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College students should take the course of labor education well

Source: Learning Times
2024-05-24 10:49

Original title: College students should take the course of labor education well

Labor education is an important part of the socialist education system with Chinese characteristics. At the 2018 National Education Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We should carry forward the spirit of labor among students, educate and guide students to advocate and respect labor, understand the truth that labor is the most glorious, the highest, the greatest, and the most beautiful. When we grow up, we can work hard, honestly, and creatively." At the same time, we need to integrate labor education into the whole process of talent cultivation, Build an education system that comprehensively cultivates morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. In 2020, the Ministry of Education issued the Guidelines for Labor Education in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools (for Trial Implementation), proposing to set up compulsory courses for labor education in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and made a systematic plan and deployment for practically strengthening the organization and implementation of labor education. In April 2021, "Cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor" was written into the newly revised Education Law of the People's Republic of China. "Labor" was included in the national education policy, achieving the same important status as morality, intelligence, physique and beauty. Five education programs were simultaneously implemented in the form of law. The country's emphasis on labor education is aimed at cultivating high-quality talents with more comprehensive quality, stronger practical ability and a sense of social responsibility, which puts forward clear requirements for colleges and universities to run labor education in the new era and train new people who can be the great task of national rejuvenation.

Labor is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. China has always attached importance to labor education. But in reality, many college students lack basic labor skills. They can neither look up to nor do a good job of simple labor in life. There is a state of fracture or disharmony between labor and education, which is manifested in the lack of effective connection and deep integration between school education and actual labor experience, making labor and education disconnected. At the same time, labor education in universities is also facing a shortage of educational resources. This means that when carrying out actual labor education activities, there are pressures and challenges of insufficient resources. In practice, this shortage involves resources in many aspects, such as workplace, equipment, teachers, and practical projects.

So, how can we make the labor education in colleges and universities have both real labor and effective education? How to realize the labor education required by college students in the new era?

First of all, colleges and universities should further improve the labor education system when organizing labor education to ensure that students can obtain comprehensive and effective labor education experience. The labor education in colleges and universities is different from that in primary and secondary schools. It can not only stay on the simple perceptual experience of skimming water, but should be able to connect with the whole process of cultivating people through morality, student employment, and continuous training. For this reason, the Guiding Outline for Labor Education in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools (for Trial Implementation) proposes that ordinary colleges and universities should incorporate labor education into professional talent training programs. They can set up labor education modules in existing courses, or set up special compulsory courses for labor education. At present, many colleges and universities have carried out the curriculum design of labor education and set up corresponding class hours. Colleges and universities should set up specific labor education plans in combination with their own specialties, clarify education objectives, contents, methods and evaluation standards, and the plans should cover students of different grades and majors, so as to ensure the universality of labor education coverage. At the same time, colleges and universities can organize labor competitions, hold labor achievement exhibitions, stimulate students' enthusiasm, and encourage students to share and display their achievements in labor; Regularly evaluate the implementation effect of labor education, collect feedback from students and teachers, and constantly improve and adjust the labor education plan to ensure its continuous effectiveness. Through systematic organization and implementation, we can promote the development of labor education in colleges and universities, make it more comprehensive and in-depth, and ensure that students can fully develop all aspects of quality in labor practice.

Secondly, colleges and universities should constantly tap and utilize relevant resources inside and outside the school to better develop relevant courses of labor education. It is difficult for a skillful woman to make bricks without straw. Labor education depends on practice. Only with practical resources can we better develop the courses popular with college students. To complete this task, schools usually need to adopt comprehensive strategies, including establishing cooperative relations with enterprises, governments, etc., and broadening practical channels to make up for the lack of resources to the maximum extent and improve the effect of labor education. To this end, colleges and universities can cooperate with local enterprises and rural areas to establish practice bases to provide students with more practical labor experience; Students are encouraged to carry out local industry research projects, and have a deep understanding of local industrial structure, market demand and development trend. At the same time, colleges and universities can cooperate with local cultural institutions or traditional handicraftsmen to offer courses on cultural inheritance and creative industries in combination with students' majors; Cooperate with local industry related vocational training institutions to provide students with practical skills training and certification opportunities. By tapping local resources and combining with the actual needs of the local region, we can improve the practical ability of students and better cultivate high-quality talents suitable for the local social and economic environment. This mode of labor education is conducive to the establishment of in-depth interaction between schools, communities and industries, and to the common development of both sides.

Finally, colleges and universities can take advantage of scientific research to promote labor education and provide students with more in-depth and practical educational experience through scientific research activities. The labor education in universities should not be limited to labor without education. What college students need more is labor that reflects their own value. Compared with primary and secondary schools, the more prominent feature of colleges and universities is their scientific research strength. Therefore, many colleges and universities are also broadly defined as "labor education" for open teaching assistant, scientific research assistant, part-time counselor and other on campus posts for graduate students, which enables them to participate in management work and also receive education on harmonious communication and interpersonal relationship. At the same time, many colleges and universities design scientific research practice courses and establish a scientific research tutor system to allow students to participate in real scientific research projects in the course; Establish high-level laboratories and research centers, provide advanced scientific research equipment and platforms, encourage students to apply scientific research achievements to actual production and engineering, and realize technology transformation; Promote the "integration of teaching, research and application", organically combine teaching, research and practical application to form a complete system that promotes each other. For example, let students majoring in architecture participate in the design and transformation of the school, so that students can apply what they have learned and gain practice and labor experience. After the transformation, students' names can also be engraved on the buildings designed by themselves. This not only stimulated the students' interest in scientific research, but also improved their practical ability. By combining scientific research with labor education, colleges and universities can better cultivate students' practical skills, problem-solving ability and innovation and entrepreneurship. This integration will help improve the comprehensive quality of students and enable them to better adapt to future career challenges. (Zhang Xiaoyun)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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