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19 front-line workers were selected as "Craftsmen of Qinghai Plateau"

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-23 13:28

Original title: 19 front-line workers selected as "Craftsmen in Qinghai Plateau"

Worker's Daily - Xingshengxiang, reporter of China Industrial Network

The reporter learned from the Qinghai Provincial Federation of Trade Unions that 19 front-line workers such as Chai Juan of Zhongfu Shenying Carbon Fiber Xining Co., Ltd. were selected as "Qinghai Plateau Craftsmen" in the 2023 Qinghai "Kunlun Talents" Action Plan recently announced by the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee's Talent Work Leading Group.

In the 2023 "Kunlun Talents · Technical Skilled Talents" project led by the Qinghai Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the recommendation and selection of "Qinghai Plateau Craftsmen" is a major strategic deployment based on Qinghai to build an ecological civilization highland and build "four cities" of industries, focusing on the important achievements of candidates in technological innovation, invention and creation, intelligent manufacturing, knowledge popularization, skill teaching, etc, It is widely carried out on the basis of two reviews by grassroots and provincial experts, taking into account the conditions such as the candidate's industry, performance contribution, and reputation base.

The 19 "Qinghai Plateau Craftsmen" selected this year are highly skilled talents engaged in production, technology, R&D and other work on front-line posts of production and service in Qinghai enterprises and institutions. They are good at solving "difficult problems", dare to overcome difficulties, use personal skills and skills to lead the team to solve practical problems, and are enthusiastic to teach apprentices. They have leading technical skills Unique operation process and method, outstanding representative of front-line skilled workers who have outstanding innovation performance in a certain production or technical work field and are widely recognized in the industry.

It is reported that the selected "Qinghai Plateau Craftsman" will receive a reward of 20000 yuan per person, and will be recommended as the National May Day Labor Medal, Qinghai Province Model Worker, Qinghai Province Scientific and Technological Achievements Selection Object, as well as various national advanced model candidates, and will give priority to participate in domestic and foreign skills exchange, skills training, model worker rehabilitation and other activities, Support the establishment of provincial skill master studios in personal names, and give priority to the application of national skill master studio construction projects.

At the same time, the candidates of "Qinghai Plateau Craftsmen" will be included in the category of contact experts of the Party Committee, and the system of fixed-point contact, regular forum, visit and condolence will be implemented to further enhance the professional sense of honor and pride of technical talents, and create a good atmosphere of respect for labor, knowledge, talents, and creativity.

In recent years, the Qinghai Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has selected technical elites who have craft expertise, master superb skills, reflect the leading role, and make outstanding contributions as the candidates for the "Qinghai Plateau Craftsman" talent project, focusing on the front-line workers in advanced manufacturing, modern service industries, and strategic new industries. Up to now, there have been 73 highly skilled talents in all walks of life in Qinghai selected as "Craftsmen in Qinghai Plateau", and a large number of knowledge-based, skilled and innovative highly skilled talents have been cultivated to promote the development of new quality productivity.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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