Zhonggong Entertainment

Love delivers health through science popularization in summer

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-24 10:26

CAMCE News On May 22, the activity of "love for science and health in summer" jointly carried out by Hebei Cangzhou Federation of Trade Unions, Cangzhou Zoje Industrial Park Group Work Department and Cangzhou People's Hospital was held in Zoje Vocational and Technical School, and more than 50 teachers and workers participated in the activity.

During the activity, experts from the Department of Gynecology and the Department of Mental Rehabilitation of Cangzhou People's Hospital popularized health knowledge to the teaching staff in plain language, answered questions about health from everyone face to face, guided everyone to strengthen self-care, manage emotions and stress, and open the door to health. The atmosphere at the scene was active, and the teachers and staff participating in the activity said that they should take active action, start from themselves, start now, cultivate a civilized and healthy lifestyle, and achieve a "win-win" between work and health.

The person in charge of the Youth League Work Department said that next, we will continue to carry out health promotion activities to popularize health knowledge to the staff and workers, guide them to invest in their daily work and life with healthy physique, sunny mentality and sufficient energy, and contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of the park. (Gao Lexian)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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