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Enjoying health | Middle age is "eventful", and five kinds of training and four kinds of health care are indispensable

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-23 13:59

Original title: Happy Health | Middle age is "eventful", five kinds of training and four kinds of health care are indispensable

Worker's Daily - Ji Wei, reporter of China Industrial Network

"When you are middle-aged, you have to soak medlar in a thermos cup." This is a joke, but also a health reminder. Between 40 and 60 years old, people are troubled.

cervical spondylopathy

The most common middle-aged diseases, such as cervical spondylosis, intervertebral disc herniation, articular process hyperplasia or hypertrophy, are clinically manifested as neck and shoulder muscle soreness, upper limb radiation pain or mobility disorders, finger numbness, etc.

Cardio cerebrovascular disease

Middle aged people are a group of patients with high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The results showed that after 30 years old, the weight of myocardium increased at the rate of 1~1.5g per year, while the blood output decreased by about 1% per year on average. These factors directly become the cause of heart and brain diseases, leading to the occurrence of related diseases, showing the chain symptoms of palpitation, panic, angina, brain chaos, memory loss, dizziness, muscle weakness, limb fatigue, etc.


Stroke is one of the most common diseases in middle age. If a person often suffers from headache, dizziness, limb numbness, strong tongue, brain swelling, head weight and foot lightness, and usually suffers from hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, cerebral arteriosclerosis and other diseases, he should be more alert to the occurrence of stroke.


Climacteric syndrome, lumbar spondylosis, various tumors, etc. are also active in the middle age of people, which need to be paid attention to.

Before the age of 30, tumor disease is relatively rare; But after the age of 40, the probability will increase significantly. According to the cancer statistics of China in 2022, the number of cancer patients aged 40-65 accounts for "half" of the total number of cancer patients. Moreover, cancer is the biggest threat to the health of middle-aged people, ranking first for a long time. American research data show that breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer and other malignant tumors are the first cause of death for middle-aged people.

After the age of 40, five kinds of training cannot be omitted

A large number of studies have proved that the prevention and control of chronic diseases can extend life expectancy through sports activities, especially after the age of 40, the following five kinds of training are best to adhere to.

Aerobic exercise

To prevent heart disease, please try aerobic exercise 3~4 times a week.

The National Health and Nutrition Survey of the United States shows that less than 1% of American women aged 20-39 have coronary heart disease, but among people aged 40-59, this proportion has increased nearly five times, reaching 5.6%.

Aerobic exercise (including running, dynamic cycling, dancing, rowing and swimming) can promote the heart to pump blood more efficiently, thus keeping the heart healthy and strong. If you really want your heart to benefit from aerobic exercise, you need to exercise at 80% of the maximum heart rate for at least 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. For example, on the scale of 1 to 10 points, 1 means effortless, 10 means doing your best, and you should reach the level of 8.

High impact movement

To prevent osteoporosis, please try high impact exercise, 1-2 times a week.

According to the data from the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the United States, about half of women over 50 years old will fracture because of osteoporosis. Although calcium supplementation can keep the bone system strong, the latest research shows that high impact weight bearing exercise can also enhance bone strength. In the past, people thought that the impact of high impact activities would do more harm than good, but this was not the case. In terms of improving bone health, vigorous dancing, jumping, tennis and other sports have bone strengthening effects.

strength training

For arthritis resistance, please try strength training 2-3 times a week.

Strength training is one of the best ways to prevent joint pain, which has been proven to reduce arthritis related pain and prevent its onset. Strength training does not mean lifting iron in the gym. You can strengthen the strength of multiple joints and muscle groups by doing squats, hard pulls, and overhead lifts at home.


To fight depression, please try yoga once a week.

A study by Johns Hopkins University in the United States found that people between the ages of 45 and 64 are at an increased risk of depression. Although any form of exercise can help to avoid anxiety and depression, more and more studies show that yoga is particularly beneficial to reduce stress and regulate mood. Researchers from Boston University found that yoga practice increased the content of GABA (γ - aminobutyric acid) in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter for emotion regulation, and is usually lacking in depressed and anxious people.

Slab support

To resist back pain, please try to do 90 second flat support three times a week.

According to the statistics of the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Dermatology of the United States, most people experience back pain for the first time between 30 and 40 years old. With the growth of age, back pain becomes more and more common.

Strengthening your core muscles will keep you away from back pain. Plank support is a great training for strengthening core muscles. It can not only exercise abdominal muscles, but also challenge the muscles around the chest and spine. When these muscles become strong, they can tighten the entire upper abdomen, and finally support the lower back, away from pain. You can do it for 30 seconds, kneel down and rest for 10 seconds, and then repeat it twice. When your physical strength increases, try to keep going for 90 seconds.

Four key points of middle-aged health care

1. Feel comfortable. Everything is easy to think about, easy to let go, not disorderly, not surprised, not irritable, not angry, calm, contented, smiling;

2. Learn to relax. Take it easy when you are busy with work, relax when you are stressed, take a rest when you should sleep, and relax when you play;

3. Exercise moderately. Move early, move late, and move the workspace. The form of sports can reflect diversification and flexibility, or tight or loose, or fast or slow, running and boxing, twisting the buttocks and kicking the legs, regardless of the form, the key is to stick to it and achieve long-term results;

4. Reasonable diet. Life should be regular, diet should be comprehensive, and meat and vegetables should be properly matched.

In short, eat well, sleep well, work well, play well, and feel good. If you do all these things well, you can successfully pass the eventful middle age of life. (Comprehensive: People's Online Health, Family Traditional Chinese Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Focus on hunger before bed. Should we eat?

Before going to bed, we should not eat too much, but we do not advocate always going to bed hungry.

People who eat three meals and have regular work and rest should not have supper at night. However, some special groups, such as those who consume a lot of energy due to work and study in the evening, and those who suffer from nutrition absorption disorders and recurrent hypoglycemia, can eat moderately before going to bed.

It is recommended to choose light and digestible food before going to bed. The food intake should not only eliminate hunger, but also not cause abdominal pain, abdominal distension and other discomfort.

Focus on why cabbages are always used in the braised pork set meal?

Although braised pork is rich in protein, it has a particularly high fat content. Eating too much will not only make you feel greasy, but also bad for your health. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help human digestion and absorption, and achieve the goal of balanced diet. Therefore, cabbage is the perfect match for braised meat.

Worker's Daily Client Le Health Issue 381

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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