Zhonggong Entertainment

In 2024, Jingshan City, Hubei Province will hold a friendship activity for young workers

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-23 13:24

On May 20, the youth workers' friendship activity of "Gathering Good Romance and Building Dreams in Beijing Mountain", co sponsored by Jingmen Jingshan Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Communist Youth League Committee and the Municipal Women's Federation in Hubei, and organized by Shilong Town People's Government and Hubei Taizishan National Forest Park, opened in the Taizishan Ecological Tourism Zone in Beijing Mountain, More than 100 single young workers from all walks of life in the city went to an appointment in early summer.

At the event site, in order to let everyone break new acquaintance, interesting interactive games such as "Peach Blossoms" were set up, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax. Many young men and women took the initiative to add WeChat and talk with their favorite objects. Everyone said that the morning's activity was still unfinished, and they looked forward to further understanding and contact with their favorite partner. In the end, 10 pairs of young workers successfully expressed themselves and joined hands.

Since this year, the Jingshan Federation of Trade Unions in Hubei Province has given full play to its function of organizing, guiding and serving employees, successfully held two "reunion" union love and marriage activities, and provided more than 300 single employees with diversified, precise and personalized warm services. In the next step, the Federation of Trade Unions of the city will continue to hold friendship activities with new forms and active atmosphere, effectively solve the problems of young workers' anxiety and anxiety, and constantly enhance the sense of gain, security and happiness of workers. (Contributed by Hubei Jingshan Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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