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In 2024, Hefei Labor and Skills Competition will be launched

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 15:11

On May 21, the 2024 Hefei Labor and Skills Competition and Urban Rail Transit Industry Skills Competition Launching Ceremony was held at the Science City Depot of Hefei Rail Transit Line 4. Zhang Jiaxiang, Deputy Director of the Municipal Labor Competition Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, made a mobilization speech and announced the start of the competition.


On May 21, the 2024 Hefei Labor and Skills Competition and Urban Rail Transit Industry Skills Competition Launching Ceremony was held. Photographed by Zhu Yiting

With the theme of "making contributions to the new journey of the 14th Five Year Plan", the competition was hosted by Hefei Labor Competition Committee, Hefei Federation of Trade Unions, and undertaken by Hefei Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd.

In his speech, Zhang Jiaxiang requested that trade unions at all levels in the city should focus on the primary task of high-quality development, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, extensively, deeply and persistently carry out various forms of labor and skill competitions, strive to create a strong atmosphere of "learning from others, helping others and surpassing others" in the whole society, continue to set off a competition upsurge in the city, and make labor the most glorious, Labor is the most beautiful, the most ambitious, and the most beautiful. It has become the fashion of the times, making greater contributions to the writing of the chapter of Chinese modernization in Hefei.

At the launching ceremony, the leaders present presented medals to the advanced collectives of the 2023 Anhui Provincial Labor Competition, and presented flags to the representatives of the units undertaking the 2024 municipal demonstration labor and skills competition projects.

It is reported that over the years, the Municipal Labor Competition Committee and the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, centering on the overall service of the center, have extensively, deeply and persistently carried out mass labor and skill competitions by means of self selection, joint hosting and competition incentive, which has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the majority of workers to participate in the economic construction of Hefei. In 2023, there will be more than 1000 labor and skill competitions in the city, which will lead 700000 employees to join in the post training. Good results have been achieved, and the city has been widely welcomed and praised by the majority of employees. (Zhu Yiting)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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