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Cancel pre-sale, major app revision, and open for sale for 4 hours, with 59 brands selling more than 100 million yuan

No staying up late, no pre-sale, no complexity This year, Tmall 618 "returns to its original intention"

Source: Qianjiang Evening News
2024-05-24 10:33

Original title: Cancellation of pre-sale, major revamp of app, opening for sale for 4 hours, 59 brands with sales exceeding 100 million yuan (introduction)

No staying up late, no pre-sale, no complication. This year's Tmall 618 "Return to the Original Heart" (theme)

Zhu Yao, reporter of Qianjiang Evening News

The new 618 has finally started, and the experience has changed!

With the cancellation of official pre-sales and no complicated playing methods, the 618 platform ushered in the most intense confrontation in the first half of the year. The cancellation of pre-sale is the biggest highlight of 618 this year.

This year, Tmall 618 cancelled pre-sale for the first time, and spot sales broke out. As of 0:00 on May 21, in only 4 hours, the sales of 59 brands had exceeded 100 million yuan and 376 single products had exceeded 10 million yuan.

Behind the consumption data, large-scale investment and experience improvement are becoming the bright and dark lines of this 618.

To send subsidies to everyone

This year's 618 merchants have all put together

"Here we go!" The hour hand pointed to 8 o'clock in the evening. My mother "instructed" and Hangzhou girl Meimei opened the shopping cart. In a short time, Meimei showed 618 achievements in hand speed: all the favorite spot goods, such as home electronic locks, sunscreen clothes, and assault suits, were won. "Because the strategy was well done, the discount threshold was relatively simple, and it cost more than 5000 yuan, just enough to use two large coupons."

Without a long waiting period, simply calculate the discount. On the social platform, some people are immediately interested in the "good money saving strategy" after reading it without staying up late, pre-sale and complexity.

During the 618 period, Tmall increased its largest investment in history. On the basis of beauty surprise coupons, it added a beauty super coupon of more than 1500 yuan minus 200 yuan.

For Ms. Lu, a working mother, "It's a normal life to be happy with yourself, but there is not much time to do homework at ordinary times. They will take the initiative to start at 618 and Double 11, and prepare all kinds of needs from head to foot at one time."

"How much can the 618 Apple 15 drop?" This 618, which was called "particularly cost-effective" by netizens, has emerged many 3C popular products.

At the suggestion of the digital blogger, Hangcheng 3C fans are finally ready to take action. At 8 p.m., Mr. Shi, a netizen, went straight to the purchase page and said, "The price is quite friendly. For example, the price of the iPhone 15 128G is 4599 yuan, and the price of the iPhone 15 Plus 128G is 5599 yuan, which is 1400 yuan lower than the original price."

In 618 this year, e-commerce platforms that were once keen on "festival building" entered a new battlefield at the same time - with greater investment, the real "pet powder mode" was launched.

According to Tmall, in addition to reducing 50% from 300 and reducing 15% from the official level, Tmall on Taobao has invested an additional 15 billion consumer red packets this time; While 88VIP issued large shopping vouchers, Taobao's 10 billion subsidy also directly contributed, allowing Apple, Dyson, Huawei and other big brands to join the "Wang Fried Family Bucket".

"In order to send subsidies to everyone, this session of 618 merchants have fought hard." Good goods and good prices under the platform's large investment have become a bright line of this 618.

According to Taobao Tmall's data, only four hours after the opening at 8:00 p.m. on May 20, 59 brands had sales of more than 100 million yuan and 376 single products had sales of more than 10 million yuan. In the first hour of sales, Taobao subsidized GMV with 10 billion yuan, an increase of 596.5% over the same period last year.

Pendulum of 618

Turn to "user first"

The pre-sale system, which has been used by e-commerce platforms for about ten years, pressed the pause button at 618 this year.

In the view of the industry, this is not surprising. The cancellation of the pre-sale system changes from time to time. The early pre-sale "came out from the sky", which alleviated the "wave peak" impact formed by the day of large-scale promotion and concentration, and alleviated the pressure of technology, capital and logistics on the platform and merchants.

As consumers' enthusiasm for pre-sales continues to decline, pre-sales with "declining reputation" also have different voices. Some netizens found that more and more platforms began to "persuade" and listed the improvement of user experience as the main line of development this year.

On the eve of 618, Taobao app quietly launched the largest upgrade in recent years, which is likely to sweep away the accumulated disadvantages of the past few years. Looking back a few months, Taobao has launched a series of changes focusing on consumer experience, including Xinjiang Baoyou, the revised website, and the continuous upgrading of 88VIP rights.

In May this year, Taobao also announced the launch of the upgrade of the web version of Taobao.com. This revision is the most powerful update of Taobao in the past seven years. It has improved consumers' experience of shopping with the web version one by one. For example, the login status has been maintained for a longer period of time, the shopping cart has shown the post coupon price for the first time, the product details have been automatically received with discounts, and "My Taobao" has added invoice management

Some netizens commented that in the recent user experience upgrade, in addition to upgrading the more concise and intelligent app home page, including news, my Taobao and other tabs, all ushered in a major change that is easier to use.

In the recently released Alibaba financial report, a series of data also confirmed the effectiveness of experience improvement. The financial report shows that the number and frequency of quarterly buyers have surged, and the online GMV and order volume have climbed by double-digit year-on-year; Strong investment in search and recommendation led to a 5% increase in customer management revenue; The number of 88VIP members exceeded 35 million, with a significant year-on-year growth.

The 618 World War kicked off, and businesses from all over the country ushered in a busy moment in the first half of the year. Behind the "volume user experience" is the adjustment of the strategic focus of e-commerce platforms in the new development trend and competitive situation. It can be predicted that the 618 is full of changes, and "returning to the original heart" is also the tacit understanding of the major platforms.

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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