Zhonggong Entertainment

Video | East Theater Continues to conduct multi subject training in the northern and southern sea and air areas of Taiwan Island

Source: CCTV News Client
2024-05-23 16:48

Original title: Exclusive Video | The Eastern Theater Continues to Carry out Multi subject Training in the Northern and Southern Airspace of Taiwan Island

Lieutenant Colonel Li Xi, spokesman of the Eastern Warfare Zone, said that on May 23, the Eastern Warfare Zone of the Chinese People's Liberation Army continued to carry out sea assault, land attack, air defense and anti submarine training and other subjects in the northern and southern sea and air areas of Taiwan Island, to test the actual combat capabilities of the troops in the theater, such as multi area coordination and joint strike.

△ The eastern theater released the map of the "United Sword - 2024A" exercise area

Starting at 7:45 today, the eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is located in the Taiwan Strait, and the northern, southern, and eastern parts of Taiwan Island, as well as around Jinmen Island, Mazu Island, Wuqiu Island, and Dongyin Island, to carry out joint exercises and training. After the joint operation command center in the theater issued the action command, multiple destroyer and frigate formations in the eastern theater navy maneuvered at high speed in multiple directions to the surrounding waters of Taiwan Island, shaping an all-around approach to the island.

The air force of the Eastern Theater of Operations dispatched dozens of fighters to conduct combat patrols around Taiwan Island and cruise around Outer Islands in a systematic manner. After arriving at the mission airspace, all types of fighters rely on joint intelligence support to flexibly take all kinds of tactical actions to approach the battle patrol around Taiwan Island. Under the support of the army and the rocket army, multiple aircraft types were grouped with live ammunition, flew to the predetermined airspace to establish multiple strike positions, and cooperated with destroyers and missile speedboats to simulate the attack on "enemy" high-value military targets and reconnaissance cruisers.

Editor in charge: Liu Chuan

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