Zhonggong Entertainment

"Humanities+science and technology", let the new trend of cultural industry surge

Source: Guangming Daily
2024-05-24 08:07

Original title: "Humanities+Technology", let the new trend of cultural industry surge

Type in a "colorful Chinese dragon" text, and quickly build a high-definition video with Chinese aesthetics; Upload a mobile phone photo, and the three-dimensional and changeable special effect video will come alive; With the tag of corresponding descriptive words, a distinctive music melody touched the audience's heartstrings... In the scene of the internal test of Wanxing "Tianmu", the first audio and video multimedia model in China, people saw the innovative power of AI enabled audio and video. With the deep integration of "culture+technology", the new business forms, new industries and new scenes in the Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park on the banks of Liuyang River in Hunan have released infinite vitality.

In March this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Hunan that we should explore an effective mechanism for the integration of culture and science and technology, accelerate the development of new cultural formats, and form more new growth points for the cultural industry. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech pointed out the direction and path for the development of the national cultural industry. In recent years, the literary style of Sanxiang has become increasingly popular, the red culture and excellent traditional Chinese culture have been carried forward, and the regional characteristic culture represented by Huxiang culture has also been effectively protected and inherited. At the same time, the market performance of Hunan's cultural industry is eye-catching, the main business indicators of enterprises rank first in the country, and the total business income ranks first in the country. It is worth noting that the development of Hunan's cultural industry shows a strong sense of "science and technology" and "humanity". The digitalization of cultural relics collection, immersive exhibition, online VR museum, etc., focus on the emotional experience of ordinary people, and maximize the distance between reality and history. Malanshan has become a "new landmark" of the digital culture industry. More than 3800 technology and platform enterprises have taken root here, building platforms, researching algorithms, creating models, creating products, and linking them into a video cultural and creative industry chain. In many places of Hunan, the transformation and upgrading of traditional cultural industries enabled by science and technology has achieved remarkable results. Digital technology and virtual simulation technology have been widely used to help promote process improvement, material development, equipment update and platform upgrade. Traditional cultural industries such as Hunan embroidery, ceramics, fireworks and so on have also taken on a new look.

Hunan's cultural industry is both "popular" and "popular". The key is to seize the "bull nose" of science and technology, quickly infiltrate various achievements made in scientific and technological progress into the whole process of production, dissemination and consumption of cultural products, and constantly promote new business forms, new industries and new scenes, and reflect the driving characteristics of "more, faster, better and less". One is "more". Seizing the opportunities of technological leaps such as mobile Internet, cloud computing and big data, we continued to deepen the application of cultural and creative digital scenes, greatly enriched the online and offline interaction of cultural resources, and constantly explored a new path for the development of digital enabled cultural industry. The second is "fast". Relying on the continuous breakthrough of generative AI technology, the efficiency of content production of cultural and creative enterprises has been greatly improved. The third is "good". With the support of VR, AR, Meta Universe and other technologies, the collection of cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage has become more "vivid", and the appeal and penetration of cultural products have been significantly enhanced. 4K film restoration technology plays an important role in protecting precious collections and inheriting history and culture. The fourth is "province". Constantly consolidate the base of science and technology to enable the high-quality development of the cultural industry. In Malanshan, more than 10 R&D and innovation platforms, such as video supercomputing, have been set up to help enterprises improve their cultural and creative capabilities while significantly saving their R&D expenditures.

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the important article "Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening up, Continuously Injecting Strong Power into Chinese Modernization" published by Qiushi magazine that the new quality productivity not only needs the government's advanced planning guidance and scientific policy support, but also needs the adjustment of market mechanism, continuous innovation of enterprises and other micro entities. It is the "tangible hand" of the government and the "invisible hand" of the market They are jointly cultivated and driven. Scientific and technological innovation is changing with each passing day, creating unlimited possibilities for the future development of the cultural industry, and also putting forward higher requirements for the reform of the cultural system. In the process of the vigorous development of the cultural industry, from the micro level of content production and dissemination, to the meso level of corporate governance, to the macro level of development mode, policy design and institutional arrangements, we need to break down the ideological barriers and path dependence, explore the establishment of new production relations suitable for the new quality productivity of the cultural industry, which is also the direction of cultural system reform.

This requires practitioners, in their exploration, to analyze various laws and characteristics that match the development of technology related to the cultural industry, pay attention to the development and changes of the situation and the iterative upgrading of industrial technology, adjust the direction and focus of forward-looking layout in a timely manner, strengthen basic conditions and capacity building, and strengthen the supply of basic technology; Research and judge the trend of innovative allocation of scientific and technological elements in the cultural industry, optimize the allocation of talents, technology, facilities, audio and video computing, computing power and other elements, identify the connotation and characteristics of new elements, and seize the commanding heights of development and utilization. Grasp the major opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, deepen the "four chain integration" in the field of cultural industry, deploy the innovation chain around the industry chain, and layout the industry chain around the innovation chain; At the same time, through policy guidance and special support, the talent chain, capital chain, innovation chain and industrial chain will resonate at the same frequency, promote the deep transformation of the cultural industry and the integration and development of other industries, and launch the demonstration project of cross-border integration of cultural industries according to local conditions. Promote the better combination of effective market and promising government, grasp the technology logic, market logic and governance logic of cultivating new quality productivity of cultural industry, and create an open industrial innovation ecology from the aspects of digital infrastructure construction, professional and technical personnel cultivation, public technology platform construction, computing synergy, intellectual property protection, international exchange and cooperation, etc, Realize rapid agglomeration and efficient transformation of scientific and technological elements of cultural industry.

The cultural industry has both economic and social attributes, and is also a bridge and link to realize "beauty and common" with different civilizations. Further deepen the reform of the cultural system, fully stimulate the multiplier effect of science and technology on the development of the cultural industry, and will certainly play an important role in meeting people's needs for a better life, activating cultural consumption potential, and improving the country's soft power.

(Author: Chen Qiang, professor of School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, and researcher of Shanghai Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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