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Keep in mind the instructions, keep upright and innovate to open a new situation of ideological and political education in the new era

Source: Hainan Daily
2024-05-24 09:03

Original title: Keep in mind the instructions, keep upright and innovate to create a new situation of ideological and political education in the new era

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the construction of school ideological and political courses, pointing out the direction and providing guidance for promoting the innovative development of school ideological and political courses in the new era. In the new era and new journey, the construction of ideological and political courses is faced with new situations and tasks, and must have new weather and new actions. We should keep in mind the ardent instructions, lay a solid foundation, develop and innovate, shoulder the heavy task of cultivating new people in the era with a high sense of mission, responsibility and honor, give full play to enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and strive to create a new situation of ideological and political education in the new era.

Grasping the root, adhere to the construction of ideological and political courses and the Party's innovative theoretical armed advance at the same time. Cultivating talents and creating talents is the foundation of the country. To run ideological and political theory courses well, the most fundamental thing is to comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy and solve the fundamental problem of who, how and for whom to train people. This requires us to strengthen the historical initiative and political consciousness of the simultaneous promotion of the ideological and political course construction and the Party's innovative theoretical armed forces, use Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to cast souls and educate people, and cultivate new people of the era who can reassure the Party, make patriotic contributions, and shoulder the important task of national rejuvenation. First, we should deeply understand that ideological and political courses are the top priority of the education work of the Party's leadership. We should understand the importance of running ideological and political courses from the perspective of adhering to and developing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and guide students to correctly understand the development trend of the world and China, We will ensure that the cause of the Party and the building of a modern, powerful socialist country will have successors. Second, we should accelerate the construction of a curriculum and teaching material system with Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the core content, promote the latest achievements of the Party's innovative theory into the mind, and take the remarkable achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the content support, so that the vast number of young students can deeply feel the practical power of the Party's innovative theory, feel contemporary Chinese Marxism The theoretical appeal of Marxism in the 21st century. Third, we should make great efforts to accurately grasp and deeply analyze the essence of theory, and lead the construction of academic discourse system of ideological and political courses in schools with the scientific theoretical content of the Party. At the same time, efforts should be made to innovate the way of discourse expression, pay attention to the transformation and optimization of academic discourse, and constantly enhance the ideological, theoretical, affinity and pertinence of ideological and political courses.

Focus on the key, and strengthen the political guidance and value shaping mission of the ideological and political course. It is a holy deed to cultivate righteousness. At all times and in all over the world, every country cultivates people according to its own political requirements, and world-class universities have grown up in serving the development of their own countries. Political guidance is the basic function of ideological and political courses, and value building is the internal requirement of ideological and political courses. To create high-quality ideological and political courses in the new era, we must comprehensively grasp the functional orientation of ideological and political courses and strengthen the mission. On the one hand, the key to deepening the ideological and political course is the correct cognition of "politics". Political guidance emphasizes the political and strategic nature of the ideological and political course, and the success or failure of the ideological and political course depends on the performance of the political guidance function. Ideological and political courses have distinctive socialist ideological attributes. To run ideological and political courses well, we must adhere to the political bottom line and red line of educational development, make a clear voice of the mainstream, and strengthen the identity of the mainstream ideology. This requires us to strictly abide by the political rules of socialist education with Chinese characteristics, gather political identity, reach political consensus, form political synergy, lead the social trend of thought, and stand firmly on the main ideological front. On the other hand, we should focus on the goal of value shaping to promote the construction of ideological and political courses. Knowledge is the carrier, value is the purpose, and values should be guided in the knowledge transmission. To run a good ideological and political course, we must grasp the characteristics of students' thoughts, knowledge and psychological development, and pay attention to students' ideological concepts, emotional cognition, value judgments and behavior dynamics. We should take the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture as the strength foundation, respond to students with thorough theoretical analysis, persuade students with thorough ideological theory, and guide students with the powerful power of truth. In addition, the teaching of ideological and political courses also needs to focus on empathy empowerment. It is necessary to dig deep into the ideological resonance, identify the emotional collision points, guide students to change their socialist core values from "knowing" to "feeling" and then to "doing", and strengthen emotional identity, theoretical identity and practical identity.

We should attach importance to practice and promote the coordinated education of small ideological and political classes and large social classes. There are joys and sorrows in things, and those who taste them know; The road is dangerous, and those who follow it know it. To run ideological and political courses well, we should adhere to the unity of theory and practice, cultivate people with scientific theories, attach importance to the practicality of ideological and political courses, combine small ideological and political classes with large social classes, and educate and guide students to establish lofty aspirations and become strivers. Deepening the integration and interaction between the small ideological and political class and the large social class is of great significance for explaining new problems and situations, responding to theoretical and practical concerns, and is an important starting point for promoting ideological and political education to a new level and improving the teaching effect of ideological and political courses. The ideological and political classroom should be placed in a grand era, fresh practice and vivid reality. First, it is necessary to integrate high-quality resources for collaborative education inside and outside the school, further open up the "last mile" of theory and practice, and strengthen the sense of participation, substitution, and acquisition in the "immersive" big ideological and political classroom, so that students can understand the truth in practical, case based, and project-based teaching. The second is to educate and guide students to meet their learning needs in social practice, enhance their initiative in learning and exploring knowledge and skills, stimulate their potential for independent learning, test book theoretical knowledge with practice, and make theoretical cognition from abstract to concrete according to the logic of acquiring knowledge, using knowledge, and solving problems, so as to make knowledge learning from scattered to systematic, Better grow into a participant and contributor of social activities. Third, we need to build a broad social practice experience platform, provide more opportunities for social labor participation, help students learn from the real environment, promote the unity of knowledge and practice, knowledge and ability, encourage students to put their life aspirations into practical action, measure the motherland with their feet, discover the Chinese spirit with their eyes, and listen to the people's voices with their ears, Feel the pulse of the times with your heart.

Following the law, the application of digital intelligence technology and the integration of curriculum reform and innovation go hand in hand. The key to education lies in understanding. The essence of the ideological and political course is to be reasonable. We should pay attention to ways and means, and explain the truth deeply, thoroughly and vividly. Innovative ways and methods are an important task of comprehensive reform and innovation in the construction of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities, and also a breakthrough point to strengthen and improve the construction of ideological and political courses, improve the teaching level and quality. Facing the development trend of digital intelligence, we should promote the integration and parallel of traditional advantages of ideological and political work and digital intelligence technology, make the biggest variable of the Internet become the biggest increment of career development, and spare no effort to create ideological and political courses that are in line with students' learning rules, genuinely loved and lifelong beneficial. The first is to "deepen" the theory of digital intelligence technology empowerment. Optimize the digital intelligent teaching carrier, aggregate high-quality teaching materials, create a comprehensive and three-dimensional teaching resource library, expand education space and channels, build a profound and extensive knowledge system, enrich rigorous and authoritative literature content, realize data exchange, collaborative sharing, optimized combination, accuracy and efficiency, and promote academic analysis and academic exploration to go deep. The second is to "explain thoroughly" the principle of digital intelligence technology empowerment. Use digital and intelligent teaching methods to grasp the learning situation, capture the dynamics, support the vertical and horizontal comparison of knowledge understanding and absorption, dynamic changes in thinking and other aspects, improve the timeliness of guiding and answering questions, enhance the personalization of demand satisfaction, promote more scientific teaching objectives, more reasonable progress, more adequate interaction, more focused questions, more accurate evaluation, and strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness of teaching. The third is to "live up" the principle of enabling digital intelligence technology. The digital intelligence technology is used to support the flipping of classroom teaching and learning, reshape the relationship between teachers and students, promote interactive, immersive and experiential teaching, realize the scene and visualization of the teaching environment, make the teaching content interesting and fresh, help the theory to be vivid, vivid and wonderful, and achieve the effect of communicating the mind, enlightening the mind and inspiring the morale.

Chen Hong, The author is a special researcher of the Research Center for Socialism Theory System with Chinese Characteristics in Hainan Province, the executive vice president of the College of Marxism of Hainan Normal University, and the head of the National College of Ideological and Political Teachers Studio (Hainan Normal University)]

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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