.  


The topics discussed in this exchange meeting include the impact of climate change on global cities and urban green development strategies, the role and challenges of renewable energy in the energy transition, etc. Mayors from Bangladesh, Japan, Peru, Vietnam and other places shared their experiences and practices in green development.


The Chinese and foreign guests who participated in the exchange meeting also came to the "Friendship Forest of Chongqing International Sister Cities" and planted 48 osmanthus trees symbolizing friendship.

The reconstruction project of Binsui railway section of the "East Passage" of China Europe Regular Train starts construction

On May 23, the reconstruction project of Suifenhe border line of Binsui Railway officially started, opening the prelude to the expansion and reconstruction of the rear channels of the "East Passage" Suifenhe, Manzhouli and Tongjiang railway ports of the China Europe Express. Binjiang Suiyuan Railway starts from Harbin and ends at Suifenhe, a border city between China and Russia. It has a history of 100 years, and its running speed will be increased from 55 km/h to 120 km/h.  

Tesla Shanghai Energy Storage Super Factory Officially Started

On May 23, the Tesla Shanghai Energy Storage Super Factory, located in the new area of Shanghai Lingang, officially started operation and is expected to be put into operation in the first quarter of 2025. After being put into operation, the output of the super large electrochemical commercial energy storage system will reach 10000 sets, with the energy storage capacity of nearly 40 GW hours. This is Tesla's first energy storage super factory outside the United States.

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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