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Build an image of a big country that is confident, independent, open-minded and inclusive

Source: People's Daily
2024-05-24 07:46

Original title: Build an image of a big country that is confident, independent, open and inclusive

National image is an important part of national soft power. A good national image is of great significance for promoting national status, promoting national development, maintaining national security, and enhancing comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness. The Central Foreign Affairs Conference held at the end of last year summarized the historic achievements and changes in China's foreign affairs in the new era. One important aspect is that it "highlights the distinctive Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style of China's diplomacy, and establishes the image of a big country that is confident, self reliant, open and inclusive.". Since the new era, the diplomacy of major countries with Chinese characteristics has overcome difficulties and forged ahead, and China's international influence, charisma and shaping power have been constantly improving. The establishment of an image of a big country that is confident, independent, open and inclusive has created a favorable external environment for promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

Adhere to self-confidence and self-reliance, and demonstrate spiritual bearing

Self confidence is the spirit of the Communist Party of China, and self-reliance is an important principle for our party and country. Looking back at the history of more than one hundred years, our Party has united and led the people to adhere to the path of independent development. At the same time, we have modestly learned from the useful experience of foreign countries, insisted on putting the development of the country and the nation on the basis of our own strength, insisted that China's problems must be based on China's basic national conditions, answered by the Chinese themselves, and overcome difficulties by our own strength, In overcoming difficulties, the country has become stronger and stronger. Since the new era, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China's diplomacy has firmly pursued an independent foreign policy of peace, adhered to socialism with Chinese characteristics as the foundation to further enhance strategic confidence, and was unafraid of all difficulties and challenges. It has fulfilled the mission of being a responsible big country, with more confidence, stronger action Achievements are more outstanding.

Show the composure and wisdom to grasp the general trend and lead the trend. General Secretary Xi Jinping scientifically grasps the trend of the times and major changes in the international situation, scientifically grasps the profound changes in the situation of the world and the party, and scientifically defines the development trend of the world today and the historical position of China from the abscissa of the balance of world forces and the ordinate of the progress of the Chinese nation. General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important conclusion that "the world today is in a great change not seen in a century", pointed out that "peace, development, cooperation and win-win are still the irresistible trend of the times", and pointed out the objective reality that the world is "increasingly becoming a community of shared destiny". General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement scientifically grasped the historical trend and the world situation, guided China's diplomacy to be more confident and independent, not confused by fog, not hindered by wind and waves, and always stood on the right side of history and the side of human civilization progress. General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward a series of ideas, propositions and plans that reflect China's position, wisdom and values, and demonstrate the composure and wisdom of grasping the general trend and leading the trend in the changing international situation.

Show perseverance and determination that dare to fight and are good at fighting. It is a fine tradition of New China's diplomacy to dare to struggle and be good at fighting. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), in the face of rapid changes in the international situation, unreasonable blackmail and extreme pressure, China's diplomacy has always maintained strategic determination, carried forward the spirit of daring to fight and being good at fighting, demonstrated the will and determination to defy power and oppose hegemony, firmly maintained the core interests of the country and national dignity, and firmly held the initiative of China's development and security. We will resolutely oppose any wrong act that infringes on China's sovereignty and interferes in China's internal affairs. We will not give way in principle, defeat all kinds of attacks and denials against our country by using Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet, human rights and other issues, and firmly safeguard China's sovereignty, security and development interests. We will practice genuine multilateralism, firmly promote democracy and the rule of law in international relations, oppose hegemonism and power politics in all forms, take responsibility for safeguarding the legitimate rights of developing countries, shoulder moral and ethical responsibilities with an iron shoulder, and forge ahead firmly in the right direction of historical progress.

Persist in thinking of the world and highlight the responsibility of a major country

It is the historical experience of the Communist Party of China in its centennial struggle to keep the world in mind, and the basic idea of keeping the world in mind is to build a community with a shared future for mankind. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "A big country should look like a big country, and show more responsibility." Mindful of the world shows the broad mind and great responsibility of making progress for mankind and seeking common ground for the world. The major countries should take the future and destiny of mankind as the priority and shoulder greater responsibility for world peace and development. In today's world, the unprecedented changes in a century have accelerated their evolution, and the instability and uncertainty of global development have become increasingly prominent. China's diplomacy has always been concerned about the future and destiny of mankind from a global perspective, and has adhered to the correct understanding and handling of relations with the outside world from the general trend of human development, the general pattern of world change, and the great history of China's development. It has unified the interests of the Chinese people and the interests of the people of the world, and has constantly contributed wisdom and strength to human development and progress, It shows the feelings and mission of big parties and big countries with the world in mind.

We will push forward the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Building a community with a shared future for mankind is the future of the people of all countries in the world. The concept of a community with a shared future for mankind is based on the objective reality of the common destiny of mankind in the era of the global village and the overall consensus of the world as a whole, which conforms to the general trend of the world and the aspirations of people by transcending conflict and confrontation with peaceful development, replacing absolute security with common security, abandoning zero sum games with mutual benefit and win-win results, preventing civilization conflicts with exchanges and mutual learning, and protecting the earth's home with green development, It has become a contemporary expression of China's diplomacy with the world in mind. Since the new era, building a community with a shared future for mankind has expanded from a Chinese initiative to an international consensus, transformed from a good vision to rich practice, and developed from a concept to a scientific system, demonstrating increasingly strong influence, vitality, and charisma. The value of building a community with a shared future for mankind has won the recognition of the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS and many other international organizations, and has become a glorious banner to lead the times and build a better world together. Over the years, from bilateral to multilateral, from regional to global, from health care to network and ocean, China has worked with dozens of countries and regions to build a community of common destiny in different forms in many fields, and the building of a community of common destiny for mankind has gone deeper and deeper and achieved fruitful results.

Actively participate in and lead the process of global governance. China adheres to the global governance concept of joint consultation, joint construction and sharing, and takes the responsibility of a major country to promote the reform of the global governance system. China firmly upholds the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order based on international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and firmly supports the United Nations in playing a greater role. Promote and improve the governance structure of economic globalization, support the reform of the World Trade Organization, enhance its effectiveness and authority, promote free trade, oppose unilateralism and protectionism, safeguard fair competition, safeguard the development rights and space of developing countries, and enhance their representativeness and voice. Focus on addressing global challenges, promote dialogue and cooperation among countries in multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations, the Group of 20, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization, and take the initiative to put forward a series of multilateral cooperation initiatives in the surrounding, regional, and global areas, and actively provide materials The global public goods in terms of system and concept promote all countries to share governance responsibilities and promote peaceful development.

Adhere to openness and inclusiveness, highlight the pursuit of win-win

Openness and inclusiveness are important driving forces for social development and progress. In the era of economic globalization, all countries share a common destiny. Anyone who "builds a wall" or "decouples" violates economic laws and market rules and the trend of the times. Only openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation are the right path in the world. We should treat different civilizations and countries with less arrogance and prejudice, more respect and tolerance, embrace the diversity of the world, actively seek mutual respect and win-win cooperation with other countries, seek equal exchanges, tolerance and mutual learning with other civilizations, jointly promote the harmonious coexistence and common development of all countries in the world, and promote the building of an open, inclusive, beautiful and common world. Openness and inclusiveness are the distinctive qualities and image of China in the new era, which demonstrate the consistent pursuit of harmonious coexistence and win-win cooperation between China and other countries.

We will firmly pursue a win-win strategy of opening up. China's development cannot be separated from the world, and the world's development cannot be separated from China. Opening up is China's long-term basic national policy and the only way for national prosperity and development. In the new era, China insists on mutual promotion between "bringing in" and "going out", promotes trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, steadily promotes the internationalization of RMB, builds a network of high standard free trade zones facing the world, promotes institutional opening of rules, regulations, management, standards, etc., and forms a pattern of opening up to the outside world in a wider range, broader fields, and deeper levels, It will provide more opportunities for cooperation among countries and inject more impetus into the recovery and growth of the world economy. In the face of the "headwind and headwind" of economic globalization in recent years, China insists on "tearing down the wall" rather than "building the wall", opening up rather than isolating, taking a clear stand against unilateralism and protectionism, and striving to eliminate trade, investment and technical barriers in global development. Since this year, China has signed visa free agreements with Antigua and Barbuda, Singapore, Thailand and others to jointly build a fast network for cross-border personnel exchanges. From the Canton Fair to the China International Trade Fair, from the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair, from the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair, from the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair, from the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair, from the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair, from the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair, from the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair to the China International Trade Fair. We have optimized the market-oriented, legal and international business environment, expanded common interests in opening up, and promoted the sharing of opportunities in cooperation. The high-quality co construction of the "Belt and Road" has achieved fruitful results. By working with the co construction countries to build the road of peace, prosperity, openness, green, innovation and civilization, the Chinese market is more closely linked to the world market, and the development space of the co construction countries is broader. China does not engage in exclusive small circles, group politics and camp confrontation. We welcome all like-minded countries to join in the Belt and Road Initiative. At the same time, we hope that other countries' connectivity initiatives will also be open, showing their open mind and wisdom in pursuing development and promoting cooperation.

We will actively promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Since ancient times, Chinese culture has exchanged and learned from other civilizations with an open attitude and an inclusive mind, which has achieved the broad atmosphere of Chinese civilization embracing all rivers and making the world one family. China in the new era embraces the world with a more open attitude and contributes to the world with a more dynamic civilization. China has put forward the global civilization initiative, advocating respect for the diversity of world civilizations, carrying forward the common values of all mankind, attaching importance to the inheritance and innovation of civilizations, strengthening international people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and injecting impetus into the cause of human civilization progress. We advocate that China and Latin America "become a model of harmonious coexistence and mutual promotion of different civilizations", "build a bridge of civilization and common prosperity, and connect the two major civilizations of China and Europe", and promote the formation of a BRICS cooperation framework driven by political security, economic, trade, finance, and people to people and cultural exchanges, Promote the construction of a people to people community within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization... China has helped to deepen the integration and symbiosis of different civilizations in the world. The Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference and Liangzhu Forum were held, and the Forum of Ancient Civilizations was jointly launched with Greece... China has built a platform and mechanism for communication and dialogue among civilizations, and promoted people from all over the world to know each other. These are vivid expressions of China's openness and inclusiveness in the new era. In the new era and new journey, in the process of working with other countries to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, China will certainly show a more distinctive image of a great power and more extraordinary demeanor. A confident, self reliant, open and inclusive China will make new and greater contributions to the cause of human progress.

(Wu Zhicheng, the author is a professor of the International Strategy Research Institute of the Central Party School (National School of Administration))

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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