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A Restricted View of the World | Huang Xunchai's "Change" and "Constant" in the Future

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-24 04:28

[A glimpse of the world]

Original title: Huang Xunchai's "change" and "unchanged" in the future

Tian Yuzheng

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With Huang Xunchai officially "taking over", Singapore has entered the "4G" era. In the new situation of turmoil, only by balancing "change" and "unchanged" in the process of governance and doing a good job in inheritance and innovation can he lead Singapore to "climb higher".


On the evening of May 15, Huang Xunchai was sworn in as the fourth Prime Minister of Singapore, and promised to lead the fourth generation (4G) leadership team to continue to write a new chapter in Singapore's story in his inaugural speech. In the new situation of turmoil, only by balancing "change" and "unchanged" in the process of governance and doing a good job in inheritance and innovation can he lead Singapore to "climb higher".

New generation, new style

After three generations of leaders, Lee Kuan Yew, Goh Chok Tong and Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore has formed its unique political characteristics, namely, a stable political system, coherent public policies, and determination to uphold basic principles. Huang Xuncai said that the 4G team did not start from scratch, but stood on the "shoulders of giants", wrote the next chapter of the country, and would continue to adhere to the founding values of "integrity, talent orientation, pluralism, justice and equality". In addition, the traditional feature of Singapore's politics is to "help the horse and send it off". In the new cabinet list released by Huang Xuncai, several important members of the 3G team remain in office, of which Li Xianlong will "assist" in governing as a state adviser to ensure the stability and continuity of the government.

At the same time, the 4G team will also present a different leadership style than before. On the one hand, the People's Action Party (PAP) has been in power for a long time since its independence in 1965, and the people, especially the young people, are increasingly appealing for innovation and change. They hope that there will be more opposition forces to balance the ruling party. In particular, in 2023, Singapore's political affairs will be plagued by peach, corruption, abuse of public office and other scandals, which will attack the credibility of the PAP. Huang Xuncai believes that in the future, PAP will face increasingly fierce political competition. It is necessary to reshape the image of "white man" with more strict requirements, and "redouble efforts to win the trust of the public".

On the other hand, this "handover" is not only leadership handover, but also intergenerational handover. Most members of the 4G team were born after 1965, and more young people in their 30s and 40s will join after the next election. Therefore, the 4G team is bound to show the leadership style of its generation. Huang Xuncai said: "We will lead the country in our own way, and will continue to think boldly and consider the long term." It can be predicted that the 4G team will pay more attention to brainstorming and collective negotiation than ever before, and will also pay more attention to the ideas of young people and make decisions more grounded.

Replace the "new track" and open up a "new world"

Singapore's per capita GDP has grown from more than 500 dollars at the beginning of independence to more than 80000 dollars now, making the impossible possible again and again, and constantly creating the "Singapore miracle" in economic policy adjustment. However, as a highly open small economy, the country's economic growth has slowed down in recent years due to the global economic weakness, and its GDP will only increase by 1.1% in 2023. In the future, under the challenges of accelerating population aging and rising economic costs, "it is difficult for the economy to achieve easy growth".

Huang Xuncai realized that with the rise of nationalism and protectionism, globalization will encounter more fierce headwinds, and traditional economic development routines will not work. In an interview, he said that Singapore needs to improve productivity and innovation ability, introduce investment into cutting-edge industries, promote cutting-edge innovation, let lifeless enterprises disappear, and release originally limited economic resources. At the same time, he hopes to seize the opportunity of a new round of industrial transformation, vigorously develop AI, digital economy, green economy and other emerging industries, lead the development of international rules and standards in the "new track", and make Singapore "a stable, open and innovative economic fortress in the turbulent world situation".

Create a fairer and more inclusive "Singapore Dream"

Singapore is a typical country of immigrants, and because of its numerous ethnic groups, it is known as the "World Ethnic Museum". Successive governments attach great importance to social equity and racial harmony, and regard social cohesion as an important capital for national development.

In recent years, with the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the solidification of the social class, the rising cost of living, the influx of migrant workers and other issues highlighted, social anxiety is rising. The people, especially young people, want to see a fairer, more diverse, more participatory Singapore, rather than trapped in the shackles of the pursuit of becoming an elite.

Huang Xunchai caught the change of social psychology and called for a broader definition of "success" and a more inclusive "Singapore Dream", so that people can work with high aspirations and live meaningful lives. He claimed that "this is an ambitious goal, there is no simple formula to apply, and there is no ready-made model to follow". "It is necessary to find new solutions and open up new development paths".

In this regard, Huang Xuncai launched the "Hand in Hand for Singapore" campaign in June 2022, inviting more than 200000 people to discuss how to condense people's aspirations into a common vision for the future in a rapidly changing environment. After 16 months, the 4G team released a 180 page "Hand in Hand Singapore" campaign report as a roadmap for future governance. The report outlines seven innovative initiatives, including education, employment, family, the elderly, vulnerable groups, national long-term planning and social cohesion.

Adhere to the pragmatic diplomacy of "responding to changes with stability"

Singapore is a model of "small country big diplomacy", pursuing balanced, pragmatic and proactive diplomacy. It is also because of this that the country has been able to survive and develop under the siege of the Islamic Ocean (Indonesia and Malaysia). It can find both sides of the fence between China and the United States, and can also practice shuttle diplomacy and mediation diplomacy on the regional and global stage.

But Huang Xunchai will face double challenges in diplomacy after he takes office. Personally, although he has rich experience in many sectors, he lacks diplomatic experience and is not well-known internationally. As far as the external environment is concerned, Singapore, as a small island country, "cannot get rid of the geopolitical tensions caused by the competition between major countries". Compared with the time when Lee Hsien Loong came to power 20 years ago, the 4G team needs to "adapt to a more chaotic, dangerous and violent world", especially as the Sino US game continues, the pressure to "choose sides" among major countries increases.

In this regard, Huang Xuncai believes that no matter how the external environment changes, the 4G team will follow the consistent diplomatic principle of "pro China, pro US, pro Singapore" and act in accordance with international rules and national interests.

In the short term, he will make full use of Lee Hsien Loong's experience and international popularity to handle foreign affairs and strengthen his own weaknesses; In the long run, he will actively build his own international network and expand his international influence.

In fact, since assuming the post of Vice Premier in June 2022, Huang Xunchai has visited China, the United States, Japan and neighboring countries, actively participated in ASEAN regional affairs, and continuously accumulated diplomatic experience. At the same time, in the future, he will take a more proactive diplomatic stance, find new opportunities in the geopolitical crisis, continue to play the role of a bridge between China and the United States, and expand the space for third-party cooperation outside China and the United States.

With Huang Xunchai officially "taking over", Singapore has entered the "4G" era. Huang Xunchai claimed that his mission was to ensure that Singapore, the little red dot, would shine for as long as possible. It is believed that he can lead the 4G team to answer Singapore's "Times Answer" and continue to write Singapore's success story in the turbulent international and regional situation. (The author is an associate researcher of the Southeast Asia and Oceania Institute of the China Institute of Modern International Relations)

Editor in charge: Zhu Jingjing

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