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The disclosure rate of ESG report of real estate enterprises has improved

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-24 04:04

Original title: The disclosure rate of ESG report of real estate enterprises has improved

CAMCE News (Worker's Daily - CAMCE reporter Yang Zhaokui) On May 22, under the guidance of China Real Estate Association, Shanghai Yiju Real Estate Research Institute and Kerui jointly released the ESG Evaluation Research Report of 2024 Real Estate Company (hereinafter referred to as the report). The report takes 55 typical real estate enterprises that publish or provide ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) reports or content as a sample for evaluation. It is found that the disclosure rate of independent ESG reports of real estate enterprises has improved, which is helpful to promote the sustainable development of the industry.

The report shows that 47 of the 55 real estate enterprises listed in the ESG evaluation scope have disclosed ESG related reports separately, accounting for 85.5%, up 3.9 percentage points over the previous year.

From the perspective of environment, 39 of the 55 real estate enterprises disclosed environmental information data, accounting for 71%, 7 percentage points higher than that of the previous year, and 35 were relatively complete. 38 real estate enterprises set environmental management goals, accounting for 69%, 12 percentage points higher than the previous year.

From the perspective of social dimension, some enterprises can better handle the relationship with relevant stakeholders in the business process. At the same time, real estate enterprises are paying more attention to employee welfare, occupational health and safety, product quality and other topics.

From the perspective of corporate governance, most of the 55 typical real estate enterprises in this evaluation have set up a special ESG related management organizational structure, such as the ESG team and the Sustainable Development Committee.

The report believes that the real estate industry is an industry that consumes more resources and energy in economic life, and listed real estate companies and non listed key companies are more benchmark and wind vane of the industry. They should shoulder greater social responsibility, improve the level of ESG construction, boost the sustainable development of the industry, and further create value for society and investors.

Editor in charge: Zhu Jingjing

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