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How to do sunscreen for children Experts teach you how to use sunscreen rationally

Source: Qianjiang Evening News
2024-05-24 15:00

Original title: How to do sunscreen for children Experts teach you how to use sunscreen rationally

Qianjiang Evening News - Every summer, the sun protection problem of children always troubles novice mothers.

Compared with adults, children's skin can be broken by blowing, and can not resist the invasion of ultraviolet rays. Children are particularly prone to sunburn. However, parents are not experts. They have doubts about whether cosmetic ingredients are safe, whether they can block pores, and whether they can cause other inflammation.

A few days ago, at the 2024CBE American Fair, baby and child skin care exhibits occupied a whole hall, from brushing teeth to washing hair, bathing, sunscreen, skin care products, dazzling.

Should children protect themselves from sun? How to prevent sunscreen? Is children's skin care products "IQ tax"? The reporter consulted many experts in the industry and the person in charge of the baby brand.

"Parents' awareness of sunscreen for their children is very correct, and it is worth recommending." At the booth of daily chemical products for infants and children, several responsible persons gave a positive answer. However, there is no need to be overly anxious about sunscreen, and sunscreen products should be used reasonably.

Hao Jizhe, the founder of Manboshu brand, has been engaged in skin neuroscience research for more than ten years. He told reporters that children aged 0-10 should focus on physical sunscreen. "Wear a hat and clothes when going out, and don't go out when the sun is strongest from 12:00 to 2:00 in the afternoon. If you want to go to places with strong ultraviolet rays, such as the seaside or mountains, you can also choose sunscreen."

In principle, there should be no more than three types of chemical sunscreen agents for the selection of cosmetics for sun protection, and the amount of use should be lower than that of adults.

The person in charge of the infant brand "Little Raccoon" said that the sunscreen index of infant cosmetics should not be higher than SPF30, and the ingredients should not contain alcohol, essence, synthetic pigments, and paraben preservatives. In addition, parents can also consider choosing the "easy cleaning formula": that is, the product does not need to be cleaned with special makeup removers after use, but can be removed with ordinary soap or bath liquid, so as to reduce the new irritation and damage to children's skin caused by excessive physical rubbing and chemical cleaning.

When selecting children's skin care products, parents should pay attention to whether the products have passed the acute eye irritation test, multiple skin irritation tests, skin allergy tests, skin phototoxicity tests and other national authoritative tests, and whether they have the "Little Golden Shield" children's cosmetics logo.

However, the State Food and Drug Administration has stressed that the marking of "Little Golden Shield" on the cosmetic package only means that the product belongs to children's cosmetics, which does not mean that the product has been approved by the regulatory authorities or certified in quality and safety.

Qian Jiang Evening News reporter Xu Yiwen, Wang Jing, Liu Yuanxin

Editor in charge: Song Xinyu

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