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Qiandongnan Prefecture's "smart social security" is convenient and beneficial to the people

Since this year, "Fingertip" has handled 370000 social insurance businesses

Source: Guizhou Daily
2024-05-24 14:36

Original title: "Smart Social Security" in Qiandongnan Prefecture, convenient and beneficial to the people (theme)

Since this year, 370000 social insurance transactions have been handled by "fingertips" (subtitle)

Guizhou Daily (reporter Shen An Yongshi Hankai) "Directly handle it on the mobile phone, and it will be done quickly, saving time and effort." On May 16, Mr. Chen, who has been unemployed for three months, found a new job, and he handled unemployment insurance for unemployed people on his mobile phone. "Previously, we had to go to the service hall to handle identity authentication, but now we can do it by mobile phone with our fingers."

In order to further promote the construction of "smart social security", in recent years, the social security department of Qiandongnan Prefecture has actively promoted the digital transformation and upgrading of handling services, created a convenient and efficient "smart social security" digital service system, and promoted the quality and efficiency of social security handling services.

"Businesses that used to require people to travel several times can now be handled immediately through online application," said the relevant staff of Qiandongnan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

It is reported that Qiandongnan Prefecture, taking advantage of the wide coverage of bank outlets, has established a "social bank integration" platform, opened a special network data interaction channel between social security and cooperative banking business, and created a "social security+finance" service system. By promoting the application of the "Guizhou Social Insurance Online Service System", the insured units can handle personnel increase and decrease, information maintenance Query and other businesses.

At the same time, the prefecture also actively promoted the use of mobile APP, WeChat and other small programs such as the "National Social Insurance Public Service Platform", "Palm 12333", "Guizhou People's Social Security", "Guizhou Social Security", "Colorful Treasure", and "Electronic Social Security Card" to promote the "Palm Office" and "Fingertip Office" of insurance registration, insurance suspension, information change, treatment qualification certification, personal rights inquiry, pension relationship transfer and other businesses. For the disabled or elderly retirees, the staff will also guide the recipients or their families to apply social security service mobile APP, WeChat applet, etc. for "fingertip" treatment qualification certification.

On this basis, social security agencies rely on the national integrated government service platform, the national data sharing and exchange platform, the provincial government service platform and other platforms to share data, and through the integration and sharing of various insurance types and business data, to handle social security business in the way of "no filling, no declaration, no running". By comparing the stock data with the big data of dynamic data resources of civil affairs, medical insurance, public security, justice and other departments, identify the relevant conditions of social security benefits recipients and complete the qualification certification, so as to achieve "certification without feeling, benefit the people with feeling".

Since 2024, the insured units in Qiandongnan Prefecture have opened a total of 18500 online handling service systems. The insured people have applied for 186000 business times through the online handling system, handled 372000 social security business independently through "fingertips", and passed 388400 person times of "fingertips" qualification certification through mobile APP, WeChat applet and other "fingertips", 308200 people received qualification certification for social security benefits through big data comparison. Up to now, 268 "social bank integration" service stations have been set up in the whole prefecture. The "social bank integration" platform has realized 57 high-frequency social insurance businesses for 24-hour self-service, 17 high-frequency low-risk social insurance businesses for financial window processing, and 67 "fingertip" social insurance businesses.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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