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Zhucheng City, Shandong Province: Tea fragrance, tea workers excel in technology

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-24 09:46

On the morning of May 21, the 2024 "Longcheng Craftsman" Cup Shandong Weifang Zhucheng Vocational Skills Competition - Tea Processing Vocational Skills Competition was held at the "Zhucheng Green Tea Culture Square" in Taolin Town. The competition aims to improve the production technology of "Zhucheng Green Tea" tea and promote tea processing technology.

At the competition site, the tea frying pots were arranged in order, and 14 contestants quickly threw themselves into the tense and exciting competition. The contestants demonstrated their strengths and learned from each other on the same stage to jointly inherit the cooking technology. The manual tea cooking relies on both hands to sense the cooking temperature, visual observation of the color of tea, and olfaction to control the quality of tea.


On the morning of May 21, Zhucheng held a tea processing vocational skills competition. The picture shows the competition scene. Courtesy of Zhucheng Federation of Trade Unions

During the competition, the contestants' hands flew up and down, and the tea "kept dancing" in the pot. The tea making masters use the techniques of "building, grasping, pushing, buttoning, kneading, pressing" to polish, twist, shape and fragrance. Fresh tea has become a new tea with delicate fragrance in the process of skillful kneading and roasting by tea makers. Tea fragrance overflowed at the activity site, attracting many tourists to observe and appreciate.

Subsequently, the evaluation expert group made a comprehensive evaluation on the shape, color, aroma, taste, leaf bottom and production process of the tea made by the contestants. After a lot of competition, one first prize, three second prizes, five third prizes, five excellent prizes and two organization prizes were selected.

In addition, 21 tea enterprises on the scene showed dozens of tea products, set up live broadcast areas, and invited experts to promote "Zhucheng Green Tea" online.

The relevant person in charge of the Zhucheng Federation of Trade Unions said that this skill contest is not only a review of the skills of practitioners, but also a stage for contestants to tap their potential and learn skills. It has inspired many tea farmers to strive to be the communicator and leader of tea culture, and has promoted the "Zhucheng Green Tea" to be fragrant and popular in the world. At the same time, we will guide more workers to the path of becoming skilled and becoming rich, and provide strong talent support for rural revitalization. (Zhu Gong Xuange Hongpu)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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