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Enhancing online support for college students' mental health

Source: Guangxi Daily
2024-05-24 08:05

Original title: Enhancing online support for college students' mental health

Psychology is an important part of health. The Party and the state attach great importance to the work of students' mental health, and the report of the 20th National Congress of the Party emphasizes the need to "pay attention to mental health and mental health". In 2023, the Ministry of Education and other 17 departments jointly issued the Special Action Plan for Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving the Mental Health of Students in the New Era (2023-2025), marking the rise of students' mental health work to a national strategy. From the general idea of students' mental health work to the basic principles of students' mental health work; From the promotion system of students' mental health work to the action measures of students' mental health work, a series of requirements and deployment provide a fundamental basis for colleges and universities to carry out mental health education. With the continuous development and progress of Internet information technology, online psychological consultation has become the supplement and expansion of traditional face-to-face psychological consultation, opening up a new space for mental health education in colleges and universities. We must deeply understand the necessity of carrying out mental health education, strengthen the construction of mental health courses, give full play to the advantages of online psychological consultation, and further improve the mental health level of college students.

Respond to real needs and innovate communication methods

Strengthening and improving the mental health work of college students in the new era, and actively exploring new ideas and new ways to solve mental health problems, will help cultivate college students' positive attitude towards life and ability to cope with pressure, form a sound personality, and promote the overall development of college students, which is one of the important contents of building morality and cultivating people. In the rapidly changing society and complex and changeable living environment, with the help of Internet information technology and the application of relevant theories and methods of consulting psychology, college students are assisted to solve their psychological problems, so that they can cope with various challenges in their study, life and future career with good psychological adaptability and emotional adjustment ability, It plays an important role in the education system of colleges and universities.

The mental health problem of college students is a practical problem that needs to be solved urgently. The college age is a transitional period from teenagers to adults. Many factors, such as complex and diverse information interweaving changes and individual differences, make college students bear greater psychological pressure, and are prone to psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, compulsion, self pity, isolation, etc. At present, college students have become one of the groups with serious psychological problems.

Online psychological consultation is an effective way to help solve college students' mental health problems. Some college students often have to go through a fierce ideological struggle before they dare to summon up the courage to enter the psychological consultation room because of the deviation in their cognition of psychological consultation and even the sense of shame. Therefore, there are few college students who voluntarily enter the psychological counseling room, and even fewer can open their hearts to psychological counselors. The establishment of online psychological consultation has solved some doubts about college students' participation in traditional psychological consultation, and provided more options for college students who are unable or unwilling to conduct face-to-face consultation.

Focusing on effect improvement and expanding education channels

Online psychological consultation mainly includes video, voice, text and other forms. Compared with offline face-to-face counseling, it has its own advantages and distinctive characteristics, which further expands the way of mental health education for college students.

Real time. Online psychological consultation is not restricted by time and place. As long as there is a mobile phone or computer, no matter where you are, you can go online for psychological consultation, which greatly facilitates students to seek help in a timely manner, and achieve instant communication and psychological counseling.

Concealment. The biggest obstacle of psychological consultation is the fear of confidentiality. Online psychological consultation can not reveal their real name, gender, identity, appearance and other information, which is conducive to college students to cast aside their concerns, open their hearts, and comprehensively and truly describe their psychological confusion. Especially for some students who are introverted or have concerns about traditional consulting methods, the online form brings relatively little psychological pressure, which can also reduce the face-to-face embarrassment.

Diversity. With online psychological consultation, you can choose text communication, voice communication and video communication according to your actual situation. When using video, psychological counselors can analyze the psychological activities of college students through their body language, movement and expression. By using words and voice, it is easier to "speak" and communicate than face-to-face counseling, and college students can also express their inner conflicts more truthfully, which helps counselors to more accurately conduct psychological assessment and provide counseling services to students.

Effectiveness. Online psychological consultation, on the one hand, allows visitors to show their thoughts, vent their emotions, and increase their understanding of their own problems; On the other hand, they can also review their conversations with consultants at any time to further understand and analyze their own ways of facing difficulties and coping with problems, thus generating new understanding and ideas to improve the consulting effect.

Perfect the working system and provide strong guarantee

At present, online psychological counseling service for college students is still in its infancy. Whether in ethics, legal protection, confidentiality, or in the technology of providing consulting support, further improvement and perfection are needed to promote the formation of a mental health education system that combines online and offline, in class and out of class, education and guidance, consultation and self-help.

Build online psychological consultation system in colleges and universities. Taking advantage of the unique advantages of colleges and universities, developing a dedicated online psychological consultation platform on campus can not only expand the audience range of college students' mental health education and psychological consultation, but also ensure the standardization, safety, continuity and stability of online psychological consultation. This is also an effective measure to improve mental health education to meet individual needs.

Strengthen the construction of online psychological consultation teachers. Establish online psychological consultation evaluation and psychological supervision system, give professional guidance and supervision to psychological consultants, help them grow into talents, make them master rich psychological consultation knowledge, network culture, and be proficient in operating the network psychological consultation system, constantly improve service ability, and provide more professional, convenient and effective mental health services for college students.

Construct a psychological consultation mode combining "online+offline". Online psychological consultation, as an extension and innovation of traditional face-to-face psychological consultation, has become a trend to carry out college students' mental health education. Through the combination of "online+offline", we should constantly improve the security mechanism of college students' mental health education, build and improve the early warning mechanism for high-risk groups of college students' psychological problems, and achieve early detection, timely prevention and effective intervention. In combination with the psychological characteristics of college students, we should formulate targeted online psychological counseling policies and measures to provide timely, effective and high-quality psychological health guidance and services for college students, help them improve their psychological quality, learn to self regulate psychology, and maintain self-esteem, self-confidence, rational peace, positive and healthy attitude, Provide strong health support and guarantee for the implementation of the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people.

Pang Shaohong, The author is the director and associate professor of the Mental Health Education Center of Guangxi Health Vocational and Technical College)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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