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The elderly were trapped underground, and the auxiliary police hung upside down for 4 times at 8m

Source: People's Public Security Daily
2024-05-23 13:50

Original title: 4 times of rescue for the elderly trapped underground by 8 meters of auxiliary police hanging upside down

People's Public Security Daily reporter Zhang Zhen Lei Wang Yafei Correspondent Meng Lingwei

"An old man fell into the well in Songjiawan Community of Shuangbei Village, please go to the well immediately to deal with it." At 17:27 on May 18, Banqiao Police Station of Fengyang County Public Security Bureau in Anhui Province received 110 instructions, and the assistant police on duty rushed to the scene quickly, and found that the old man fell into the well 8 meters deep. The old man grabbed the water pump rope with his hands, only his head was out of the water.

After careful observation, the rescuers found that the diameter of the wellhead was only 50 cm, which was impossible for ordinary people to enter. "Let me try", at this time, the thin assistant police Heng Zefeng volunteered to go down the well. Later, Heng Zefeng put on protective equipment and prepared to hang upside down into the well for rescue.

With the help of everyone, Heng Zefeng tried to go down the well three times, but failed to rescue because of the old man's clothes, body scraping and other reasons. After three times of running in the well, Heng Zefeng showed signs of hypoxia, but heard the old man's voice getting weaker and weaker. Heng Zefeng asked to run in the well again for rescue.

The fourth time he went down the well, Heng Zefeng took 5 minutes to reach the old man's position, tied his hands with his handkerchief and tied them to the rescue rope, then sent a signal to the rescue workers on the well, shouting, "I have tied him up, hurry up!" Through the joint efforts of the rescue workers, the old man who fell into the well was successfully pulled up and rushed to the hospital for treatment. The hospital found that Heng Zefeng had multiple scratches. Due to the timely rescue, the old man has no serious problems at present.

Editor in charge: Lu Yun

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