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Accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productive forces in the cultural field

Source: Nan Fang Daily
2024-05-23 13:59

Original title: Accelerating the cultivation and development of new quality productivity in the cultural field

Editor's Note:

From May 23 to 27, the highly anticipated 20th ICIF will be held in Shenzhen, during which the 2024 Cultural Power Building Summit Forum will also be held. This is an important action to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, implement the spirit of the National Conference on Propaganda, Ideological and Cultural Work, and shoulder the new cultural mission. It is also a key measure to enable the high-quality development of the cultural industry with new quality productivity. The ICIF at a new starting point will further expand the scale of the exhibition, optimize the structure of the exhibition, strengthen the trading function, improve the quality of service, and strive to fully refresh the new atmosphere and continue to write a new chapter of development. How to understand the new quality productivity in the cultural field? How can ICIF promote the high-quality development of cultural industry? This issue of Theory Weekly has invited relevant experts and scholars to write articles for discussion. Please pay attention.

It is the main road to strive for "new" and "quality". Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's economic thought, the tide of developing new quality productivity surges in China. Chinese style modernization is a kind of modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are coordinated. If Guangdong wants to take the lead in promoting Chinese style modernization, it must deeply understand the significance, rich connotation and practical requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on new quality productivity, accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productivity in the cultural field, and form a strong spiritual and cultural support.

The grand trend of the times

In the tide of the transformation of new quality productivity, stars in the cultural field rush to Sichuan. In 2023, China's new cultural business will achieve an operating revenue of more than 5.2 trillion yuan, contributing 70.9% to the growth of operating revenue of all cultural enterprises above designated size. Accelerating the cultivation and development of new productive forces in the cultural field is the requirement of the times and the need of development.

This is a historical initiative to grasp the general trend of development. Every major progress in science and technology will lead to profound changes in culture. At present, digital technology is fully integrated into all fields and the whole process of social life, accelerating the quality change, efficiency change and power change of economic and social development, and reconstructing the pattern of cultural development. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "the integration of culture and science and technology has not only spawned new cultural formats, extended the cultural industry chain, but also gathered a large number of innovative talents. It is a sunrise industry with great prospects." In southern Guangdong, the evolution of the scientific and technological revolution and the high-quality development of the cultural industry overlap and interweave all the way, promoting culture and science and technology to "open up the two manufacturing, eliminate the boundary", It will bring about the remodeling of digital asset value and other systems and the revolution of cultural content production paradigm. In the face of profound changes in the mode of cultural development, we must speed up the cultivation and development of new quality productivity in the cultural field, promote the burst of vitality in the driving force of cultural development, accelerate the transformation of the mode of cultural development, fully realize the effectiveness of cultural empowerment, and overall leap in the level of cultural productivity.

This is a sense of action to shoulder the cultural mission bravely. It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point. It is the key to develop new quality productivity by "opening your own face with the rules of the ancients". Looking back at the history of Chinese civilization, we firmly grasp that "science and technology are the first productive force and the first competitiveness", integrate modern scientific and technological civilization in an all-round way, inject modern power into the long history of Chinese civilization, make the most basic cultural genes of the Chinese nation adapt to contemporary culture, coordinate with modern society, and obtain new endogenous power for the continuity and innovation of Chinese civilization. Looking at the "two overall situations", a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform is reshaping modern civilization in a new breadth and depth, exchanges and exchanges between different civilizations are becoming more frequent and complex, and the new form of human civilization created by the Chinese style modernization road is shining. Facing the new mission requirements, we must accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productivity in the cultural field, open up a broader space for "two combinations", and better build the Chinese spirit, Chinese values, and Chinese strength.

This is the responsibility of the times to meet the people's expectations. In the new era, culture is an important factor in meeting the people's growing needs for a better life. The contradiction between the diverse, multi-level and multifaceted spiritual and cultural needs of the people and the insufficient supply of high-quality culture needs to be solved in the context of digital transformation. Providing more cultural products that can meet the people's cultural needs and enhance the people's spiritual strength has become the need of the times for the development of the cultural industry. Therefore, we must speed up the cultivation and development of new quality productivity in the cultural field, find the right fit between the ideological and cultural work and economic development, the needs of the masses, and technological progress, reshape the way of cultural production and communication, and let cultural soft power "moisten things silently" integrate into economic, political, and social forces, becoming the "booster" of economic development and the "navigation light" of political civilization The "glue" of social harmony.

New requirements for development

The new quality productivity is an advanced productivity quality characterized by high technology, high efficiency, high quality, and in line with the new development concept. The new quality productivity in the cultural field is the expansion of the new quality productivity in the cultural field, which is manifested as the new cultural quality state supported by advanced science and technology. It clarifies the internal requirements and important focus of high-quality cultural development in the new era from the height of occupying the commanding heights of new productivity development.

Based on the essence of advanced productivity, we should promote the efficiency reform of cultural production. To develop new quality productivity in the cultural field, the most fundamental is to promote the transformation of new elements such as digital new workers, new labor tools, and new labor objects from the accumulation of "quantity" to the breakthrough of "quality" under the main engine of revolutionary technological breakthroughs. We should deeply tap the "first resource" of talents, give full play to the main role of new workers, and create a team of high-quality workers and creatives with new knowledge and technology. Fully grasp the attributes of new non-material labor objects such as data, develop the market of cultural data elements, release the potential of data elements, and promote more cultural resources to be transformed into cultural production elements that can be creatively transformed. Make full use of intelligent equipment, virtual reality and augmented reality equipment, robots and other new production tools to facilitate the flow of driving factors, network sharing, systematic integration, collaborative development, efficient use, and significantly improve the efficiency of resource allocation and cultural production.

Based on the characteristics of innovation, promote the dynamic change of cultural creation. New quality productivity is a new type of productivity led by technological innovation. The key to developing new quality productivity in the cultural field is to adhere to the leading position of scientific and technological innovation in cultural development. Through the 20th consecutive ICIF, it can be clearly seen that the leading cultural products driven by artificial intelligence, the meta universe and the blockchain, the independent intellectual property database established by big data and cloud computing, and the industrial effectiveness demonstrated by cultural and creative fairs and digital creative achievements transactions have greatly stimulated the internal potential of the cultural industry and opened up the infinite possibilities of cultural creation. On the new journey, the development of new quality productivity in the cultural field should focus on culture, seize the important starting point of cultural empowerment, promote the coordinated development and cross-border integration of culture and primary, secondary and tertiary industries, transform and upgrade traditional cultural industries, and form more new growth points of cultural industries. Take content as the king, grasp the core link of content production, and use advanced technology to open up the production chain and value chain links such as cultural resource mining, creative transformation, production, communication and circulation, and consumption evaluation, so as to promote the emergence of professional creation, crowd focused creation, interactive creation, immersion creation and other innovative creation activities. Take science and technology as the wing, grasp the basis of technical support, focus on overcoming the bottleneck in the field of high-end cultural equipment technology, and accelerate the construction of cultural digital infrastructure such as cultural intelligence computing power.

Based on the key of quality, promote the quality reform of cultural supply. The new quality productivity is finally reflected in the quality leap of products and services. To develop the new quality productivity in the cultural field, we should focus on the mission of holding the banner, gathering the hearts of the people, cultivating new people, rejuvenating culture, and displaying the image. We should solve the outstanding contradiction of insufficient cultural supply and mismatch between supply and demand, so that the people can enjoy a higher quality of spiritual and cultural life. We should optimize the way of cultural supply, promote the networking, digitalization, intelligence and flexibility of cultural production and services, promote the interaction and integration of the production end and the consumer end, better meet the needs of personalized, in-depth and participatory experience, and produce more new works with full sense of spiritual gain. We will focus on the application of advanced technology, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, discover the beauty of tradition with the eyes of the times, and shine the charm of tradition with the power of creativity. We will strengthen cyberspace governance and scientific and technological ethics governance, always put social benefits first, integrate social benefits with economic benefits, and constantly expand mainstream values, mainstream public opinion, and mainstream culture.

Scientific Guidelines for Endeavour

Keep the main road simple, and work hard. To cultivate and develop new quality productivity in the cultural field, we should speed up our efforts, improve "quality" with "new", and take a long time to achieve stability.

We must uphold the Party's cultural leadership. The development of new quality productivity in the cultural field is a process of conservation and innovation. Uprightness is the fundamental system of the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field, the fundamental requirement of "two combinations", the cultural leadership of the Communist Party of China and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation. "Keeping" the Party's cultural leadership is of decisive significance and concerns the future and destiny of the Party and the country. In the face of the development tide of new quality productivity, we must never "dazzle". We must always adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the Party, hold high the banner of Xi Jinping's culture and ideology, adhere to the Party's control of publicity, ideology, and media, improve the system and mechanism of the Party's leadership of cultural development, and fight well in the digital era to promote ideological and cultural work.

We must continue to comprehensively deepen reform. The development of new quality productive forces in the cultural field is a process of contradictory movement between productive forces and production relations. We must make good use of the key move of reform and opening up to form a new type of production relations suitable for it. We need to emancipate our minds, be open and inclusive, break the stereotype of thinking, jump out of the traditional work routine, embrace change and actively promote change. Efforts should be made to break through the blocking points that constrain the development of new quality productive forces, innovate the allocation of production factors, smooth the virtuous circle of education, science and technology, and talents, improve the innovation system of cultural science and technology integration, improve cultural governance, and form a cultural management system, production and operation mechanism, and social environment conducive to stimulating cultural innovation and creativity.

We must adhere to scientific methodology. The development of the new quality productivity in the cultural field is a regular process of development. We must combine the enthusiasm of doing things with the spirit of science. We should proceed from reality and learn from afar. We should establish first and then break down, adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability and promoting stability through progress, grasp the timing and effectiveness of policy adjustment and reform promotion, handle the relationship between new quality productivity and traditional productivity, and do not rush forward or neglect to abandon traditional industries. We should adjust measures to local conditions and selectively develop new quality productive forces suitable for our own "soil" and "climate" according to local resource endowments, industrial bases, scientific research conditions, etc., instead of blindly piling up. It is necessary to guide by category, closely follow the characteristics of the cultural field and local reality, implement precise policies, and do not adopt a one size fits all model. It is necessary to coordinate internal and external publicity, online and offline, business and industry, state-owned and private, and promote system integration, synergy and efficiency.

Guangdong Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Written by: Li Yihang)

Editor in charge: queen

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