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Chengde held a teaching contest for young college teachers

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 13:50

On May 18, the final of the teaching competition for young college teachers in Chengde City, Hebei Province was held in Hebei Petroleum Vocational and Technical University. 35 young teachers from 6 colleges and universities in the city participated.

There are five special groups for arts, science, engineering, medicine and ideological and political courses in this competition. With the idea of "having a good course" as the competition concept, we pay attention to the investigation of young teachers' basic skills and practical application ability, which is scored by teaching design, classroom teaching and teaching reflection. The hundred point system is adopted for performance evaluation, and the final score is the sum of the scores of the three parts of the player. During the competition, the teachers fully demonstrated their teaching ability and professionalism through carefully prepared teaching design and vivid classroom performance. After a fierce final, the competition selected the first, second and third prizes of each group, "Special Contribution Award" and "Excellent Organization Award".

It is reported that the contestant who won the first place in the municipal final of each group in this competition will apply for the award of the title of "May Day Labor Medal of Chengde City" according to the procedure and participate in the provincial college young teachers' teaching competition on behalf of Chengde City; The top three players in each discipline of the municipal finals who meet the relevant conditions shall be declared to be awarded the title of "Advanced Individual in Chengde Labor and Skills Competition" according to the procedure; "Special Contribution Award" and "Excellent Organization Award" will be selected according to the competition organization of each university.

"This year is the year of skills and labor competition of Hebei Federation of Trade Unions. The teaching competition for young college teachers is an important event in the vocational skills competition of Chengde Federation of Trade Unions, and it is also an important carrier for the education system to promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, craftsmanship, and improve the professional quality and ability of teachers. Our goal is to select and train a large number of young teachers who are loyal to the Party's education cause, who are dedicated to pursuing educational ideas, skilled and hardworking, and train them into famous teachers and experts in teaching and scientific research by holding skill competitions. " Liu Zhongyun, a first level researcher of Chengde Federation of Trade Unions, said.

This competition is hosted by the Chengde Federation of Trade Unions, Chengde Education Bureau, and undertaken by Hebei Petroleum Vocational and Technical University. (Song Baojun, Lu Ying)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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