Zhonggong Entertainment

Don't regard the pilot project as a "performance step"

Source: hubei daily
2024-05-23 11:11

Original title: Don't treat the pilot project as a "performance step"

Recently, a leader of a department pointed out at the monthly shift handover meeting that "at present, all units actively undertake the pilot task, constantly explore and practice, and form a batch of valuable experience and practices... Some pilot experience and practices are not very popularized, and all units should pay more attention to mining and summarizing those experience and practices that have vitality, can be copied, and others can use them, and specific and practical experience and practices. ”This remark resonated with the participants. (PLA Daily, May 22)

The pilot work is a "outpost" of reform and a "test field" of innovation, from which we can find a breakthrough to better promote the work and promote the development of productivity. The pilot project is a new way, which has neither clear signposts nor past experience, and focuses on exploring methods, finding problems and deficiencies. However, in some places, some cadres took the pilot as a shortcut, not paying attention to the normal conditions, but concentrating resources on the pilot, trying to summarize the successful experience, so as to obtain the approval of the higher authorities. However, the pilot project, which was built by piling up resources and concentrating efforts, was separated from the basic environmental conditions, did not conform to the conventional reality, and was not generalizable. The pilot project was meaningless and valuable.

To implement new policies or solve difficulties in work, pilots are usually carried out first. Through small-scale pilot projects, we can test the adaptability of policies, find problems and shortcomings, summarize experiences and lessons, and find ways to improve rules and policies and break down barriers to development. The pilot areas or cadres should not concentrate resources to "build bonsai" and spend money to "create highlights". To undertake the pilot work is to be a pioneer, with the focus on "knowing at a try", rather than being divorced from reality. If we make the pilot achievements, it will inevitably be mixed with utilitarian psychology, and the "experimental field" will become a vanity market. How can we concentrate on the pilot, find problems and summarize experience objectively? In this way, the pilot work lost its fundamental significance and could not produce scientific results, let alone learn from, copy and promote.

Some policies have been reported in the pilot, but once they are promoted and replicated, many problems are found, leading to an emergency stop of promotion and replication. Therefore, we should stick to the key point of the pilot results. We should not only carry out the pilot objectively, but also analyze the success and failure scientifically, treat the gains and losses dialectically, and summarize the practical experience. The results of the pilot should not only be reported, or seen in the bonsai, or follow the predetermined route. We should go deep into the grassroots to see the truth, go deep into the masses to listen to the voice of the people, and strive to master first-hand materials, so that the brilliant pilot can take shape, and the utilitarian results show signs.

In conducting pilot projects, we should abandon the mentality of being brilliant, focus on trial, focus on reality, and explore and discover the "new continent". Only pay attention to how to excel, how to win the satisfaction of the superior, sooner or later will reveal the trick. It is also commendable to cherish the opportunity of the pilot, pour responsibility into the point, apply the spirit of hard work to the point, do a solid pilot under normal conditions, objectively analyze the reasons for success or failure, find problems through the pilot, and avoid more and greater losses. Only by recognizing the significance of the pilot and being pragmatic as a pilot can we comprehensively promote the implementation from "point" to "area". Jiang Zhuxuan

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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