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"Real gold and silver" is good, and the financing environment of real estate enterprises continues to improve

Source: Economic Information Daily
2024-05-24 10:32

Real estate "new" observation

Original title: "Real gold and silver" is good, and the financing environment of real estate enterprises continues to improve

Financial support for real estate financing "real gold and silver" initiatives continued to be implemented. The reporter learned on May 23 that Vanke signed agreements with leading financial institutions such as China Merchants Bank to obtain a syndicated loan of 20 billion yuan, and up to now, 10 billion yuan has been received. As of May 16, 297 cities at prefecture level and above in China have established a real estate financing coordination mechanism, and the loan approval amount of "white list" projects has reached 935 billion yuan.

Since the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration jointly issued the Notice on the Establishment of Urban Real Estate Financing Coordination Mechanism in late January, the financing coordination mechanism has been rapidly launched in many cities across the country.

"As of May 16, in less than four months, the amount of loans approved for 'white list' projects has reached 935 billion yuan," Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, said at the press conference of the State Council Information Office a few days ago.

In order to speed up the arrival of relevant funds, the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration guided commercial banks to actively connect with the urban coordination mechanism, required relevant banks to establish a four level linkage rapid response mechanism of the head office, provincial branches, secondary branches and handling banks, and to adopt the "review integration" and other models to minimize the time limit for business processing.

Thanks to bank support, financing of real estate enterprises has improved. According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to April, the paid in capital of real estate development enterprises was 3403.6 billion yuan, down 24.9% year on year, 1.1 percentage points less than that from January to March. At the same time, in April, housing construction, completion and new construction increased by 32.1 percentage points, 2.7 percentage points and 11.5 percentage points respectively year on year compared with March.

Industrial Securities Research News pointed out that the recovery of housing construction data shows that the current financing coordination mechanism and other housing guarantee policies are gradually taking effect.

When launching "white list" projects, financial institutions, on the one hand, seek "fast" by establishing green approval channels and optimizing business processes; on the other hand, seek "stable" by in-depth understanding of enterprise qualifications, project planning, construction progress and other information.

"We will not directly release the projects listed in the" white list "." A person from a major state-owned bank told reporters that banks also need to conduct prudent risk assessment for the "white list" projects, and the "green channel" is mainly reflected in priority acceptance, optimization of approval and lending processes. It is understood that financial institutions need to set up separate accounts for "white list" projects for accounting and closed operation management. Funds between projects are not confused. Project funds are strictly prohibited to be used for other purposes to ensure that the funds are used for guaranteed delivery.

It is worth mentioning that at present, the real estate financing coordination mechanism actively implements the requirements of the financial supervision department, accurately distinguishes the group risk and project risk, and "treats the real estate enterprises and real estate projects equally" to meet the reasonable financing needs of different ownership real estate enterprises and real estate projects. According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, 84% of the first batch of real estate projects were developed by private real estate enterprises and mixed ownership real estate enterprises.

Although preliminary results have been achieved in financing, Zhang Bo, the president of 58 Anjuke Research Institute, pointed out that due to the large gap between the current pace of sales reduction of real estate enterprises and the impact of multiple factors such as the downward trend of house prices, banks are still cautious about the actual issuance of loans to real estate enterprises. Therefore, the follow-up "white list" Further connection between loan approval and actual issuance is the key.

In the next step, there are still heavy policies for financial support of real estate financing, and "ensuring the delivery of housing" is the top priority of the policy. Xiao Yuanqi revealed that he would issue the Notice on Further Giving Play to the Role of the Urban Real Estate Financing Coordination Mechanism to Meet the Reasonable Financing Needs of Real Estate Projects in the near future, continue to adhere to the urban policy, take the city as the main body and the project as the center, fully support the financing and completion delivery of the projects that should be continued, practically do a good job of housing guarantee, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of buyers.

Dong Jianguo, vice minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, stressed that projects that meet the "white list" conditions should be promoted to "make progress", and commercial banks should "make full use of loans" for compliance "white list" projects to meet the reasonable financing needs of projects under construction.

How to compact the responsibilities of local governments, commercial banks, real estate enterprises and other parties in the future, and further play the role of financing coordination mechanism? Ren Tao, a distinguished researcher of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, pointed out that in the process of implementing and promoting the housing guarantee and delivery policy, it is necessary to play a financing coordination mechanism by reducing the information asymmetry of all links and stakeholders and reducing the actual risks of all participants.

"Local governments and development enterprises, as the screening and reporting subjects of" white list "projects, should take the initiative to assume the responsibility of the first responsible person to ensure that the" white list "projects pushed to commercial banks are worthy of the name. At the same time, as the reviewer and fund provider of the "white list" project, the commercial bank is the most critical subject of the financing coordination mechanism. It should adhere to the principle of commercial sustainability, optimize the approval process, and actively cooperate with the local government to reduce its own risks through closed-loop management, increasing mitigation means, syndicated loans, and incorporating into the government guarantee mechanism. " Ren Tao said. (Reporter Xiang Jiaying)

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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