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Inheritance and Development of Traditional Sports Culture in College Physical Education Teaching

Source: China Culture Daily
2024-05-24 14:03

Original title: Inheritance and development of traditional sports culture in college sports teaching

Traditional sports culture is an important part of China's excellent traditional culture. As a multi-ethnic country, China has many traditional national sports. Tai Chi, Baduanjin, lion dance, dragon boat, polo, riding and shooting, cuju, wrestling, diabolo, etc. are excellent representatives of China's traditional sports culture, which not only have the basic function of strengthening the body and making the body happy, It has also derived rich spiritual and cultural connotations in the long-term development process, and has become an excellent cultural carrier that highlights the life habits, national characters, aesthetic concepts, and emotional expression of all ethnic groups. In the new era, under the concept of building a cultural power and a sports power, we should actively inherit and develop the traditional sports culture, promote the era innovation of traditional sports culture, and make it a cultural fertile soil to help college sports students grow and become talents in the new era. In the long run, taking colleges and universities as the position and innovative teaching as the means to promote the practical application and development of traditional sports culture is not only a necessary means to stimulate the vitality of the development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, but also an effective strategy to optimize the college sports teaching mechanism. It is of great theoretical and practical significance for colleges and universities to carry out research on the inheritance of traditional sports culture in physical education teaching.

Realistic Significance of Inheriting and Developing Traditional Sports Culture

First, it is the need to enhance cultural self-confidence. Traditional sports culture, as an important component of China's excellent traditional culture, is an important culture that needs to be promoted and developed. It has outstanding value in enriching the connotation of building a cultural power and creating a good cultural atmosphere for building a sports power. From the perspective of enhancing cultural self-confidence, it is necessary to promote the construction of sports culture system in the new era based on traditional sports culture. On the basis of inheriting the excellent traditional sports culture, develop the sports culture system of the new era, enrich the connotation of sports culture, innovate the presentation mode and transmission path of sports culture, and expand the influence of sports culture.

Secondly, it is the need to promote the innovation of physical education teaching. The physical education teaching in colleges and universities should pay attention to the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional sports culture, not only to the training type teaching of students, but also to the cultivation of students' sports culture. In terms of the selection of sports teaching content, the design of sports teaching courses, the innovation of sports teaching methods, and the construction of teaching evaluation system, effectively integrate excellent traditional sports culture, actively shape the sports spirit of college students, and innovate the teaching mode of sports courses in colleges and universities, so as to achieve the improvement of the overall quality of physical education teaching in colleges and universities.

The inheritance and development path of traditional sports culture in college sports teaching

Based on the current needs of cultural development and the situation of sports talent training, colleges and universities should dare to take on the important task of promoting the inheritance and development of excellent traditional sports culture, fully tap the innovative development vitality of traditional sports culture, organically integrate it into the college sports teaching system, and promote the formation of new sports talent training motivation, To lay a solid cultural foundation for the cultivation of high-quality sports talents in the new era.

First of all, teachers and students in colleges and universities should strengthen their recognition and value identification of traditional sports culture. Cognition is the forerunner of practice. Only by forming a systematic cognition of traditional sports culture, realizing the positive role of traditional sports culture in prospering cultural construction, promoting talent cultivation, promoting sports development, etc., and forming a certain value identity for the excellent cultural connotation and value concept conveyed by traditional sports culture, In order to lay the foundation for a series of college physical education teaching system and mechanism innovation. For this reason, on the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the publicity of traditional sports culture in colleges and universities, combine the campus culture construction work, take the party building as the guide, improve the political position, and plant the traditional sports culture soil in colleges and universities in an organized, planned and targeted manner, so as to improve the teachers and students' awareness of traditional sports culture and stimulate students' interest in traditional sports culture. On the other hand, colleges and universities should guide physical education teachers to actively change their teaching concepts, guide physical education teachers to establish a "big cultural outlook", and deeply recognize the value of traditional sports culture in breaking through the current shortcomings of physical education in colleges and universities. At the same time, colleges and universities should often organize backbone teachers to participate in the teaching and discussion of physical education courses, instill the traditional sports culture innovation teaching theory step by step, and strengthen the confidence of physical education teachers in inheriting and developing national sports culture and innovating the training mechanism of college sports talents. Colleges and universities should also strengthen political guidance, start from the ideological and political education level, highlight the ideological and political significance of inheriting and developing traditional sports culture, stimulate the cultural self-confidence and pride of college teachers and students, and create a healthy college sports teaching atmosphere by learning the essence of traditional sports culture.

Secondly, we should systematically and scientifically promote the organic integration of traditional sports culture into college sports teaching. Whether the traditional sports culture has any effect on the innovation of the current college sports concept and mode, and the optimization of the path of sports talent training direction, must be put into practice to get a good verification. This practice is based on the basic goal of improving the quality of college sports personnel training, and promoting the organic integration of traditional sports culture into college sports teaching system. First, it is necessary to efficiently integrate traditional sports culture, focus on the fundamental goal of building a sports power, combine the needs of sports talent training in the current new era, selectively integrate and optimize traditional sports culture resources, and organically integrate them into the existing college sports curriculum teaching materials. Second, according to the new physical education teaching content, improve the physical education curriculum design, scientifically design different teaching strategies and mechanisms, such as theoretical teaching and practical teaching, sports culture and sports theory, the first classroom and the second classroom, classroom teaching and campus culture cultivation, and make overall arrangements for class hours, resource allocation, and teaching convergence, so as to improve the teaching quality of physical education courses. The third is to guide students to participate in the construction of sports culture, deepen their understanding of sports culture, improve their theoretical application ability, and enable students to play an active role in the dissemination, promotion, inheritance and innovation of excellent sports culture in combination with the strategy of sports power.

Finally, we should be good at using modern information technology to improve the efficiency of sports culture teaching. At present, with the continuous development of modern information technology, all kinds of information-based teaching technology are also rapidly popularized. Colleges and universities should face up to this teaching development trend and actively act. Through a series of measures, such as optimizing the traditional sports teaching content, creating smart teaching classes, building a digital teaching management system, enriching the presentation of sports teaching content, and introducing multiple subjects of sports talent training, we will make good use of information technology to promote the innovative development of sports teaching, and form a student centered, high-quality content based The college physical education teaching system based on intelligent system strengthens the top-level design and constantly tamps the underlying structure of innovative teaching of college physical education, so as to achieve the overall steady improvement of the quality of physical education teaching in the whole school.

(Ji Jingjing, the author is an associate professor of the Department of Physical Education of Southeast University, and his research direction is sports humanities sociology and traditional national sports culture. This paper is the result of the project "Comparison of Chinese and Korean competitive martial arts culture under the Hofstede cultural dimension" funded by the special fund for basic scientific research business of central universities, project number: 2242019S20039)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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