Zhonggong Entertainment

Eye Care in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Source: People's Daily
2024-05-24 15:05

Original title: Tips for Eye Care in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM Health Preservation)

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the health of eyes is closely related to the functions of qi, blood and viscera of the body. The method of eye care in traditional Chinese medicine is simple and easy to operate.

The commonly used eye care acupoints include Taiyang, Zanzhu and Sibai. Massaging these points every day can promote the blood circulation of the eyes and reduce eye fatigue.

The temple is located in a depression about 1 inch backward between the tip of the eyebrow and the outer canthus of the eye. Massaging this point can relieve redness, swelling, pain and eye fatigue.

Cunzhu point is located in the depression of the inner edge of the eyebrow, which belongs to the Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang. Massaging this point can clear eyes and clear orifices, dispel wind and heat, stop spasm and dredge collaterals, and is mainly used for headache, unclear vision, dry eyes, red eyes, swelling and pain.

Sibai point is located on the face, right in front of the eyes, with the pupil straight down, and the sunken part of the infraorbital aperture. Massaging this point can dispel wind and brighten eyes, dredge channels and activate collaterals, and mainly treat dry eyes, red eyes, swelling, pain, headache, etc.

In addition, the hot gas fumigation of traditional Chinese medicine can alleviate the dryness and fatigue of eyes. Elderly friends can choose chrysanthemum, medlar and other medicinal materials with the effect of clearing the liver and improving the eyes. After boiling with water, the hot gas of the medicinal liquid fumigated the eyes. During fumigation, keep a proper distance and close your eyes to avoid burns.

Chinese wolfberry, carrot, pig liver and other foods are rich in nutrients beneficial to the eyes. You can try to make Chinese wolfberry pig liver soup or carrot and Chinese wolfberry porridge. Traditional Chinese medicine is also a simple way to keep healthy. For example, chrysanthemum, medlar and mulberry leaf have the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying, nourishing liver and improving eyesight, and are suitable for daily drinking.

(The author is the chief ophthalmologist of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital)

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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