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Deeply grasp the scientific connotation, distinctive characteristics and cultivation path of new quality productivity

Source: Guangming Daily
2024-05-24 07:48

Original title: Deeply grasp the scientific connotation, distinctive characteristics and cultivation path of new quality productivity

General Secretary Xi Jinping, from the perspective of coordinating the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the world's unprecedented changes in a century, creatively put forward the major proposition of developing new quality productivity, and profoundly expounded its rich connotation, core essence, practical path and scientific methodology. Accelerating the formation and development of new quality productive forces is a systematic project. Only by deeply understanding the theoretical connotation of new quality productive forces, scientifically grasping the distinctive characteristics of new quality productive forces, and enhancing the new momentum of development with new quality productive forces, can we better promote high-quality development and solidly promote the construction of Chinese style modernization.

1. Deeply understand the theoretical connotation of new quality productivity

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the new quality productivity is an advanced productivity quality characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality, which is in line with the new development concept, with innovation playing a leading role and breaking away from the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path. It is driven by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries. It takes the leap of workers, means of labor, labor objects and their optimized combination as its basic connotation, and the significant increase in total factor productivity as its core symbol. It is characterized by innovation, quality as its key, and advanced productivity in essence. ". General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on new quality productivity, based on the practice of economic development in the new era, is the innovation and development of Marxist productivity theory, which provides scientific guidance for us to develop new quality productivity and promote high-quality development.

The starting point of new quality productivity is "new". The "new" here is mainly different from the traditional productivity, and its internal requirement is innovation. On the one hand, the new quality productivity emphasizes seizing strategic emerging industries and new tracks of future industries with breakthroughs in key disruptive technologies, and improving independent innovation capability. On the other hand, the new quality productivity focuses on new elements, new models, new industries, and new driving forces. It not only includes innovation at the level of technology and business model, but also innovation at the level of management and system. The core lies in the innovation of productivity elements and their combinations. These multi field, multi-level and diversified "new" are causing a series of important changes in the production process, providing a solid focus and new growth points for economic and social development.

The key to new quality productivity lies in "quality". The "quality" here is mainly relative to the "quantity", which is a qualitative leap on the basis of the growth of quantity. It refers to the material, quality and essence. It emphasizes that production should rely on the power of knowledge, scientific and technological means, digital technology and innovation to improve production quality and efficiency. From the perspective of "material", pay attention to the improvement and promotion of productivity by new technology, new materials, new energy, etc; From the perspective of "quality", reflect the new requirements of high-quality development; From the perspective of "essence", the new quality productivity is a kind of green productivity, which is in line with the new development concept. With the goal of achieving economic and social coordination, sustainable and green low-carbon development, it is free from the traditional economic growth mode and development dependence path that consume a lot of resources and energy. "New quality" refers to the new nature, new features, new functions and new laws generated by the qualitative change. Its core is to promote quality by innovation and take advantage of quality. Its focus is to enable modern industries to derive new forms and new qualities from the elements of scientific and technological innovation in the digital and intelligent era.

New quality productivity is based on "productivity". Productivity is an organic system formed by a certain structural combination between and within the factors of production, which is mainly reflected in the three key elements of Marx and Engels' theory of productivity: labor, objects of labor and means of labor. With the new improvement of labor capacity, the new changes of labor objects, and the new reform of labor means, the optimized combination of "quality" among the three has also undergone revolutionary reshaping. Marx pointed out that "labor productivity is developing with the continuous progress of science and technology." Productivity provides the material basis for human society, and is the key factor and decisive force to promote the continuous development of history. The fundamental task of socialism is to liberate and develop the social productive forces. The reason why China's economic development has been able to achieve historical leaps is to constantly deepen the understanding of the law of productivity development, constantly promote the enrichment and development of productivity theory, and always adhere to the scientific and technological progress to promote the continuous development and leap of productivity. We must remove all ideological barriers that restrict innovation and development, speed up the reform of systems and mechanisms around innovation and development, strive to build a technological system, industrial system and institutional system to achieve self-reliance in science and technology, stimulate the vitality of social development through continuous adjustment of production relations, and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces.

2. Scientifically grasp the distinctive characteristics of new quality productivity

The essence of new quality productivity is advanced productivity, which is a kind of productivity quality in line with the new development concept, in sharp contrast with traditional productivity. The new quality productive forces have essential differences in development power, development form and development concept, and are characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality.

High-tech. New quality productivity is an advanced productivity quality state dominated by scientific and technological innovation. It integrates new industries, new technologies, new formats, new products and new services, and has the characteristics of disruptive scientific and technological innovation. It is led by major scientific and technological innovation, and strategic emerging industries and future industries are its main carriers and manifestations. Strategic emerging industries specifically include new generation information technology, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment and other industries; Future industries include brain like intelligence, quantum information, gene technology, future network, deep-sea aerospace development and other new fields. These new industries and fields have typical high-tech characteristics. The formation process of new quality productivity is essentially the process of transforming scientific and technological innovation achievements into real productivity, as well as the process of creating new products, promoting new industries and generating new values. The new quality productivity has got rid of the quantitative growth model driven by factors. Its core characteristics are knowledge and technology intensive, high scientific and technological content and added value. This enlightens us that we should always emphasize the leading role of high-tech in development, firmly grasp the "bull nose" and "collar" of scientific and technological innovation, give full play to the role of technological innovation as an incremental device, accelerate the effective supply of key core technologies and disruptive technologies, promote industrial development and upgrading with scientific and technological innovation achievements, and promote the development of new quality productivity with new production methods, Achieve a substantial leap in social production capacity.

High efficiency. The high efficiency and substantial improvement of total factor productivity is the core symbol of new quality productivity. On the one hand, the new quality productivity leads the transformation and adjustment of existing production tools, production methods, industrial organizations, and industrial forms in a series of new technological breakthroughs and changes, thus further activating the vitality of production factors such as labor, capital, land, science and technology, finance, talent, management, information, and data, and promoting the free and convenient flow, cross combination, collaborative development Fusion fission and continuous optimization will lead to profound changes in the production function and production relations, realize the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries, and explore an efficient development path with less input in production factors, high efficiency in resource allocation, low environmental resource costs, and good economic and social benefits. On the other hand, the new quality productivity is an environment-friendly green productivity oriented by the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Green, low-carbon and environmental protection are the important characteristics of new quality productivity, and also the efficiency background and essential requirements of high-quality economic development. The development of new quality productivity means a significant improvement in social production efficiency and resource utilization efficiency. New technologies and new industries activate existing technologies and industries, promote high-end, intelligent and green industries, enable existing industries to achieve transformation and upgrading, produce new products (services), and form an economic system of green and low-carbon circular development, It will help to achieve greater economic and social achievements with less resources and environmental costs.

high-quality. High quality has become the core theme of China's future development, and new quality productivity is a powerful engine for China's high-quality economic development, providing a strong driving force and support for high-quality economic development. Practice has proved that the past industrial system development model, which relied on resource input and focused on "quantitative growth", has been difficult to provide new growth impetus for high-quality development and meet the new requirements and expectations of the second centennial goal for high-quality economic development. The new quality productivity that emphasizes "quality improvement" can achieve a high-level dynamic balance between new supply and new demand. It is a productivity that pays more attention to scientific and technological innovation, model cultivation, scene expansion, industrial coordination, digital empowerment, and ecological protection. Therefore, we must rely on new quality productivity to accelerate the adjustment of economic structure and the transformation of development mode, form new supply based on new quality productivity, provide more high-quality, high-performance, more reliable, safer, and more environmentally friendly products and services, better meet effective demand, and enhance the sustainability of economic growth and social development, And then form a realistic solution to promote high-quality development.

3. Actively cultivate and expand new quality productivity

Cultivating and strengthening new quality productivity is a long-term task and a systematic project. We should not rush for quick success and instant benefits, but proceed from reality, establish first and then break down, and adjust measures to local conditions. Constantly establish and improve the corresponding system and mechanism, promote scientific and technological innovation, timely apply the innovative achievements to specific industries and industrial chains, promote green development, and strengthen factor support.

First, we should promote the optimal combination and positive interaction of workers, means of labor, and labor objects. Marx pointed out that productivity, that is, the development of productive capacity and its elements. The core of productivity is people. People are the most active and decisive factor in productivity. Talents are the first resource and the basic support to promote scientific and technological innovation and productivity leap. We should strengthen the construction of talent team and improve the mechanism of talent introduction, training, use and reasonable mobility. In view of the industrial development trend, we should optimize the setting and adjustment of disciplines and majors in colleges and universities, explore diversified talent training models, strengthen the training of top-notch innovative talents, applied talents and skilled talents, and accelerate the promotion of enterprise led deep integration mechanism of industry, learning, research and application. A system of respecting talents should be formed, and efforts should be made to create a good environment, improve the working mechanism, and improve remuneration to provide strong talent support for the new quality productivity. The means of labor are mainly production tools, which are the wind vane of human development and progress. Human beings are constantly evolving in the upgrading of production tools, and their production capacity is also constantly improving with the progress of tools. The qualitative change of labor tools has brought about efficiency improvement and cost reduction. The means of labor with higher technical content is the power source of new quality productivity, which promotes the qualitative leap of productivity. The object of labor is all the material materials on which workers add their own labor in the production process. Its quantity, quality and type have a great impact on the development of productivity. With the extension of scientific and technological innovation, the types and forms of labor objects have been greatly expanded. Land, minerals, forests, cotton, steel, grain and other labor objects have been endowed with new era connotation. The purpose and means for workers to conquer labor objects are no longer traditional technology and work methods, but to use new technology to expand resources into deep soil, deep sea and deep space. With the arrival of the intelligent era, soilless cultivation, hybrid rice, hybrid livestock and so on continue to emerge. Superconductors, metauniverse, quantum chips, special plastics, flexible steel and so on have replaced traditional natural materials, and the labor object has undergone qualitative changes.

Second, we should promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain and supply chain. In the face of the accelerated evolution of the unprecedented great changes in a century, the unstable and uncertain factors in the world's political and economic pattern have increased, and the international situation facing China's economic development has become more severe. Some western countries have taken various means to "decouple" and "break the chain" to suppress the development and upgrading of China's high-tech industries. The core of the global industrial chain supply chain competition is scientific and technological innovation, which is high-quality development. These cannot be bought, bought or waited for, and only rely on independent innovation. It is necessary to focus on the key points of the industrial chain and supply chain blockages, make precise layout and promote integration, give better play to the advantages of the new national system, implement the innovation driven development strategy, and gather all forces to tackle key scientific and technological problems. In particular, it is necessary to strengthen the original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation, create more "hard technologies" leading the development of new quality productivity, and achieve self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology. Accelerate the construction of a number of national manufacturing innovation centers, and create a "Made in China" brand with international influence. We will implement high-quality development actions for key industrial chains of manufacturing industry, accelerate the improvement of industrial scientific and technological innovation capabilities, accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and deeply integrate the innovation chain, industrial chain, and talent chain. In terms of high-end industry, we should make up for shortcomings. On the one hand, we should vigorously transform the original industrial infrastructure projects, break through the barriers and bottlenecks of the original industrial development, and build a solid foundation for the high-end development of the industry; On the other hand, we will focus on the implementation of major scientific research projects of high precision and cutting-edge technology, and develop landmark high-tech products in the fields of large aircraft, industrial aircraft, medical equipment, etc., to promote the transformation of traditional industries into the value chain of high-end industries. Lengthen the board in the fields with certain scale and technical advantages, strengthen chain extension and supplement in the fields of rail transit equipment, new energy vehicles, solar photovoltaic, etc., and enhance the competitive advantage of the whole industry chain. Only by laying out the industrial chain around the development of new quality productivity and constantly promoting the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain and supply chain can we promote the industrial upgrading and development with scientific and technological innovation achievements and lay a solid foundation for achieving high-quality development.

Third, actively cultivate strategic emerging industries and future industries. High quality development is a distinctive symbol of the new era, involving many aspects of the economic field, but the most important is the strategic emerging industries and future industries. Strategic emerging industries and future industries are the main positions for the development of new quality productivity and the key to building a modern industrial system. Strategic emerging industries play a major leading role in the overall economic and social development and long-term development. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution is showing a trend of multi-point outbreak. We need to promote the development of strategic emerging industry integration clusters, focus on and build a new generation of information technology, biotechnology, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, green environmental protection, aerospace, marine equipment, etc., seize the first opportunity in the field of cutting-edge science and technology, cultivate and strengthen new momentum for the development of strategic emerging industries, Strengthen the industrial and technological advantages of strategic emerging industries in the global value chain, improve industrial competitiveness, and consolidate the material foundation for the development of new quality productivity. The future industry will play a key role in supporting and leading the economic and social development. We should focus on the new trend of global scientific and technological innovation and industrial transformation and development, and focus on strengthening the planning and layout of a number of future industries in the field of cutting-edge science and technology and industrial transformation, focusing on the biological industry, blockchain industry, brain like intelligence, generative artificial intelligence, quantum information industry, gene technology, future network, meta universe, future display, deep-sea aerospace development Organized scientific research will be carried out in future core industries such as hydrogen energy and energy storage, and efforts will be concentrated on implementing future industrial incubation and acceleration plans to reserve productive forces. To achieve high-quality development, we need to work hard on strategic emerging industries and future industries, promote the transformation of the driving force of economic development from old to new, accelerate the formation of new productivity, and win strategic initiative in future development and fierce international competition.

(Author: Kang Fengyun and Zou Shenggen, professors of the School of Politics and International Relations of Central China Normal University and lecturers of the School of Marxism of Jiangxi Normal University respectively)

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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