Zhonggong Entertainment

"Snubbing energy sticks" appear in the market and are quietly popular among some students

This "anti trap magic tool" for class should be used carefully

Source: Tonight's paper
2024-05-24 10:57

Original title: "Nasal energy bar" appeared in the market, which was quietly popular among some students (introduction)

This kind of "anti trap magic tool" for class should be used carefully (theme)

Tonight's newspaper reporter Liu Bo

Recently, Ms. Yin, a citizen, found a black tube in her child's schoolbag, and the child often put it under his nose to smell it and make the action of smoking. After asking the child, Ms. Yin learned that this black tubular thing is called "Nasal Energy Bar", which is very popular among students. "It can refresh and refresh your mind when you are sleepy in learning". Ms. Yin was worried and reminded the child that it was unsafe. But the child didn't think so. Instead, he said, "It's very fashionable to use this.". What is this "Nasal Energy Stick"? Is it safe? The reporter launched an investigation.

Lack of standard and unclear classification

The reporter randomly found several stationery stores in the city and asked whether there were "nasal energy sticks". Most businesses said they didn't have any, but in a stationery store near Xishi Street, Nankai District, they found a product similar to lipstick on the shelf and handed it to the reporter, saying that there was only one left. The reporter took it over and observed that the product name was written in the product introduction: Fruity Girl Nasal Inhalation. The main ingredients are menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, borneol, etc. When dizziness and nasal congestion occur, tightly contact the plastic inner tube with one side of the nostril, press the other nostril with your fingers, and then inhale deeply 2-3 times to relieve dizziness and nasal congestion, which can refresh and refresh your mind. However, there is no manufacturer, batch number, production standard and other information above. According to the marked production date and expiration date, this "sniffer" has expired.

The reporter logged into several e-commerce platforms and searched for "Nasal Energy Stick", and found a large number of related products. From the appearance, there are single hole sticks like lipstick and two hole sticks about the same size as lighters, with prices ranging from a few yuan to tens of yuan. The reporter saw on an e-commerce platform that some products sold millions of pieces.

The reporter randomly looked through several products, and found that most of the businesses claimed "safety and health" and "pure plant essential oil", and labeled fashion, fashion, black technology and other words. The main ingredients of such products include menthol, borneol, eucalyptus oil, essence, and plant essential oils of different flavors. Some contain camphor, while others emphasize no camphor. The main ingredients of some products were not introduced.

Some businesses remind children in their page introductions that they are not available or need to use under the supervision of parents, but most of the products use keywords such as "the magic tool for sleeping in class", "student learning supplies", "student energy bars" in their title descriptions, and some even use "the magic tool for preventing students from sleeping in class" and "the magic tool for college entrance examination" in their product descriptions And so on.

Some businesses display "inspection and detection report" on the product introduction page. However, upon careful inspection, the reporter found that the date of these inspection reports was two or three years ago, which had exceeded the limited use date. The judgment basis was the Technical Specifications for Safety of Cosmetics (2015 version). What kind of product does "Nasal Energy Absorbing Stick" belong to? On the product introduction page, some types of these products are marked as: essential balm, and some types are marked as: essence. No executive standards, production batch numbers and other information can be seen. What is also puzzling is that the title of some commodities says "non cool oleoresin", while the product type in the drop-down page says "oleoresin".

Long term use or health impact

Will children's long-term use of "Nasal Energy Absorbing Stick" affect their health? Yang Xiangli, chief physician of the Otolaryngology Department of the Municipal People's Hospital, said that he had never heard of or used similar products in clinical practice. Long term use of this product will definitely have side effects, especially when children find it fun to insert the product into the nasal cavity for use, causing damage to nasal mucosa, bacterial infection and other health hazards. There may also be an allergic risk.

Li Hongzhu, an expert from Tianjin Pharmaceutical Research Institute, said that if the ingredients of these products are transparent and have quality control measures, menthol, eucalyptus oil and other ingredients do have the effect of refreshing and refreshing, and occasionally use will not affect the body. However, if the ingredients are unknown, the ratio is not standardized, and there is no clear industry standard, there may be risks affecting health. Especially for teenagers in the growth and development period, if they often rely on these things to refresh themselves and lack normal rest, it is actually the same principle as drinking coffee to refresh themselves. If they are used for a long time, contrary to natural laws, their health will be affected.

Don't let children try blindly

The reporter found through investigation that there is no clear industry standard and quality control measures for the "Nasal Energy Absorbing Stick" at present, and the product classification is unknown, which is neither medicine, cosmetics, nor food, toys. This phenomenon has long been noticed by bloggers on social platforms. One evaluation we media company tested 10 samples of nasal energy absorbing sticks, and the test results showed that a large number of essences were detected in 10 products, 9 of which detected aldehydes, and 5 of these 9 samples detected glutaraldehyde, which may be a carcinogenic substance. The blogger sent a video calling for "Don't touch children".

The official accounts of some local public security departments sent videos calling for "sniffing" behavior to reduce children's awareness of drug prevention and make them more likely to fall into drug related traps for teenagers whose personality is not yet mature. Remind young people not to follow the trend blindly. Parents should be vigilant, strengthen education for young people, guide them to correctly understand the hazards of such products, and improve their risk awareness.

The China Consumer Association also reminded parents and students to improve their awareness of prevention, use the "nasal energy stick" carefully, and try to adjust their status through health science when tired from studying.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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