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Fully promote the high-quality development of industrial parks

Source: Gansu daily
2024-05-24 11:14

Original title: Fully promote high-quality development of industrial parks

The industrial park is the main position for implementing the action of strengthening industry and promoting new industrialization. It is the growth pole of regional economic development and the "pacesetter" of expanding opening up. Vigorously developing industrial parks is of great significance to promoting high-quality development and high-level opening. We should base ourselves on the local resource endowment, give full play to the advantages of industrial foundation, fully promote the high-quality development of industrial parks, and strive to write a new chapter in the practice of Chinese style modernization in Gansu.

Anchor development tasks and promote transformation and upgrading. The industrial park must take high-quality development as the primary task, run through all aspects and links of the development of the industrial park, and work hard for a long time. We should work hard to promote transformation and upgrading, see actual results, and speed up the realization of "quality improvement and upgrading" of industrial parks. Adhere to innovation and strive to build a science and technology park. Adhere to scientific and technological innovation as the key to the high-quality development, transformation and upgrading of the park, strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, focus on the implementation of the cultivation and expansion of high-tech, high growth, high value-added enterprises, accelerate the cultivation of a number of well-known scientific and technological enterprises, introduce a number of specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises, "small giant" enterprises Invisible champion enterprises and single champion enterprises in manufacturing industry. Take the industrial park as the main battlefield of scientific and technological innovation, increase the layout of scientific and technological innovation platforms to the park, tilt scientific and technological projects to the park, invest R&D funds in the park, guide leading enterprises, colleges and universities, and professional institutions, build incubation sites, mass innovation spaces, pilot bases, and verification platforms in the industrial park, and strengthen the open sharing of instruments, equipment, and innovative data resources, Building an industrial park is a good ecology of the science and technology park. Give full play to the role of various scientific and technological innovation platforms, accelerate the collaborative innovation of industry, university, research and application, promote the integrated development of "innovation chain" and "industry chain", promote the scientific and technological achievements from the laboratory to the production line, and transform the "key variable" of scientific and technological innovation into the "strong increment" of high-quality development of industrial parks. Green development, focus on building green parks. Accelerate the promotion and application of advanced green technology, strengthen green manufacturing industry, develop green service industry, expand green energy industry, develop green low-carbon industrial chain and supply chain, and build a green low-carbon circular economy system; Accelerate the formation of an industrial structure with high scientific and technological content, low resource energy consumption, and low environmental pollution, and achieve cleaner production process, recycling of resource utilization, low-carbon energy consumption, green product supply, and high-end industrial structure; Promote greening and beautification projects, build garden chemical plants and ecological parks, and promote the transformation of industrial parks to green. Empowering digital intelligence, we strive to build a smart park. Promote the deep integration of digital economy and real economy, accelerate the cultivation of intelligent chemical plants and digital workshops, and build industrial Internet integrated parks around industrial digitalization; Use advanced and applicable new technologies to transform traditional industries in an all-round, all-round and full chain way; Actively promote SMEs to "use data on the cloud", "replace equipment cores" and "replace production lines", and deeply implement the projects of manual to mechanical, mechanical to automatic, single to complete, and digital to intelligent; Focusing on industry digitalization, consolidate and improve the integrated circuit packaging and testing industry, vigorously develop the information technology service industry, and expand and strengthen the intelligent terminal industry; Accelerate the intelligent transformation and application of infrastructure, public services, operation management, etc., and promote the intelligent development of industrial parks.

Actively explore practice and innovate development mechanism. Innovative development mechanism is an urgent requirement and powerful power to promote high-quality development of industrial parks. We should actively learn from the successful experience of other places, closely combine with the local reality, and actively explore a good mechanism conducive to the high-quality development of the industrial park. Innovate the management mechanism and implement the model of "one zone and multiple parks". In accordance with the idea of "the original subordination, management system, daily statistics, fiscal and tax collection channels, etc. remain unchanged", "the city, county and district shall be coordinated, managed at different levels, one county, one feature, complementary functions, and integrated development", the county industrial parks shall be strengthened to enjoy preferential support policies and comprehensive management authority, improve the effectiveness of approval, optimize the development environment, and vigorously promote the implementation of relevant policies to achieve results, To inject inexhaustible power into the high-quality development of industrial parks. Innovate the operation mechanism and promote the mode of "management committee+development and operation company". Encourage state-owned enterprises, social capital, third-party operating institutions and other market entities to participate in the construction of industrial park infrastructure and public service platform, support competent development and construction entities to restructure the park assets, adjust and optimize the equity structure, and introduce private capital to participate in the operation of the park or the contracted operation of the industrial park's characteristic industries. Innovate the cooperation mechanism and promote the development of "enclave parks". Relying on national and provincial industrial parks, deepen comprehensive cooperation with Shandong, Tianjin, Fujian and central enterprises, and combine activities such as "Tianjin Gansu Communist Party Revitalization" and "Shandong Enterprises Entering Gansu", the economic development zones and county industrial parks plan to build "enclave parks", and continue to promote "Gansu resources+eastern enterprises", "Gansu base+eastern headquarters", "Gansu manufacturing+eastern research and development" "Gansu products+eastern market" and other diversified cooperation modes, to achieve East West cooperation, complementary advantages, resource sharing, mutual benefit and win-win results, and enhance the development momentum of the industrial park.

Strengthen factor guarantee and enhance carrying capacity. The promotion of high-quality development of industrial parks cannot be separated from the strong guarantee of various factors. It is necessary to comprehensively implement the policies and measures to support the development of industrial parks, continue to make efforts and work together to strengthen the guarantee of elements, and constantly improve the comprehensive carrying capacity of the parks. Strengthen infrastructure construction. Continue to increase the construction of traditional infrastructure and new infrastructure such as "seven supplies and one leveling" in the industrial park, and comprehensively promote the construction of public infrastructure and production and living service facilities such as access roads, water supply, gas supply, power supply, heat supply, sewage discharge, and garbage disposal. We will strengthen the investment of various funds. The key infrastructure projects in the industrial park will be included in the financial budgets at all levels, and the government will give priority to the allocation of special bond indicators. We will support counties and districts to apply for national debt projects to improve the infrastructure of the park. We will promote the normalization and long-term docking of government, bank, insurance and enterprises. Financial institutions will increase the scale of credit delivery, innovate and launch financial products, and improve financial service capabilities in accordance with the principles of risk control and commercial sustainability. Encourage social capital to use franchising, PPP and other models to build infrastructure, standard plants, SME incubators and other public service facilities in the industrial park. Intensive land use should be strengthened. Ensure the land use plan of the industrial park according to the land and space planning. We will implement the policy of provincial planning indicators for new construction land for major projects, and strengthen land security for key project construction and industrial development. Implement the exit system of enterprises in the park, strictly clean up the projects and "zombie enterprises" that are not built in the circle, delay the construction in the circle, and build less in the circle, timely recover the land "vacate the cage for birds", carry out secondary development, and improve the land utilization rate of the park.

Chen Bao, Xie Xiaobin, The authors are appointed researcher of the Counsellor's Office of Gansu Provincial Government and senior engineer of Gansu Institute of Electrical Technology)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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