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Weihai Lingang District Federation of Trade Unions carried out the activity of "My Business is My Own"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 15:14

A few days ago, the Federation of Trade Unions of Weihai Lingang District, Shandong Province, launched the first "My Business Let Me Talk" activity in 2024. More than 20 people participated in the activity, including the cadres of the township trade union and the chairman of the five-star dynamic trade union in the jurisdiction.

In the activity, four grassroots trade union cadres took the form of "oral explanation+PPT synchronous display", combined with their own work, explained trade union policies, business knowledge, work cases, experience, etc. in detail, focusing on the four aspects of action of learning to realize their dreams, legal services for employees, collective wage negotiation, and how to carry out skill competitions, The present trade union cadres benefited a lot.


A few days ago, the Weihai Lingang District Federation of Trade Unions carried out the activity of "I tell you my business". Drawing provided by Weihai Lingang District Federation of Trade Unions

It is reported that the Weihai Lingang District Federation of Trade Unions will regularly organize and carry out the activity of "I speak my business", take lectures and exchanges as a platform to enhance the professional ability of trade union cadres and improve the quality and efficiency of work, and guide grassroots trade union cadres to base themselves on their own work, study trade union business, and promote learning and work through learning through the mode of business interaction, Effectively improve the ability and professional level of trade union cadres to perform their duties. (Xia Liping)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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