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Cultivating new quality productivity and developing private economy

Source: Wen Wei Po
2024-05-24 10:14

Original title: fostering new quality productivity and developing private economy

The organic combination of the development of private economy and the cultivation of new productive forces can give a strong impetus to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, promote high-quality economic development, and support the construction of a modern socialist power.

There is a close relationship between the development of private economy and the cultivation of new quality productivity. In general, the cultivation of new quality productivity and the high-quality development of private economy are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing. The organic combination of the two together provides a strong impetus for economic transformation and upgrading and high-quality development.

We know that private enterprises have made "five six seven eight nine" contributions to China's economy, of which "seven" refers to that private enterprises have contributed more than 70% of China's economic technological innovation achievements and are the main force of China's scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. Therefore, private enterprises have unique advantages in the process of developing new quality productivity, have become an important subject of development in practice, and form a strong driving force for the development of new quality productivity; The cultivation of new quality productivity will help to enhance the competitive advantage of private enterprises, accumulate momentum for development, and promote healthy and sustainable development. The organic combination of the two can give a strong impetus to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, promote high-quality economic development, and support the construction of a modern socialist power.

Cultivate new quality productivity, opportunities and challenges coexist

In the process of developing new quality productivity, private economy has both opportunities and challenges. To cultivate new quality productivity, private enterprises have unique advantages, including at least three aspects: First, they have distinctive endogenous innovation characteristics. Whether large private enterprises or specialized, new and medium-sized enterprises, they will carry out innovation activities according to their own industrial foundation, scientific research conditions and other resource endowments, improve the core competitiveness of the market, and achieve digitalization, intelligence Green transformation; Second, it has a market demand oriented scientific research organization model, "upstairs" innovation, where researchers use large facilities to carry out original innovation research, "downstairs" entrepreneurship, and technicians carry out engineering technology development and pilot scale transformation of original innovation, which can effectively solve the contradiction between supply and demand between scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, and to a greater extent, transform scientific and technological strength into industrial advantages, Realize efficient connection and seamless connection between cutting-edge technology and market demand; Third, it has the endogenous power and good mechanism for innovation and development. Private enterprises have clear property rights and clear economic interests. In the global market competition, private entrepreneurs show the spirit of exploration and competition, which is also a key factor in cultivating new quality productivity.

Of course, private economy will still face many difficulties and challenges in the process of developing new quality productivity, mainly including: private enterprises, especially small enterprises, are generally at a low level of scientific and technological development, and lack of investment in innovation and research and development; Some enterprises have relatively high development risks, and there is still a big gap between foreign-funded enterprises and state-owned enterprises in terms of safety production, scientific and technological talents, market development, investment and financing. This requires relevant private enterprises to face up to problems and challenges, take effective measures to solve and improve them, and remove obstacles for cultivating new quality productivity.

What private enterprises should do to enable the development of new quality productivity

Then, how to take effective measures to promote the innovation of science and technology industry and enable the development of private enterprises with new quality productivity? In terms of development ideas, we should always focus on independent innovation and constantly improve the development level of enterprises. As a business entity fully participating in the competition, private enterprises should pay special attention to enhancing the sense of urgency and endogenous power of independent innovation. On the basis of strengthening their own technical strength, they should actively strengthen technical exchanges and cooperation with universities and scientific research institutes, and build an integrated development cooperation alliance of "government, industry, university, research and application" based on the needs of enterprise development.

In terms of participating in the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, private enterprises should attach importance to the application of advanced technology in industrial transformation, and realize the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, digital economy and real economy through technological transformation; We should solidly promote supply side structural reform, comply with new consumption trends, create consumption demand and stimulate consumption potential.

In terms of integration into emerging industries and future industrial layout, private enterprises should take the initiative to move closer to key planning fields, especially focusing on strategic emerging industries such as new generation information technology, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, green environmental protection, aerospace, marine equipment, and accelerate the technological breakthrough and achievement transformation in key core fields; Actively participate in the future industry incubation and acceleration plan in the cutting-edge science and technology and industrial transformation fields such as brain like intelligence, quantum information, gene technology, future network, deep-sea aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, and realize the expansion of enterprise development fields and energy level transition.

Give play to the role of the government to promote and support private enterprises to cultivate new quality productivity

In addition, the government plays a huge role in supporting private enterprises to cultivate new quality productivity, and we should give full play to the positive role of the government. The key to the role of the government is to find the organic combination of the two, and formulate and implement various industrial policies and science and technology policies to support the development of private economy. In practical work, encourage the private economy to become better and stronger around pillar industries and strategic emerging industries, and promote the standardized and orderly development of private SMEs with specific support policies. The government should create a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized business environment for a long time, solve problems for private enterprises, guide private enterprises to gradually standardize in development and continue to develop in standardization, and create an appropriate policy temperature for cultivating new quality productivity. We should increase support for independent innovation of private enterprises. It is necessary to establish a market-based and normalized supplementary mechanism for capital, promote the investment in enterprises' independent innovation and the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements through the establishment of special loans for independent innovation and other measures, improve the financing environment of private enterprises, especially SMEs, and create a good credit environment for enterprises' capital turnover by focusing on the optimization of guarantee companies for SMEs.

At this stage, in order to realize the benign mutual promotion between the cultivation of new quality productivity and the high-quality development of private economy, it is also necessary to improve the system guarantee and make more efforts in the system and mechanism.

Specifically, first, we should adhere to and implement the "two unswerving" and "three unchanged" principles, constantly improve China's basic economic system, and fully stimulate the endogenous power and innovation vitality of various business entities. In the process of cultivating new quality productivity, we should not only unswervingly consolidate and develop the public economy, but also unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy. On the one hand, we should deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, on the other hand, we should promote the development and growth of the private economy, and give full play to the special advantages of the private economy in promoting technological innovation and industrial upgrading. The second is to comprehensively deepen the reform, build and improve the high-level socialist market economy system at a higher starting point, remove the institutional barriers that restrict the private economy to cultivate new quality productivity, and provide a good market environment for the private economy to develop new quality productivity. Third, we should encourage private enterprises to improve modern enterprise systems and management systems internally, and guide private enterprises to achieve their own development quality improvement in the process of cultivating new quality productivity.

Shen Kaiyan, The author is the director and researcher of the Institute of Economics, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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