Zhonggong Entertainment

Vigorously Carry Forward the Spirit of Educators | Chen Qiang: Devote himself to education and keep his original intention

Source: People's Network
2024-05-23 15:50

Original title:

Vigorously Carry Forward the Spirit of Educators | Chen Qiang: Devote himself to education and keep his original intention

Chen Qiang, secretary of the Party branch and head of the Fifth Kindergarten in Heping District, Tianjin, is a senior teacher. She has won the honorary titles of National Excellent Educator, Tianjin Excellent Teacher, and Tianjin Advanced Worker in the Construction of Kindergarten Teachers' Morality.

Preschool education is the cause of dandelion, sowing the seeds of love and hope. After 34 years of teaching, she has been a guide for children's growth. The spring breeze turns into rain, moistens things silently, and accompanies children's growth with sincerity; She is the leader of teachers' professional growth, helping teachers to show their unique educational style; She has devoted herself to the practice and exploration of "co run education" for more than 30 years, helping parents establish correct educational concepts, and making full use of social educational resources to gather educational forces; She led the teacher team to actively carry out education assistance in the east and west, and education cooperation in Beijing Tianjin Hebei to promote balanced development of education.

Chen Qiang said, "I was ordinary, because I became a preschool educator, my life has become more valuable, and my life has extraordinary significance."

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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