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The odd job post station helps "employment at home"

Source: Urumqi Evening News
2024-05-23 15:39

Original title: odd jobs post station helps "employment at home"

Urumqi Evening News (full media reporter Jia Mengyan) These two days, Yang Jianping, a citizen who had been doing odd jobs before, wanted to find a stable job. Unexpectedly, his wish was soon realized through the "odd job post" job fair set up by the community.

Previously, Yang Jianping, who lives in the entrepreneurial community of Kawan Street, Midong District, called "Evening News Media Financing · Help You Run" to inquire about the employment policy of Urumqi. Under the lead of the Urumqi Evening News, Yang Jianping contacted the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Midong District.

"Unexpectedly, a 'odd job post station' was set up at the door of my home, which surprised me," said Yang Jianping.

On May 22, Midong District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, together with Jiawan Street Entrepreneurship Community, held the unveiling ceremony of "odd job post" and held a special job fair, attracting many enterprises to set up recruitment sites.

Up to now, Midong District has built one "odd job market" and five "odd job stations".

"My children are young, so I want to find a job that is closer to home and convenient for taking care of children through the post office." Yang Jianping said that many enterprises are in line with her intention.

Yu Jianping, manager of Midong Marketing Service Department of Xinjiang Branch of Ping An Insurance Company of China, who participated in the recruitment, said: "The establishment of 'odd job post station' provides a new channel for enterprises to employ workers, which can better explore talents."

At the "odd job post station", job seekers will receive a series of thoughtful services such as post information release, vocational skills training, labor rights and interests protection provided by Midong District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

Tan Fangqiong, deputy director of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Midong District, said, "We will make every effort to build a 'odd job market' and 'odd job post' in Midong District, constantly improve service functions, actively connect enterprises and job seekers, make odd job employment more standardized and orderly, and effectively solve the 'last meter' problem of employment services."

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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