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"Vocational education caught up with the good time of manufacturing development"

Narrator: Huang Chongfu, Vice President of Intelligent Manufacturing and Transportation College of Chongqing Institute of Engineering Technology, Senior Technician of Robot System Operation and Maintenance

Source: Guangming Daily
2024-05-24 10:15

Original title: "Vocational education caught up with the good time of manufacturing development" (theme)

Narrator: Huang Chongfu, Vice President of Intelligent Manufacturing and Transportation College of Chongqing Institute of Engineering Technology, Senior Technician of Robot System Operation and Maintenance (subtitle)

On May 16, together with several key teachers of the school's electromechanical integration technology group, I went to Chongqing Longyu Precision Copper Pipe Co., Ltd. in Chongqing Jiangjin Shuangfu Industrial Park again to learn about the online operation of the precision straight pipe intelligent packaging project jointly developed by the school and enterprise. Over the past three years, we have helped enterprises to complete a number of technical upgrades of copper tube automatic production lines, and two of the four R&D projects we have participated in have been transformed, helping enterprises improve production efficiency by 8% and effectively reduce production costs.

We have done a lot of technical services like this. As a national "double high plan" construction college, Chongqing Engineering Vocational and Technical College has set up a number of teaching and research teams composed of professors, skilled masters and doctors to carry out close cooperation with more than 30 manufacturing enterprises in western Chongqing to help enterprises solve technical problems in the production process. This is our specific action to transform the "promising future" of vocational education into "promising future".

With the implementation of "Yuxi Leap Forward Plan" for the development of Chongqing's advanced manufacturing industry, Yuxi has become the "main battlefield" for the city to promote new industrialization and strengthen advanced manufacturing industry. The school focuses on the new generation of electronic information manufacturing industry, intelligent equipment and intelligent manufacturing, advanced materials and other industrial clusters, through optimizing professional settings, deepening the integration of industry and education Participate in technology research and development, cultivate professional and technical talents to meet the industrial development, and provide talent support and intellectual support for the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry in western Chongqing. I deeply feel that vocational education has caught up with the good time of manufacturing development.

At present, we have jointly built six technical service platforms, including Chongqing University Engineering Center for the Application of Industrial Robot Intelligent Equipment System and the National Double Division Base for Automation, with relevant enterprises in western Chongqing, to carry out plan formulation and technical research and development; Appointed key teachers to take temporary posts in enterprises, presided over a number of school enterprise cooperation research projects and realized the transformation of achievements; The training mode of "double places of 'school+enterprise', double teachers of 'skill master+professor', and double drive of 'literacy+skills'" has been constructed to build a complete skill training system for enterprises and enable high-quality development of enterprises.

There is no end to struggle, and hard work will achieve the future. As a vocational educator with 28 years of teaching experience, I personally feel that the development of vocational education has always resonated with the progress of the times. I believe that vocational education will play a greater role in serving the development of local economy.

(Interviewed by Guangming Daily reporters Li Hong, Zhang Guosheng, and correspondent Feng Yanyong)

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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