Zhonggong Entertainment

Continuously stimulate the vitality of county economy

Source: Gansu daily
2024-05-24 10:45

Original title: Continuously stimulate the vitality of county economy

County economy is an important force to promote economic and social development and an important support to achieve high-quality development. Based on comparative advantages such as resource endowment, industrial foundation and geographical location, we should adjust measures to local conditions to promote the change of development model and the leap of industrial energy level. Only in this way can we effectively revitalize the stock, introduce increment, improve quality, enhance energy, and expand the total amount, continuously improve the industrial competitiveness and comprehensive economic strength of the county, continue to stimulate the vitality of the county economy, and promote high-quality development of the county economy.

Accelerate industrial transformation. The real economy is the material basis for coping with various risks and challenges in the economic field. Accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy can not only give traditional industries new impetus and achieve transformation and upgrading, but also expand new development space and promote new business types and models. We should consolidate the "chassis" of traditional industries. Aiming at the national policy guidance and capital investment, focusing on the advantageous and characteristic industries in the county, actively exploring new paths for the transformation and development of resource-based areas, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system focusing on new materials and clean energy, promoting the expansion and benefit increase of traditional industries such as metallurgy and chemical industry, building materials, and intensive processing of agricultural and livestock products, and improving the industrial infrastructure and industrial chain development level. With intelligent manufacturing such as the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, we will promote technological transformation, optimization and upgrading of industrial industries, and promote pillar industries in the county to move towards the middle and high end of the value chain. We should improve the "increment" of emerging industries. Taking scientific and technological innovation as the starting point, we will closely combine the construction of emerging industrial clusters with the development of equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, digital economy, etc., give full play to the comprehensive advantages of green power, land, resources, labor force, etc. in the county, adhere to the simultaneous progress of target acquisition, enterprise introduction, energy output and consumption, promote the continuous "renewal" of productivity, and accelerate the leading industry takeoff. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, promote the transformation of traditional industries from low-end industries beginning with "original" to high-end emerging industries with high technology and low energy consumption, and improve the development level. It is necessary to enrich the "business type" of cultural and tourism scenes. Seize the development trend of cultural tourism consumption blowout, make overall plans to promote the construction of urban core business districts, characteristic streets, township business centers and other scenes, vigorously develop leisure, ecological health care, farming experience, research tourism and other characteristic projects, and promote the upgrading of "cultural tourism+". Deeply implement the "safe consumption action", innovatively launch a number of interactive cultural and tourism activities, hold a number of high-level festivals and events, and constantly improve the level of consumption and ignite consumption hot spots. We should plant the "foundation" of market players. Deepen the echelon cultivation of specialized and special new enterprises, help more high-quality backbone enterprises to upgrade their scale and put them into storage, and constantly highlight the dominant position of growth enterprises in the process of new industrialization. We will actively promote the development of large, small and medium-sized enterprises in clusters, shape upstream and downstream industrial cooperation and interest development communities, enable downstream enterprises to rely on the growth of chain owners, and let small enterprises focus on the development of large enterprises to achieve complementary advantages and win-win cooperation.

We will continue to expand effective investment. Giving full play to the guiding role of government investment and policy incentives is conducive to improving the development expectations of business entities, driving private employment and consumption, and promoting the formation of a virtuous circle of supply and demand promotion and production and marketing progress in county related industries. The investment attraction map should be accurately drawn. Focusing on the county characteristic industrial chain, we formulated and improved the resource investment map, the industrial chain investment map, the investment promotion work list, the investment opportunity list, and the industrial policy list, maintained the trend of "focusing on all sectors and attracting investment", continued to enhance the professional investment promotion ability, project undertaking ability, and full cycle service ability, and focused on introducing a number of industry leaders and supporting enterprises in sub sectors, Promote the action of "attracting large and strengthening the seeker" to achieve actual results. The project construction should be promoted efficiently. Adhere to the development thinking of "deep connection", plan to introduce a batch of new and green industrial projects around the project development planning and functional support, and build a complete industrial chain ecology. Explore and implement the coordinated promotion mechanism of major projects with centralized office work, joint tackling and special shift operation, strive to achieve the "three volume increase" of investment, workload and physical quantity, and support and drive the county economy to achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity. To stimulate the development vitality of the park. Deepen the reform of "heroes are equal per mu", comprehensively implement the "management committee+company" and "standard land+factory building" mode, constantly improve the coordination and guarantee services of energy consumption, land use, power, capital, water supply and other elements, and enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of the park. Actively implement the pay system with performance pay as the core, revitalize inefficient zombie enterprises, and gather elements, expand space and increase momentum for industrial development. We should continue to optimize the business environment. Focusing on the problems of project construction blockages and business entities' pain points, we deepened the reform of "city county power sharing", accelerated the reform of a number of key issues such as the first industrial enterprise's whole life cycle "no come, no come, no go", and government services "accessible from different places", comprehensively implemented the enterprise friendly policy, accurately and quickly solved various difficulties in the production and operation of enterprises, and built a new type of friendly and unified government business relationship, Help enterprises reduce their burden and increase efficiency, and boost their confidence in development.

We will continue to deepen urban and rural integration. It is an important measure to promote the free flow of urban and rural factors and the rational allocation of public resources to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas at the county level and promote the formation of a new type of industrial and rural urban-rural relationship that promotes mutual promotion, complementation, coordinated development and common prosperity between urban and rural areas. We should plant the advantages of resources. We will unswervingly promote the first development of industrial industry, focus on expanding technology intensive, industry related and capital intensive fields, and drive the development and growth of the real economy with industrial breakthrough and transformation. On the basis of firmly adhering to the food security, farmland protection and the bottom line task of not returning to poverty on a large scale, we will take modern urban agriculture, rural e-commerce and other new business forms as the guide to create green, fine and efficient agriculture according to local conditions and improve the comparative benefits of the agricultural industry. Revitalize the ecological resources in rural areas, endow cities and towns with more ecological functions and values, broaden the two-way transformation channel of "two mountains", and promote the value appreciation of ecological products. To deepen demonstration creation. Learn and apply the experience of the "1000 Village Demonstration and 10000 Village Renovation" project, systematically plan and comprehensively promote the construction of harmonious villages, ecological and geological disaster evacuation and relocation, county environmental sanitation renovation and the "Eight Changes" project, highlight the key tasks of civilization cultivation, civilization practice, civilization creation, and party building guidance, and achieve the comprehensive improvement of the countryside from the outside to the inside, both in form and spirit, Promote social civilization and city image quality to achieve a greater leap. We should promote urban renewal. Focusing on "three major projects" such as affordable housing construction, public infrastructure construction of "emergency and peaceful", and reconstruction of villages in cities, we not only attach importance to "visible" urban infrastructure construction, but also pay attention to "invisible" integrated institutional environment construction, so as to achieve functional complementation, industrial extension, and supporting services. Encourage enterprises and social capital to participate in the construction of urban-rural integration, form a pattern where the government, enterprises and society participate in urban renewal, and promote the common prosperity and progress of urban and rural areas.

Li Haibo, Author's unit: Shandan County Party School)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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