Zhonggong Entertainment

Baoding Lianchi District Federation of Trade Unions held a legal knowledge training meeting for employees and a legal service exchange salon

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-24 09:52

On May 22, the Federation of Trade Unions of Lianchi District, Baoding City, Hebei Province held a legal knowledge training meeting for employees and a legal service exchange salon. Yang Wenshuai, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and executive vice chairman of Lianchi District Federation of Trade Unions, and more than 50 employees of enterprises in the district attended the activity.

Yang Wenshuai said that employees of enterprises should further strengthen their sense of responsibility, urgency and mission in the legal work of trade unions, adhere to the work orientation of taking employees as the center, do the legal work of fine industry associations, strengthen the construction of legal talent team of enterprise trade unions, and lay a solid foundation for improving the level of legalization of trade union work.

The activity invited many experts and professors to give lectures. The professors made specific analysis and detailed explanation in combination with actual cases, helping employees improve their legal awareness and ability to prevent legal risks. The teaching lawyers answered the practical problems existing in the process of enterprise management through interactive question and answer on the spot, helped enterprises better understand the relevant legal knowledge, and won the unanimous praise of the staff of the participating enterprises.

Next, Lianchi District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out relevant legal activities, continue to extend to enterprises and industries, provide more employees with a platform to understand legal knowledge, master legal skills, improve legal awareness, and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, so that employees can develop a conscious awareness of abiding by the law, form the habit of finding laws in case of trouble, and actively create a law respecting, law learning, law abiding Good atmosphere for usage. (Edge Rui)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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