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Tsinghua University held the first academic salon for ideological and political teachers

Source: People's Network
2024-05-23 15:41

Original title: Tsinghua University held the first academic salon for ideological and political teachers

People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 23 (Reporter Sun Jing) Recently, Tsinghua University held the first academic salon for ideological and political teachers. Qiu Yong, secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, sat around the table with the ideological and political course teachers of the College of Marxism, focusing on the theme of "striving to improve the core quality of ideological and political course teachers in the new era, maintaining integrity and innovation to promote the connotative development of ideological and political course construction", and shared their thoughts.

It is reported that in order to thoroughly study and implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the construction of ideological and political courses, and deeply understand the rich connotation of explaining the "six essentials" and "eight unifications", Tsinghua University invited 14 young ideological and political course teachers to form a research group to carry out academic research around the "six essentials" and "eight unifications". The academic salon for ideological and political course teachers will provide an important platform for teachers and students to deeply discuss the reform of ideological and political course.

Qiu Yong said that in the past five years, a series of effective measures have been implemented to promote the construction of the ideological and political course teachers and the reform and innovation of the ideological and political course. In the face of the new situation and new tasks, Tsinghua should further strengthen the awareness of "flag" and "benchmark", carry out academic research with academic spirit and theoretical methods, deepen academic cognition, promote teaching practice, practice "teaching is academic" with solid actions, and show the new atmosphere and new actions of ideological and political teachers in the new era to deepen the construction of ideological and political courses. The school will make greater efforts to provide strong support for the growth and development of ideological and political course teachers, guide and promote teachers to focus on the construction of ideological and political course through the reform and improvement of talent evaluation and incentive security mechanism, fully mobilize teachers' enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, create conditions to support and encourage more teachers to grow up to be good students of ideological and political course.

At the salon, Zhu Andong, president of the Marxism Institute, introduced the research program. The young ideological and political course teachers who participated in the salon have expressed their views and discussed with each other in combination with their respective sub topics, focusing on promoting the high-quality development of ideological and political course construction in the new era.

The reporter learned from Tsinghua University that in the past five years, the school has continuously strengthened the construction of the curriculum system of ideological and political courses, constantly promoted the reform of the evaluation and employment management system of ideological and political teachers and the teaching evaluation system of ideological and political courses, carried out special research around the "six essentials" and "eight unifications", and formed a literature collection, monographs, system practice, research monographs Case interview collection and other series of research results.

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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