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In the silent world, they "carved" a wonderful

Source: China Youth News
2024-05-24 08:46

Original title: In the silent world, they "carved" out wonderful

Intern Jia Xinyang, reporter Yin Xining from Zhongqing Daily and Zhongqing Net


This is the scene in the class of the "Walk into Intangible Cultural Heritage to see Beijing" experience camp not long ago. 16-year-old Yin Jiaming is the teacher. He is also a deaf student of Zhangjiakou Special Education School.

China attaches great importance to the development of cultural undertakings for the disabled. All local Disabled Persons' Federations have built 200 special art talent training bases based on special education institutions, art teams, etc., and have carried out extensive training of special art talents in combination with the actual situation. By 2023, there will be 2345 special education schools in China, an increase of 31 compared with 2022.

In 2014, Yin Jiaming entered Zhangjiakou Special Education School. In 2016, he signed up for the Yuxian paper-cut course offered by Chang Haiying, a teacher of the school. It was eight years at that moment, and this course has been offered for 12 years.

Chang Haiying, a teacher from Zhangjiakou Special Education School, Hebei Province, instructs students in paper cutting. Photograph provided by respondents

In the winter of 2011, Hu Yimeng, a Yuxian paper-cut master who was over 70 years old, had the idea of passing on his craftsmanship to special students. After learning this news, the school decided to send Chang Haiying, who is good at handwork, to learn from teachers.

"Can I learn in just a week?" Chang Haiying hesitated when looking at the exquisite works carved by the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage in Nuanquan Town, Yuxian County. "In the workshop where I learned art, there were many housewives. They all started from their interests. After accumulated practice, they have become senior technicians of paper-cut, and their wages are also very good." The experience of housewives in the workshop made Chang Haiying firm. In her opinion, intangible cultural heritage paper-cut may open another door for the future of children in special education schools.

"Can I teach the children?" This is Chang Haiying's second problem. Back at school, Chang Haiying continued to consolidate and improve her skills while preparing lessons. She set the teaching objects as hearing impaired students from primary school to the first stage of junior high school. The most difficult thing is not technology, but to endure boring training and finger pain. The silent world just gives these children strong concentration and endurance, and I believe they can do it. "

In 2012, Chang Haiying's Intangible Cultural Heritage paper-cut class was officially opened, with two classes each week, one hour each, and 8-18 students in each class.

However, it is the nature of every child to love playing. Those who are afraid of taking too long, pushing aside or losing their temper, "have to slow down." Chang Haiying said with a smile.

Gradually, the course time of one hour per week is not enough for students to "drill" in. Chang Haiying will squeeze out Sundays to "open a small kitchen" for students with higher level. Paper cutting has become a bright touch of color in their respective lives.

The "highlight moment" of the students is that when the visitors to the school ask the author, they all point to themselves.

Cui Wenting is Chang Haiying's first proud student. In the second Hebei Disabled Skills Competition, her paper-cut work "Yearning Forward" won the first prize and participated in the national competition on behalf of Hebei Province. In order to better prepare for the competition, Hebei Disabled Persons' Federation arranged Cui Wenting to go to Yuxian paper-cut art base for training, accompanied by Chang Haiying. "In dog days, we worked hard together to design drawings, and she practiced her back, drawing drawings, and carving speed." Chang Haiying recalled that Cui Wenting won the 20th place in the country in the end, "although her performance was not the best, it proved that we can let children learn something and learn something".

Now, Cui Wenting, who has graduated, is not specialized in paper-cut work, but has become famous in Kangbao County, Hebei Province by virtue of paper-cut. "The County Disabled Persons' Federation often comes to me when there are activities, and I'm glad to be a inheritor of intangible cultural heritage," Cui Wenting told reporters by typing.

In recent years, students of special education schools across the country have gradually entered the "C" position of the stage with intangible cultural heritage. For example, in Pingliang Special Education School in Gansu Province, students brought their own intangible cultural heritage Pingliang dough sculptures to show various works and special exchange activities; At Ezhou Special Education School in Hubei Province, the original dance "Carving Love · Paper Cutting Music", which shows Ezhou's carved paper-cut and jade linked intangible cultural heritage traditional culture, won the first prize of the 10th Hubei Disabled People's Art Festival; At Wenzhou Special Education School in Zhejiang Province, the "Qizhi Dragon and Lion Team" composed of students with mental retardation won the second prize of Zhejiang Province in the dragon dance optional project

"How well carved it is, this is the best gift the children gave me." Chang Haiying looked at the wall of student works, and his eyes were slightly moist: turning the special into a feature, let love be free, and the intangible cultural heritage paper-cut has achieved.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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