Zhonggong Entertainment

Four people died and 16 were injured when a seaside restaurant collapsed in Spain

Source: Xinhua
2024-05-24 08:48

Original title: Four people died and 16 were injured when a seaside restaurant collapsed in Spain

Xinhua News Agency, Madrid, May 23 (Xie Yuzhi) A restaurant in Mallorca Island, a Spanish tourist resort, collapsed on the evening of the 23rd, killing at least 4 people and injuring 16.

According to local media reports, the accident occurred at around 8:30 that night, and some customers were dining at this seaside restaurant in Palma, Mallorca. At the time of the incident, the glass terrace on the second floor of the building collapsed and crashed to the first floor, affecting the basement under the impact of gravity. At present, the nationality and identity of the deceased are not clear. Emergency and fire department personnel are searching for survivors under the ruins. Police said the death toll could increase.

Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez expressed condolences to the families of the deceased on social media that night and wished the injured a speedy recovery. He said that the government will provide all necessary help to the affected area.

Mallorca is the largest island in the Spanish Balearic Islands, located in the western Mediterranean Sea.

Editor in charge: Liu Yun

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