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Wuhan Middle School: "Red Wind" in Class

Source: China Education Daily
2024-05-24 10:11

Original title:

Wuhan Middle School: "Red Wind" in Class

China Education Daily reporter Cheng Mo Correspondent Qiu Wanting Shang Zijing Chen Si

"Dear leaders, dear teachers, dear students, good morning! I am Yang Jingyi from Class 8 (4), and it is my great honor to stand here to make a speech. Today, the topic of my speech is" Rest assured that the Party, a strong country has me... "In Wuhan Middle School on Monday morning, a loud voice echoed under the flying flag, and a ideological and political education class under the flag was in progress.

As the only new red school in China founded by the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, Wuhan Middle School has launched a series of red activities through the construction of characteristic red classrooms to form an integrated ladder training path of planting "small red seeds", cultivating "small red seedlings" and growing into "mangroves", Let teenagers grow and become talents under the "red wind".

Hold high the red banner of "personality education"

Entering the History Hall of Wuhan Middle School, a special group lesson of "14 Dialogues 103" is being held. A group of 14-year-old eighth grade students from Hubei Huayi Boarding School visited the 103 year old Wuhan Middle School History Museum and listened to group lessons under the guidance of teachers. More than 200 precious exhibits in the school history museum, the centennial history of Wuhan Middle School, all tell the story of the revolutionary ancestors' hard struggle for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The students walked in the school history museum, and through this dialogue that transcended time and space and broke the barriers of study, they perceived and inherited the great revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary ancestors.

Relying on the school history museum, the school takes root in the red soil, takes the four character school motto of "Honesty and Courage" as the core, integrates the three cultural resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture, and explores the construction of a "personality education" system. The "personality education" system takes the "three schools and four systems", such as after-school league schools, student cadre schools, parent schools and student on duty principal system, student on duty monitor system, class on duty weekly system, home economics on duty weekly system, as the carrier. Through a series of red courses and activities, students are comprehensively improved in terms of knowledge, emotion, will and behavior, so as to "be honest and brave" Internally transform into self character and achieve the goal of all-round development.

In the class meeting class every Monday, students reproduce the red stories in society, schools and classes by doing surveys, watching pictures and videos, performing programs and other forms; Every semester, all activists of the school join the League to carry out red theme group day activities in red bases such as Wuhan Revolutionary Museum, feel the historical temperature and weight of each red pavilion, and experience the moving revolutionary stories; In the red front such as Hong'an Youth Study Practice Education Camp, Zhu Yanhua, the vice principal, introduced the change process of the former site of private Wuhan Middle School to students in the form of a special report, and told the school motto of "Honest and brave"

The "class meeting morning meeting school motto course" takes the school motto as the core, and focuses on creating 24 thematic class meeting courses and constructing a series of "personality education" morning meeting courses according to the characteristics of different students in the six years of junior high school and senior high school; The "Bogu Zhijin Practical Course" focuses on "Bogu" and "Zhijin", cooperates with universities and various museums in Wuhan, organizes students to visit revolutionary historic sites, museums, memorial halls and exhibition halls, excavates red historical resources, focuses on modern scientific and technological achievements, and inherits red genes; "Party and Youth League Theoretical Literacy Course" and "Hongpu Forum", using the red front of the Party and Youth League courses, invited experts and heroes to give special lectures on campus, promoted the work of Party and Youth League building, and improved the theoretical literacy... Taking three series of red courses as the main line, the school made full use of its own red resource advantages to build a unique red school-based curriculum, Let the red blood naturally blend with the concept of "personality education".

Red culture infiltrates the main position of the classroom

"Why are flowers so popular? Why are they so popular..." At the same time, spanning more than 3000 kilometers, the 89th Regiment of the Fifth Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and the music classroom of Wuhan Middle School "dream linkage", and the teenagers from Hubei and Xinjiang sang a song in the classroom. This fate stems from the fact that Martyr Chen Tanqiu, one of the founders of the school, was once the head of the Xinjiang Office of the Eighth Route Army. Students from both schools sing red songs together in music class to understand the revolutionary stories behind and enhance patriotic awareness.

This music lesson is the epitome of the school's infiltration of red culture into the classroom and its inclusion in the overall curriculum planning. The school carries forward the red spirit pedigree in education and teaching, deepens the education of patriotism, collectivism and socialist core values, gives full play to the leading role of Chinese, politics, history and other disciplines, pinpoints the small incision, aims at the two key points of classroom design and subject teachers, and strengthens the educational function of the classroom.

Teachers integrate territory, sovereignty and other contents into geography teaching to stimulate students' patriotic feelings; In the special study of "Beautiful Chinese Characters", let students understand the origin and shape evolution of Chinese characters, and feel the broad and profound culture of Chinese characters; In the special study of "the origin and cultural roots of surnames", let students understand the development of surnames, festival customs, and trace the origin of the context; On the simulated CPPCC course which was awarded the first "Ten Most Beautiful Courses" in Wuhan, students focused on social hot spots to participate in politics and understand the development of national political system and democratic politics

The school plays the role of the main channel of discipline penetration, and carefully implements the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people in all aspects of classroom teaching, including goal setting, organization and implementation, resource utilization and evaluation. The beauty of different disciplines forms the joint force of red education and promotes students to comprehensively improve their innovative practical ability and comprehensive quality.

Wherever teachers and students are, the fire of revolution will spread

The drama "The kindling of youth" looks back on the turbulent years during the May 4th Movement, and shows Comrade Dong Biwu's firm will to awaken the public to resolve to run a school; The red story "Cradle of the Revolution" reproduces the historical fact that Chen Yinlin, the younger brother of Martyr Chen Tanqiu, went from "just looking forward to a bowl of rice" to becoming the "pioneer" of the revolution... In the party and youth league activities of "Qing" saying "Qing" words inheritance held regularly by the school, young teachers and members of the Communist Youth League injected red genes into the blood of youth through drama, speech and other forms.

Focusing on the construction of "red campus", the school continued to deepen the construction of league education cooperation mechanism, and explored and formed a "three wheel drive" league education model of "red+thought" guidance, organizational cohesion, and practical exercise. The "Red+Thought" enlightens the mind. The school carries out regular and enlightening ideological education based on relevant platforms to create a strong atmosphere. The "Red+Organization" strengthens the fortress, the school improves the party and league system, strengthens the team building, and injects the vitality of strictly governing the league. The "red+practice" practice is far reaching. The educational activities organized and carried out by the school show the red characteristics everywhere, so that students can be nurtured and educated in the immersive and personal experience, cultivate the feelings of family and country, and strengthen the mission.

The school has organized teachers and students to visit Ruijin, Zunyi, Jinggangshan and other revolutionary holy places, review the red stories, understand the red spirit, and stimulate the patriotic feelings of teachers and students; Relying on community activities, we will create a batch of high-quality school-based courses such as CPPCC simulation, UN simulation, debate, aircraft model, robot, etc., and form the school brand culture in the activities; Every year, we carry out the selection activities of "Honest and Valorous Star" and Dong Biwu Education Fund Award to give play to the typical demonstration effect

Wuhan Middle School also launched the first national red school development alliance to expand the school's radiation in "personality education" and red gene inheritance. At present, the school has formed a red education alliance with 10 schools, including Yan'an Middle School, Jinggangshan Middle School and Ren Bishi Middle School, and signed cooperation agreements with Guangming Qinchengda School, a secondary school affiliated to Shenzhen Huazhong Normal University, and Mongolia Middle School in Bozhou, Xinjiang, to jointly carry out the practical exploration of "red campus" and implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, Cultivate outstanding talents for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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