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Absorb cultural power and help ideological and political education to maintain integrity and innovate

Source: Xinhua Daily
2024-05-24 10:48

Original title: Absorbing cultural power, helping ideological and political education to maintain integrity and innovate

The excellent traditional Chinese culture, after historical precipitation, contains rich artistic essence, sage thoughts, ethics, family and country feelings and other elements. Benefiting from the unbroken inheritance and development of Chinese characters, languages, customs, etc., and strengthening the cultivation of Chinese excellent traditional culture, it can provide valuable wisdom guidance in solving contemporary people's moral dilemma and other problems. Therefore, the excellent traditional Chinese culture is an important treasure of ideological and political resources in colleges and universities. It is an important work in ideological and political education in colleges and universities to deeply explore and give play to the ideological and political value of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. However, under the realistic dimension of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, there is still a phenomenon of insufficient attention and utilization of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. For example, in the ideological and political work, problems such as "simply talking about the excellent traditional Chinese culture", a single way of integration, outdated methods, and rigid means have weakened the educational efficacy of the excellent traditional Chinese culture to a certain extent. In this regard, we should further explore the value implication of the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and explore the path and method of the integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into ideological and political education in colleges and universities.

The Value of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture in Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities

Guide students to strengthen their cultural self-confidence. China's rich historical resources and splendid cultural heritage have always influenced people's social actions and ideas in the long process of historical development. At the same time, this time-honored traditional culture is also the spiritual source for young people to enhance their sense of identity with the Chinese nation and enhance their cultural self-confidence. Integrating it with ideological and political education in colleges and universities can shape the overall value orientation of young students, guide them to learn from it the spiritual strength accumulated by the Chinese nation through years of tempering, and then strengthen cultural self-confidence and enhance cultural consciousness.

Help students improve their ideological and moral cultivation. The moral concepts and life wisdom in the excellent traditional Chinese culture play an important role in stimulating college students' sense of mission and responsibility to pay attention to the society, integrate into the society and serve the society, as well as guiding them to form a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and to establish good qualities such as being proactive, advocating morality and being good, and assuming social responsibility. For example, the concept of "all things grow together without harming each other, and the Tao runs side by side without contradicting each other" is conducive to teaching students to develop a civilization that embraces all rivers and is inclusive; The concept of "Tao follows nature" and "people are the same as nature" can guide students to develop an ecological view of respecting and conforming to nature.

Promote the inheritance and innovation of Chinese excellent traditional culture. In the process of the integration of excellent traditional Chinese culture and ideological and political education in colleges and universities, colleges and universities will transform the outdated and outdated cultural contents and forms, and endow them with new era connotation and modern forms of expression, which can virtually promote the inheritance and innovation of excellent traditional Chinese culture. For example, when colleges and universities use multimedia, Internet, VR, AR, big data and other modern technologies to promote the organic integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture into ideological and political education, they have changed the presentation form of Chinese excellent traditional culture; When combining the excellent traditional Chinese culture with the socialist core values, it enriches the connotation of the excellent traditional Chinese culture and endows it with the epochal nature.

The Path of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities

Clarify the needs of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and selectively use the value of excellent traditional Chinese culture. The system of Chinese excellent traditional culture is huge and diverse, and not all elements of Chinese excellent traditional culture are applicable to the field of ideological and political education. Therefore, colleges and universities should establish the principle of "utilization according to needs", that is, selectively absorb the value implication of Chinese excellent traditional culture. Specifically, with the fundamental task of "building morality and cultivating people" and the basic concept of "people first", we have systematically innovated the content of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities, and extracted the elements of Chinese excellent traditional culture that affect ideology, morality, spirit, belief, etc., such as the quality of empathy of "do not do to others what you don't want to do to yourself" And the peace thought of "stopping the enemy to fight", "valuing the monk" and "harmony without uniformity". Ideological and political teaching practice should focus on "loyalty core" rather than "loyalty appearance". In addition, in terms of the selection of Chinese excellent traditional cultural elements, we should also combine the requirements of socialist core values, improve the function of "cultural education", and strengthen the determination of "cultural self-confidence".

Based on the ideological and political education environment in colleges and universities, we should innovate and transform the excellent traditional Chinese cultural resources. In fact, many humanistic spirits, moral concepts, ideological qualities, etc. in the excellent traditional Chinese culture are hard to be understood and recognized by college students because of their long distance from the contemporary society, although they meet the needs of ideological and political education. Therefore, on the one hand, colleges and universities should be deeply aware of the characteristics of the development and change of the ideological and political education environment, and creatively transform the excellent traditional Chinese cultural resources, that is, to adopt more accustomed expressions of modern people, so as to realize the connection between the past and the present, and use the past to describe the present. For example, famous cultural and artistic experts and inheritors of intangible cultural heritage are invited to the forum and classroom to further improve the cultural taste of teachers and students and shape their cultural character. On the other hand, in the specific practice process, the teaching staff of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities should be good at creating an atmosphere full of life atmosphere for ideological and political education, so that college students can understand the value essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture. For example, building cultural squares and cultural corridors to display the essence and characteristics of Chinese traditional culture; Hold cultural festivals, art exhibitions, traditional cultural knowledge contests, poetry recitation contests and other activities to stimulate students' interest and enthusiasm in learning traditional culture; Strengthen the construction of campus media, and spread traditional cultural knowledge and ideas through campus radio, television, newspapers and other media.

Strengthen the construction of the teaching staff to ensure the organic integration of Chinese excellent traditional culture. To integrate excellent traditional Chinese culture into ideological and political education in colleges and universities, a team of teachers with traditional cultural literacy and ideological and political education ability is needed. In this regard, colleges and universities should focus on strengthening the construction of teaching staff. On the one hand, internal training on traditional cultural knowledge and ideological and political teaching methods will be strengthened to help teachers practice "internal skills", improve cultural literacy and improve teaching methods. For example, establish relevant summer schools, carry out discussions and training related to traditional culture, ideological and political teaching and other topics, and improve teachers' traditional cultural literacy and teaching level; Organize activities such as observing excellent classes and speaking contests to promote the comprehensive improvement of teachers' teaching ability. On the other hand, we should actively strengthen exchanges with foreign countries and expand teachers' horizons and knowledge boundaries. For example, traditional culture experts and scholars are invited to give lectures or give lectures, so that teachers can access more traditional cultural knowledge and ideas, and expand the depth and breadth of ideas.

(Long Boyu, the author's unit: Chengdu University; this paper is the research result of the project funded by the Cultural Industry Development Research Center, a key research base of social sciences in Sichuan Province, "Research on the Communication Strategy of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture and New Media in Colleges and Universities under the Background of Network Subculture" (Project No. WHCY2023B01)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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