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"Middle school" university management? Grasping the Degree in Collaborative Education

Source: China Education Daily
2024-05-24 10:13

Original title: "High school management"? Grasping the Degree in Collaborative Education

Kong Deqi

Parents received college transcripts, counselors set up parent groups, college classes set up family committees... Recently, the topic of "middle school oriented" college management has frequently been on the hot search, causing heated discussions. In recent years, with the development of the Internet and the rise of social group chat, many colleges and universities have established close relationships with parents. On social media, "college counselors lecturing among parents", "college parents can't escape clocking in" and other gossiping content are often spread.

Admittedly, home school communication is necessary. Although college students have grown up, they still need the support and guidance of schools and families. For example, when students have academic warnings or psychological problems, counselors can invite parents to make suggestions to help students tide over difficulties. From this point of view, the establishment of a scientific and appropriate family school education mechanism at the stage of higher education is beneficial to the growth of students.

However, it should also be noted that university is an important stage for students to move from teenagers to adults and complete the socialization transition. Compared with primary and secondary schools, the learning life in universities is more complex and diversified. The goal of higher education is not only to preach, teach and dispel doubts, but also to cultivate students' ability to learn independently and manage themselves, so that they can be ready to enter the society. In reality, some colleges and universities mechanically follow the teaching model of primary and secondary schools in the face of college students who need to improve their ability of self-management and self-development. Students who grow up in such an environment may have excellent performance and be safe, but because they are used to the shadow of the school and parents, it is difficult to develop a sound personality and independent spirit.

It is easy to understand the good intentions of some colleges and universities in order to protect parents' right to know and let them jointly supervise students. However, the relevant measures have repeatedly triggered heated discussions among all parties, including college students, including many voices of doubt and opposition.

The reason is also very simple. College students are adults who are fully capable of acting. They should participate in their own discussions and decisions concerning their own affairs, rather than fixing them in an "endless middle school", where big things and small things need to be intervened. Otherwise, this is not only a manifestation of too broad management, but also the essence of treating students as children and being managed. This will lead to the limitation of students' personality and social development, the loss of experience and frustration opportunities, and the extension of related problems to the society and the workplace, which is extremely detrimental to students' growth.

Behind the frequent heated discussion of the "middle school" phenomenon of university management is the aspirations and demands of students eager to be listened to. In college life, students' subjective status needs to be respected, and individual sense of boundary should also be concerned. A netizen said that the responsibility of the school and parents is not to let students obey management arrangements, but to provide greater autonomy, so that they can learn to balance the relationship between freedom of life and self-discipline.

This requires the home school to maintain a basic sense of propriety in the coordination and cooperation, and only assume the due responsibilities of auxiliary management, so as to make room for students to deal with problems independently. Parents should also know how to let go properly, so that students can express themselves freely and learn bravely by trial and error. This is conducive to the students' courage to try and seek breakthrough and innovation, rather than becoming "giant babies" because everything is done for them.

Some colleges and universities have experienced the phenomenon of "learning from school" in management, or are still constrained by the thought of fear of responsibility, hoping to achieve the goal of avoiding accidents by strengthening family school education. It is understandable that colleges and universities attach importance to the healthy development of college students, which is also their responsibility. However, they do not need to extend the management interface to the family in the name of "for your own good", but should take flexible measures and have a target in mind to jointly get rid of the "middle school" mode of discipline and education. After all, colleges and universities face not only students as management objects, but also individuals who have become independent adults. They should have respect and trust.

College students need independent growth space. The collaborative education at the university stage should better realize the organic connection and positive interaction between family education and school education, cultivate students' sense of self-reliance, attitude of self responsibility and ability of independent choice, and escort them to realize their personal values and smoothly integrate into the society.

(The author is a member of Guangzhou Youth Federation)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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