Zhonggong Entertainment

Telling Chinese Stories with Characteristic Dance Language

Source: Guangxi Daily
2024-05-24 10:04

Original Title: Telling Chinese Stories in Characteristic Dance Language

As one of the ancient art forms, dance is the product of human civilization and plays an important role in the promotion of personal quality and the inheritance and development of social culture. Today, dance still has its unique charm on the new journey of letting a hundred flowers bloom in the form of literature and art. Dancers should take "carrying forward Chinese culture and showing the image of China" as their own responsibility, deeply embody the form of mass culture oriented to modernization, globalization and nationalization in dance works, tell good Chinese stories, spread good Chinese voices, and constantly create excellent dance works that enhance the spiritual strength of the people to show the image of China in the new era.

Deeply tap the culture with national characteristics

"It is the glorious mission of literary and art workers in the new era to go deep into life, take root in the people, and inherit and develop the Chinese culture created by all ethnic groups." General Secretary Xi Jinping said in his reply to Huang Wanqiu, the actor of "Liu Sanjie". This is not only an ardent request to the vast number of artists, but also points out the direction for the development of dance art - to use beautiful body language to tell stories loved by the people, and to promote and develop Chinese culture.

Guangxi is a multi-ethnic community. The local colorful and distinctive ethnic dances are an important embodiment of Guangxi's ethnic culture. The ethnic dance in Guangxi, which originated from the social production and life practice of all ethnic groups, is the witness of the spiritual outlook and wisdom of the people of Guangxi, and provides reference and ideas for contemporary artists to create literature and art. For example, inspired by the sky lantern dance, which is full of national characteristics of the Jing nationality, Guangxi artists created the first original dance drama of the Jing nationality in China, "Jingdao Family", which shows the marine culture of the Jing nationality. With the elements of the Jing nationality dance, it conveys the beautiful vision of harmonious coexistence between people and between people and nature, and shows the unique culture and endless life feelings of the Jing nationality people. The shoulder pole is commonly seen in the daily work of the Zhuang people. The shoulder pole dance formed with this as a prop has Zhuang characteristics, and many artists use it for artistic creation. The famous dance "Song on the Ridge" in Guangxi skillfully uses "playing the shoulder pole" as the main element, presenting the beauty of Zhuang women's work on the stage, and eulogizing the love of Guangxi people for life.

Make good use of regional advantages to deepen foreign exchanges

As an important gateway for the organic connection of the "Belt and Road", Guangxi should not only interact with ASEAN countries in economy and trade, infrastructure construction, scientific and technological innovation, but also strengthen cultural and artistic exchanges. We should give full play to the regional advantages of Guangxi's land sea connection with ASEAN countries, rely on various international cultural exchange platforms, use Guangxi's ethnic dance resources to strengthen mutual learning with ASEAN countries' outstanding dance achievements, and show Chinese cultural confidence in a beautiful dance form.

The dance of ASEAN countries, influenced by their own culture, is unique in beauty of mood and form. It shows the temperament of "refined and casual, carved and simple, complex and pure", and has a strong artistic appeal. At the same time, traditional dances in many regions of ASEAN countries show concern and appeal for survival in the world, similar to the performance of some traditional ethnic dances in Guangxi. For example, the dish dance popular in Malaysia is to express people's wish to pray for a bumper harvest, while the Maguai dance among Zhuang people in Guangxi is also to pray for good weather and happy life. Similar dance aesthetics and manifestations have opened a door for cultural exchanges between Guangxi and ASEAN countries.

In the increasingly frequent international exchanges, Guangxi actively carries out cultural exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries by taking dance as a medium, following the two communication paths of "please come in" and "go out", so that the beauty of dance art can benefit people in more countries. For example, with the help of the China ASEAN Expo as a platform for exchange and cooperation, China ASEAN dance art exchange activities will be carried out to provide a stage for dance artists from all countries to show the local dance culture; Strengthen the cultivation of China ASEAN art talents, set up a China ASEAN art talent training center in Guangxi Academy of Arts, recruited a large number of overseas students from ASEAN countries to study dance in Guangxi, and cultivated a group of ASEAN art students with high visibility; We carried out "sending teachers abroad", arranged experts and teachers to go to Vietnam's National Song and Dance Theater, Malaysia's Academy of Arts and Cultural Heritage and other units for dance art exchange and guidance, actively participated in academic seminars and art performances held by art colleges in ASEAN countries, told Guangxi stories and Chinese stories in the form of dance, and continued to promote cultural and artistic exchanges and cooperation between Guangxi and ASEAN.

Continue the Red Spirit with Red Dance

Telling a good patriotic story is an effective way to build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation. Continuing the red spirit with red dance is an organic combination of ideals, beliefs and artistic practice. Guangxi is an old revolutionary base area. The revolutionary martyrs wrote history with their blood and life, leaving countless moving red stories, highlighting the lofty ideals, firm beliefs, noble morality and fine style of the Communists. Dance is an important carrier to carry forward the red culture and an important form of inheriting the red spirit. Contemporary dance creation should always adhere to the development path of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, tell the red story of Guangxi in a vivid form, inherit the red gene, transform people with dance and carry the road with dance, and actively promote the excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture of China.

Art colleges and universities shoulder the mission of building morality and cultivating people. In the process of cultivating new people in the era of national rejuvenation, they should actively explore the form and path of in-depth integration and promotion of ideological and political education and art education. Red dance has distinctive spiritual guidance and ideological edification function. It can make full use of the rich advantages of Guangxi's red culture by creating a series of activities such as "red dance into the classroom", integrate red cultural elements into dance, tell Guangxi's past events and Chinese stories with unique charm of red dance, and form a characteristic education mode of "party building+curriculum ideological and political", Create a red education and teaching practice classroom, let the red culture take root in the hearts of young students, and let the red spirit pass on from generation to generation.

From the masses, to the masses. The main body of dance art creation service is the people, the main body of art creation is the artist, and the artist comes from the people and is nourished by the people. The outstanding national dances in China are the crystallization of wisdom created by the people of all ethnic groups. Artists should dig out the most impressive part from the truth, goodness and beauty created by the people, warmly embrace the new era of dancing for the people, adhere to the correct ideological and political stance, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and create excellent dance works, Sing praises of the times and the people with dancing rhythms to add luster to Guangxi.

Fang Yalu, Author's unit: Guangxi Academy of Arts)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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